These are the four books of mine that got published so far by the wonderful people over at Dæmonic Dreams, with two more coming up in the near future. If you are a beginner looking to start performing magical operations using techniques that are considered to be High Magick, look no further!
These four books offer you simple and to the point instructions for performing a variety of operations that will turn you into an experienced practitioner in no time, should you stick to your practice. Not only will you benefit from guidance all solo practitioners out there would highly benefit from, but you will also access to more than a few practical operations that will allow you to enrich all areas of your life.
The upcoming two books will be the icing on the cake, so to speak, as they will take you through advanced lodge magick techniques and offer you more than enough astrological data, allowing you to level-up your game big time!
Merry New Decade to come!
Hate on, dum-dums!
The Great Gazoo
Friday, December 27, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
For whom it may concern
My beloved goddess Lilith is sending people to me at a faster pace lately. Each and every one of them has his or her specific problems, based on their overall life experiences so far. Each and every one of them has been lead towards coming across me, one way or the other, and slowly but surely they're finding their way to my inbox.
By now I am experienced enough to realize most of these people have little idea what is happening, and what they really want, but somehow something deep inside of them is driving them forward. Must be their Higher Self guiding them towards their path, and they eventually come across me on the side of the road, hitchhiking for a ride. Or maybe it is I who is encountering them on the side of the road as I'm going on my path. Better still, it's both!
Friday, December 20, 2019
Mars in Capricorn
This is one of the most intimidating Mars signs in the Zodiac. Mars powered by Capricorn has a quiet strength that you sense, and know not to mess with. The will of Mars is strong, this being a cardinal sign (...) Mars Capricorn acts strategically (...) You can take the attitude that the "ends justify the means," which
can lead down the path of ruthlessness. You aim for mastery in your
chosen field and keep your eyes on the highest prize (...) and take the stance that
everyone should raise themselves up. You're more lightly to show a man
how to fish than unload a shipment of fish to their doorstep (...) You are even-handed, thorough and persistent (...) You have the ability to envision a realistic end result and work tirelessly to achieve it - from some astrology site.
This is but a short description of my natal Mars placement. For people who are not familiar with astrology, Mars is exalted in Capricorn, meaning the red planet's energies are very strong in that sign. My Mars is even stronger because it is in its own terms!
As someone who has watched a lot of military documentaries while growing up, I view my Mars in Capricorn as being a general leading from the front, shouting orders while under fire and coming up with tactical maneuvers as the battle is unfolding. The general has already planned his strategy before the battle, and due to my Mars being sextile my Jupiter in Pisces and my Ascendant in Scorpio, he also benefits from great imagination wickedness. He can easily imagine and materialize new strategies, adapt the tactics accordingly, and he will not back down from using covert operations if the situation requires it. For those of you who don't know the difference between strategy and tactics, strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim, while tactics is the breaking down of the plan into small scale deployments and maneuvers.
This is but a short description of my natal Mars placement. For people who are not familiar with astrology, Mars is exalted in Capricorn, meaning the red planet's energies are very strong in that sign. My Mars is even stronger because it is in its own terms!
As someone who has watched a lot of military documentaries while growing up, I view my Mars in Capricorn as being a general leading from the front, shouting orders while under fire and coming up with tactical maneuvers as the battle is unfolding. The general has already planned his strategy before the battle, and due to my Mars being sextile my Jupiter in Pisces and my Ascendant in Scorpio, he also benefits from great imagination wickedness. He can easily imagine and materialize new strategies, adapt the tactics accordingly, and he will not back down from using covert operations if the situation requires it. For those of you who don't know the difference between strategy and tactics, strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim, while tactics is the breaking down of the plan into small scale deployments and maneuvers.
I received these messages in two conservative days following my previous blog article in which I publicly stated I had failed in helping someone with my magick. The person who sent me the email is one of my readers, a person whom I've started collaborating some time ago and who has shown more than enough support for me so far. And I can't thank him enough for that! I'm happy to know my work is helping him and I think by now he's aware he only needs to text me and I'm there for him asap.
The person who sent me the message on the right is one of the recent members of the very small, yet select club that are my readers. He was extremely receptive to my approach to magick and has done a magnificent work in performing rituals so far, both for himself, as well as for others. I know you meant well, you ol' bugger, and I highly appreciate your message! It's just that I don't want to be some guy who's selling people false hopes, but someone who provides precisely the help someone else needs at exactly the right time. Don't take me wrong, I love your message, and I know you meant well.
Thank you both for popping up unexpectedly with these messages, at a time when I was pissed off because of my recent failure. Much love to you both!
Hate on, dum-dums!
The Great Gazoo
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Can't win'em all
I have just received news from a client about the outcome of my recent working on their behalf.
I failed!
Just like that.
The details behind the issue I had addressed magically don't matter because I'm not looking for excuses. What matters is that my workings did not provide the desired outcome for the client. And it pisses me off!
I always say no spell out there is 100% bound to succeed and I don't care who says otherwise. But it always sucks when failure occurs. Even Caesar suffered a humiliating defeat at Gergovia...
Anyway, onwards!
Hate on, dum-dums!
The Great Gazoo
Saturday, December 14, 2019
On fire!
I received this message from a person for whom I had done a ritual in February of this year. I think the forces of Saturn have generated enough problems for the target, resulting in her having to leave her workplace.
The Great Gazoo has made another person happy!
Hate on, dum-dums!
The Great Gazoo has made another person happy!
Hate on, dum-dums!
Thursday, December 12, 2019
The Great Gazoo
There's a rap song in which Method Man is being referred to by his many aliases: Johnny Blaze, Iron Lung, etc.
Today one of my haters grew a tiny amount of balls and decided to troll one of my ads in an occult forum separate from the social media platform I'm usually using. They've made an account on that forum several days ago just to troll my ad. They've got not other post or comment on that forum. I will not be adding their full comment here, but they mentioned a couple of my aliases, to which they've added The Great Gazoo. Therefore...
Henceforth I shall be known as... The Great Gazoo!
I know you're currently reading through my blog, dum-dum, and I know you're either from the US or the UK.
Hate on!
PS: Ecce faciem, mothafuckas!
Today one of my haters grew a tiny amount of balls and decided to troll one of my ads in an occult forum separate from the social media platform I'm usually using. They've made an account on that forum several days ago just to troll my ad. They've got not other post or comment on that forum. I will not be adding their full comment here, but they mentioned a couple of my aliases, to which they've added The Great Gazoo. Therefore...
Henceforth I shall be known as... The Great Gazoo!
I know you're currently reading through my blog, dum-dum, and I know you're either from the US or the UK.
Hate on!
PS: Ecce faciem, mothafuckas!
Saturday, December 7, 2019
More feedback from clients
This message just came in from one of my clients. I want to thank the great goddess Hecate for making this possible!!! She now has her own label in this blog.
Friday, November 29, 2019
New book is now available
The wonderful people at Dæmonic Dreams have published another book by yours truly. You can find it *HERE*.
This book will help occult enthusiasts explore the astral realm and it also teaches folks how to perform spells and rituals in the astral. On top of this, you're going to learn how to make your own astral temple.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Magical class: making and consecrating talismans
I dropped my simple course on talismans *HERE*. It should provide any occult practitioner with helpful information for making and consecrating talismans using elemental, planetary, and zodiacal forces. Check it out!
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Message from a reader
Every now and then my readers feel like showing their appreciation for me, and I cannot thank them enough! <3
Then there's my women readers, among whom there's a few... how should I put this... out of this world ones! Here's a message I just received from one of them. The exotic beauty, to be more exact :D
Lvu back, babycakes!!!
Keep on keeping on!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Client feedback
I just received this email from a girl who sought my help a couple of months ago. I will not go into any details regarding her father's condition, but I will say it was something severe. The approach to the situation combined stuff from my books Mundane Body Magick and Magick Pills for Hard Transits.
Apparently all is okay now, but the person requires further observation from his daughter, along with small doses of magical intervetion now and then. She knows what to do, and she can always ask me for additional info.
Way to go, dad! Way to go, dad's girl!
Apparently all is okay now, but the person requires further observation from his daughter, along with small doses of magical intervetion now and then. She knows what to do, and she can always ask me for additional info.
Way to go, dad! Way to go, dad's girl!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Review from a client
Today I woke up to find this post from someone who sought my magical services. It seems the magick I have done for them a few weeks ago is working and they wanted to make it public. I feel honored by that! Much love to you! You know who you are ;)

Friday, November 1, 2019
Magical class: spirit conjuring
I've added my crash course of spirit conjuring on Gumroad. You will find it *HERE*.
The course will get you to get to conjure spirits within 37 days of simple daily practice sessions, structured on 3 levels: beginning, getting accustomed to the forces, conjuring spirits of those forces.
After the 37 days you will get to conjure elemental, planetary, and zodiacal spirits, as well as the 72 spirits of the Goetia. You will do so in a simple and safe fashion, with little setup, tools, and regalia.
The course will get you to get to conjure spirits within 37 days of simple daily practice sessions, structured on 3 levels: beginning, getting accustomed to the forces, conjuring spirits of those forces.
After the 37 days you will get to conjure elemental, planetary, and zodiacal spirits, as well as the 72 spirits of the Goetia. You will do so in a simple and safe fashion, with little setup, tools, and regalia.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
New title coming up!
The wonderful people at Dæmonic Dreams are about to publish another title by yours truly. The book should be available in a few days, so keep an eye on their website *HERE*!
Friday, October 11, 2019
It's been a long and arduous road so far. I need to pull over and rest. This means I'm pausing all my activities for a while. Will get back on track shortly.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
As I logged into fb today for a brief overlook on things, I was pleasantly surprised to find this post of someone who recently added me as a friend. I feel honored for being able to help people I just came to know, even briefly, especially since they mention my name next to those of people with a long history in the business. There's not much I can say on this, except that I want to thank the man for his wonderful gesture!
Thou art loved!
Thou art loved!
On fire
Yours truly finished another book today and sent it to the publisher. I have good hopes it will hit the internet by the end of the year. There's still another two waiting to be published, making this my sixth title since I started writing for Dæmonic Dreams back in March.
Keep an eye on their website *HERE* and while you're at it, maybe you can get at least one of the three books of mine they've published so far. No time for R&R for me though, since there's still much to do!
#TheOccultPimp rocking on!
Keep an eye on their website *HERE* and while you're at it, maybe you can get at least one of the three books of mine they've published so far. No time for R&R for me though, since there's still much to do!
#TheOccultPimp rocking on!
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Another success!
I received this message from another reader of mine who's done some workings on her using my method. It looks like things are starting to manifest more and more in terms of success stories. Yay!
I also want to thank her for doing the work and offering feedback. Thou art loved!
Keep on keeping on!
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Feedback from a reader
One of my readers sent me a message a few days ago which consisted of feedback on the rituals she had performed on herself. She had bought my book The Magick of Astrorelationships some time ago and started to use it on herself. She was very determined to do the work from the start and reported back to me on what rituals she did on a regular basis.
She is a very brave person, and just like me, started dealing with things head on, despite having the option to take a more safe route. She kept a brave face all the way despite the difficulties she had experienced. She is not done yet, but by the looks of things she's more than halfway though, and I think the worst is gone. I am so very proud of her! Love ya dude! You know who you are ;)
Here's part of her latest message to me:
Not only that, but she started seeing changes in her home environment too. Shortly after she sent me this message she sent me another one telling me her mother suddenly came up with too tickets to a show they both enjoy. This seemed awkward at first, since her she's always had issues with her mother and vice versa. But then again, she did started dealing with things that relate to home and family life, so she concluded that things started to work in that area too.
She is a very brave person, and just like me, started dealing with things head on, despite having the option to take a more safe route. She kept a brave face all the way despite the difficulties she had experienced. She is not done yet, but by the looks of things she's more than halfway though, and I think the worst is gone. I am so very proud of her! Love ya dude! You know who you are ;)
Here's part of her latest message to me:
Not only that, but she started seeing changes in her home environment too. Shortly after she sent me this message she sent me another one telling me her mother suddenly came up with too tickets to a show they both enjoy. This seemed awkward at first, since her she's always had issues with her mother and vice versa. But then again, she did started dealing with things that relate to home and family life, so she concluded that things started to work in that area too.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
My method strikes again!
And this time it's another success with a physical issue. I've used it in someone who has had physical issues with their left leg ever since childhood and doctors intervened only to make things worse.
Long story short, the treatment caused multiple problems for the person in the long run, and they ended up suffering from back issues on top of that, because the treatment altered their way of walking and their general posture. They also suffered from intense pain that increased over the day and which demanded for constant massaging of the affdected area.
Long story short, the treatment caused multiple problems for the person in the long run, and they ended up suffering from back issues on top of that, because the treatment altered their way of walking and their general posture. They also suffered from intense pain that increased over the day and which demanded for constant massaging of the affdected area.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
An old Romanian proverb goes:
God gives you, but he doesn't place it in your bag - literal translation.
In other words, God listens to your prayers and reaches out to you, but you've got to play your part, reach out for his hand and take whatever it is he's offering what you had prayed for. I found the same thing applies in magick, as you've got to take mundane steps to help the outcome of certain rituals manifest better. If you cast spells for a new job you've got to send out resumes, then go to all the interviews you end up being caleldbto and try to do your best during each one. If you cast for more money and an opportunity arises in the form of a second job or an errand, you should take it.
Same goes for the stuff in my books. There are a few who got at least one of them. I know for a fact at least one of them was literally praying for help before buying one. But I'm quite sure they did not use it for dealing with their issues... Your prayers have been answered, you only have to play your part now!
I cannot help anyone who does not want to be helped and I respect their free will not to intervene and try forcing them to do something. Alas, moving on...
In other words, God listens to your prayers and reaches out to you, but you've got to play your part, reach out for his hand and take whatever it is he's offering what you had prayed for. I found the same thing applies in magick, as you've got to take mundane steps to help the outcome of certain rituals manifest better. If you cast spells for a new job you've got to send out resumes, then go to all the interviews you end up being caleldbto and try to do your best during each one. If you cast for more money and an opportunity arises in the form of a second job or an errand, you should take it.
Same goes for the stuff in my books. There are a few who got at least one of them. I know for a fact at least one of them was literally praying for help before buying one. But I'm quite sure they did not use it for dealing with their issues... Your prayers have been answered, you only have to play your part now!
I cannot help anyone who does not want to be helped and I respect their free will not to intervene and try forcing them to do something. Alas, moving on...
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Busy bee
No sooner have I finished writing one of the two books I was working on in parallel, that my publisher threw another title at me. In the mean time I wrote some more on the other one, my personal project, and managed to go about two thirds of the way with it. Now that I have another title to work on, I guess I will have to focus on the latter more, and leave my personal project germinate for longer. Not only that, but going #MagicalConsulting for #TheOccultBitch has filled my already busy schedule even more.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Impromptu Michael ritual
My readers are the smartest people in the whole world!!!
One of my readers was going through some hard times last week. Because of events I will keep to myself she had to relocate, and while doing so, she had to spend the night at a hotel. She decided to do some magick in order to help her get back on her feet after those events that had left her feeling sad, disappointed, and pretty much down. She only started conjuring angels a few weeks ago, and although she has little experience in that area, she went ahead and decided to call on Michael for assistance. I might be wrong, but I think it was the first time she was calling on him, and even so, she went ahead and did it.
All of her magical tools, fetishes, and implements were packed away in her car, and it would've been cumbersome for her to dig them out. She was also feeling tired and she did not have the stamina for conducting a complex ritual. She managed to pull out a white and a yellow candle, then got some orange juice from a nearby gas station and bought a lighter from there as well - she ended up buying the lighter even though she had another one in her room, and later on she noticed it was covered in a print depicting lemons and oranges, fruit corresponding to the Sun.
One of my readers was going through some hard times last week. Because of events I will keep to myself she had to relocate, and while doing so, she had to spend the night at a hotel. She decided to do some magick in order to help her get back on her feet after those events that had left her feeling sad, disappointed, and pretty much down. She only started conjuring angels a few weeks ago, and although she has little experience in that area, she went ahead and decided to call on Michael for assistance. I might be wrong, but I think it was the first time she was calling on him, and even so, she went ahead and did it.
All of her magical tools, fetishes, and implements were packed away in her car, and it would've been cumbersome for her to dig them out. She was also feeling tired and she did not have the stamina for conducting a complex ritual. She managed to pull out a white and a yellow candle, then got some orange juice from a nearby gas station and bought a lighter from there as well - she ended up buying the lighter even though she had another one in her room, and later on she noticed it was covered in a print depicting lemons and oranges, fruit corresponding to the Sun.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
By popular demand
Someone made a comment in one of my articles on this blog asking for "some pictures of the pages of your book, so people can read what sort of thing you're presenting". There is one such picture attached to the blog and you can find it by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
But if people are asking for more, so be it! Without further ado, here's some passages from Magick Pills for Hard Transits:
But if people are asking for more, so be it! Without further ado, here's some passages from Magick Pills for Hard Transits:
terms of using magick to counteract possible the turbulence produced
by a transiting planet, I have found that the simplest way to do it
is by giving offerings to that force. This is also a good way to act
for preventing the possible adverse energies a planetary retrograde
can manifest unto people. I for one try giving the offering in the
exact moment the planet stations retrograde, but this method is not
always feasible, since a lot of times a planet will station
retrograde when I am asleep, at work, or undertaking various tasks.
This is highly likely to happen, so therefore I often resort to
giving an offering in the closest hour of that planet, prior to or
following its retrograde station. Upon giving the offering I ask the
forces to spare me (and those close to me) from the possible bad
influences that retrograde can manifest, for the entire duration the
planet appears to be traveling in reverse. A ritual for calling on
the forces of a certain planet concerning that planet’s apparent
retrograde motion can also be in order, and those forces are to be
instructed to protect the person from the possible adverse effects of
that planet’s retrograde. In such case I recommend one should
perform this kind of ritual prior to that planet’s retrograde
And further on:
have had great success in curing myself of problems involving alcohol
using offerings to Neptune in 2017, when the planet kept aspecting my
natal Sun with an exact square through a series of retrograde a
direct motions. Another success I have had with offerings happened in
the day I am writing these words. Some six weeks ago Mercury was
transiting Virgo and it made an exact square with my natal Sun. In
the day after the aspect was exact I went to pay the electric bill.
In my country we have some sort of ATM-like machines which one can
use for paying various utility bills. After the payment was made the
machine didn’t emit any receipt as it is usually the case, probably
because it had ran out of paper on which to print it. I called the
electric company shortly afterwards to see if the payment was made
and they said it would take some forty eight hours for the money to
be transferred to them. I called again a few days later and the money
still had not reached them. I had no choice but to pay that bill
again, thinking that the machine was damaged and the initial payment
was lost in the system. Having not received any receipt from the
machine, I was unable to make any complaint.
so, I made an offering to Mercury asking its forces to help me out
with this issue or at least prevent such things from happening to me
in the future. I received the next electric bill which did not
contain any evidence of two previous payments being made, but only
one. I thought that my initial payment was lost for sure and I came
to terms with it. This morning I picked up the latest bill from my
mail box, and to my surprise it was of negative balance, so now I
don’t have to worry about paying the electric bill for another
month. I guess that my request to Mercury was heard and its spirits
began meddling with the ones and zeros of the that particular system
until they made it so that my money got through to the source as an
extra payment to my bills."
This will have to do for now.
Stay safe!
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
All work and no play makes Scaraoschi...
...the same!
One of the two books I've been writing in parallel is done and I sent it to the publisher. The other one will be published independently by me, as it focuses on explaining my method, and it's the extension to my first three independently published books. Alas, this one is stalling... First of all it's because it's full of stuff that is highly personal because yours truly is given as a case study, and second of all it's because the business has taken off big time and it's capturing most of my attention.
If you're unaware of it yet, check out #TheOccultBitch on facebook! You've got plenty of unique items to choose from with more one the way!!!
PS: someone asked for photos of pages from my books and I haven't forgotten that - will do asap.
One of the two books I've been writing in parallel is done and I sent it to the publisher. The other one will be published independently by me, as it focuses on explaining my method, and it's the extension to my first three independently published books. Alas, this one is stalling... First of all it's because it's full of stuff that is highly personal because yours truly is given as a case study, and second of all it's because the business has taken off big time and it's capturing most of my attention.
If you're unaware of it yet, check out #TheOccultBitch on facebook! You've got plenty of unique items to choose from with more one the way!!!
PS: someone asked for photos of pages from my books and I haven't forgotten that - will do asap.
Sunday, August 4, 2019
No rest for the wicked
For the past few weeks I've been pushing myself on many fronts, both in my mundane environment, as well as in the area of magix and the occult. Been writing two new books in parallel, one of which is close to being done. The other one will take some more time because it is highly personal and I have to write it as close to perfection as possible. It's not that I'm not doing my best on writing the other one as well, but that's focuses on teachings and techniques, and not on spilling parts of my soul into the pages. But more on that when I drop it. Both books will be announced here, of course.
Not only that, but I'm working on something major with my associate. Can't say what it is just now, but it will BLOW YOUR MINDS! So stay tuned and keep an eye on my blog for the Big announcement!
Any day now...
Not only that, but I'm working on something major with my associate. Can't say what it is just now, but it will BLOW YOUR MINDS! So stay tuned and keep an eye on my blog for the Big announcement!
Any day now...
Saturday, July 27, 2019
My books Mundane Body Magick and The Magick of Astrorelationships got a 5* review each from two readers who benefited from my special pdf offer. Love you guys!
It seems they benefited from the books as well, hence the reviews. These babies are making themselves known little by little. Remember though, they will end up in the possession of only the right people!
So mote it be!
PS: up yours, hater!
PS: up yours, hater!
Thursday, July 25, 2019
My book The Magick of Astrorelationships strikes again!
One of my newest readers bought it recently and started using on herself. She noticed the chages produced by my method started to unfold the day after the ritual. She still has a couple more rituals to perform in that direction, but she's on the right track.
And contrary to what the hater commented in that review, she's a beginner, with little to no experience in conjuring angels. So, up yours, hater! You haven't even read it!
One of my newest readers bought it recently and started using on herself. She noticed the chages produced by my method started to unfold the day after the ritual. She still has a couple more rituals to perform in that direction, but she's on the right track.
And contrary to what the hater commented in that review, she's a beginner, with little to no experience in conjuring angels. So, up yours, hater! You haven't even read it!
Friday, July 19, 2019
Behind the iron courtain
I've hated facebook even before I made someone else's profile my own. I kept hating it more and more to this day.
Suckerberg's site just blocked any sharing of this blog because it apparently stands against their community standards. Make that communist standards, because being on facebook seems more like living behind the iron courtain. I would have to make a special page on which to promote my stuff. I'm not going to do that because it's against my nature to start begging people for anything, let alone stupid likes!
So up your mothers' asses, Suckerberg and your gang of retarded wankers! May you slowly boil in cauldrons full of piss while seeing your children's insides being eaten by worms starting from their sphincters, while they're still alive!!! And if someone's responsible for reporting this to facebook, may they and their whole family suffer an ever worse fate, to the seventh generation! So mote it be!
Suckerberg's site just blocked any sharing of this blog because it apparently stands against their community standards. Make that communist standards, because being on facebook seems more like living behind the iron courtain. I would have to make a special page on which to promote my stuff. I'm not going to do that because it's against my nature to start begging people for anything, let alone stupid likes!
So up your mothers' asses, Suckerberg and your gang of retarded wankers! May you slowly boil in cauldrons full of piss while seeing your children's insides being eaten by worms starting from their sphincters, while they're still alive!!! And if someone's responsible for reporting this to facebook, may they and their whole family suffer an ever worse fate, to the seventh generation! So mote it be!
Monday, July 15, 2019
Magick for Everyone, everyone!!!
Guide for beginners in the magical arts, containing valuable recommendations and tips most people usually have nowhere to find. This book is based on the experiences of yours truly, as well as the helpful information I have come across and received from experienced magicians so far.
Available now only at my publisher *HERE*!
Friday, July 12, 2019
Witchy Witch's tarot
It is with great pleasure that I add Jill's website to my blog. It already featured on the sidebar to the right, but as of now it has its own thread too.
She is incredibly skilled at tarot and extremely gifted when it comes to making us of her incredible intuition in readings. You can access her site *HERE*. Don't shy away from seeking her services. You won't regret it, especially at those prices!
*HERE* is her facebook page.
She is incredibly skilled at tarot and extremely gifted when it comes to making us of her incredible intuition in readings. You can access her site *HERE*. Don't shy away from seeking her services. You won't regret it, especially at those prices!
*HERE* is her facebook page.
The Occult Bitch
As of today I will post specific threads covering small businesses of a fortean nature.
This thread is about Nicole Jasmine aka The Occult Bitch. You can check out her website *HERE* and see what she has to offer. While you're at it, you can also check out her facebook page *HERE*.
Big up for her!
You'll also find her site on the sidebar to the right.
This thread is about Nicole Jasmine aka The Occult Bitch. You can check out her website *HERE* and see what she has to offer. While you're at it, you can also check out her facebook page *HERE*.
Big up for her!
You'll also find her site on the sidebar to the right.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
My publisher is about to drop my Magick for Everyone!!!
It covers alot of helpful information for people who know next to nothing about occult magick. Most of this information is overlooked by many, and I have yet to find an author who addresses it, leaving occult forums to be filled with noob questions on these apparent dull topics.
The tips presented in the book are based on my personal experience in this field so far, as well as from other, more experienced people than me. Besides that, the book also offers a few simple spells to help beginners get started and some easy techniques of energy work that can be applied for a number of goals.
If you're a noob, don't miss it!
Monday, July 1, 2019
Not for everyone
Ever since I made my books public many people have promised to buy at least one of them, and said they are going to do so right away. Those promises came and went, becoming mere wasted energy in the form of words emitted by someone who probably felt like telling me that was the right thing to do in order to maintain a connection with me for purposes that elude me. I care not about those purposes, at any rate.
If it's one thing that I have learned about my material is that it will make itself available to the world at large, but only those who are meant to get it will do so, and only those who are meant to follow it will do so. This is the first thing Lilith had told me back when she pushed me into writing my first book, and it is as real today as it was a couple of years ago when she said it to me.
Therefore, I would recommend that people use their energy for something more useful for them, instead of likes to my posts about my material and promises.
If it's one thing that I have learned about my material is that it will make itself available to the world at large, but only those who are meant to get it will do so, and only those who are meant to follow it will do so. This is the first thing Lilith had told me back when she pushed me into writing my first book, and it is as real today as it was a couple of years ago when she said it to me.
Therefore, I would recommend that people use their energy for something more useful for them, instead of likes to my posts about my material and promises.
Saturday, June 22, 2019
She strikes again!
Yesterday I felt like offering one of my readers a bonus for buying two of my books, namely The Magick of Astrorelationships (Kindle) and Mundane Body Magick (Kindle and Paperback). The bonus consisted in my booklet Magick Pills for Hard Transits (Kindle and Paperback).
This feeling happened out of the blue, as it came to me he might be in need of the extra information and details from the booklet, which increases the options I have presented in my first two books by adding more precise means of dealing with the issues I am addressing in them.
The response I got from him was amazing and he said it was a perfect synchronicity. He seems to be experiencing some hardship and he asked Lilith for help. The next day he received the booklet from me and he thought that was her answer to his request. I think it could very well be, because the feeling I felt that determined me to send it to him was familiar, and I usually get those feelings whenever some psychic connection is activated with someone with whom I share a relationship with Lilith. So I'm pretty sure something inside the booklet will help him determine the cause of the hardship he's experiencing at the moment, as well as means to deal with it.
It looks like the Goddess has worked her magick yet again, and I am eagerly awaiting for good news from my reader.
Blessings to you both! <3
This feeling happened out of the blue, as it came to me he might be in need of the extra information and details from the booklet, which increases the options I have presented in my first two books by adding more precise means of dealing with the issues I am addressing in them.
The response I got from him was amazing and he said it was a perfect synchronicity. He seems to be experiencing some hardship and he asked Lilith for help. The next day he received the booklet from me and he thought that was her answer to his request. I think it could very well be, because the feeling I felt that determined me to send it to him was familiar, and I usually get those feelings whenever some psychic connection is activated with someone with whom I share a relationship with Lilith. So I'm pretty sure something inside the booklet will help him determine the cause of the hardship he's experiencing at the moment, as well as means to deal with it.
It looks like the Goddess has worked her magick yet again, and I am eagerly awaiting for good news from my reader.
Blessings to you both! <3
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Whaddya know
A short while ago one of my readers told me that he also hates to read! He said he found my books very easy to read though, straight-forward, and a breath of fresh air.
I write my books precisely in that fashion because I hate reading too and I'm mostly expecting bullet points from long texts. I'm also writing in a way as if I were talking to the reader over a drink or a joint, because I think this informal style makes the book more easier to be read and understood. Especially by beginners! Directly addressing the reader in a friendly manner makes them more susceptible to continue reading in my opinion, and possibly even make them feel as if they are being considered an equal by the author rather than some silly noob that should stay in line, pay attention, and follow the text to the letter.
Thank you for your feedback!
I write my books precisely in that fashion because I hate reading too and I'm mostly expecting bullet points from long texts. I'm also writing in a way as if I were talking to the reader over a drink or a joint, because I think this informal style makes the book more easier to be read and understood. Especially by beginners! Directly addressing the reader in a friendly manner makes them more susceptible to continue reading in my opinion, and possibly even make them feel as if they are being considered an equal by the author rather than some silly noob that should stay in line, pay attention, and follow the text to the letter.
Thank you for your feedback!
Saturday, May 25, 2019
It never ceases to almost amaze me how hardcore magicians end up experiencing shit storms in their lives on a microcosmical or macrocosmical level, or both. With all their paraphernalia, tools, fetishes, knowledge, practical experience, time, can-do attitude, and so forth, they are not spared from hard times, even though they really know how to do magick. I am not referring to something like the death of a loved one, even though such a thing can be at least predicted in advance if one knows how to do it, but to something way more simple, in the form of a personal emotional crisis.
To my mind this happens because they are too stuck in their narrow perspective and keep manifesting their by-the-book attitude, that they cannot see the forest from the trees. I am in no way a well read individual, but I have an extensive collection of pdf books, most of which were offered to me in time by people who found my answers to their questions to be very helpful. Every now and then I take a look through those files, even though I hate to read, especially late at night when I can't sleep. I don't have to read much to figure out I already know what's in there because I came across it somewhere else. Many books on magick out there, especially the self-initiation ones, offer pretty much the same things to their readers, though in slightly different forms so it would not appear as if one author is copy-pasting another: Mercury is for healing, Saturn is for cursing, meditation is important, bla bla...
To my mind this happens because they are too stuck in their narrow perspective and keep manifesting their by-the-book attitude, that they cannot see the forest from the trees. I am in no way a well read individual, but I have an extensive collection of pdf books, most of which were offered to me in time by people who found my answers to their questions to be very helpful. Every now and then I take a look through those files, even though I hate to read, especially late at night when I can't sleep. I don't have to read much to figure out I already know what's in there because I came across it somewhere else. Many books on magick out there, especially the self-initiation ones, offer pretty much the same things to their readers, though in slightly different forms so it would not appear as if one author is copy-pasting another: Mercury is for healing, Saturn is for cursing, meditation is important, bla bla...
Friday, May 17, 2019
Now available in paperback
I'm throwing my booklet *Magick Pills for Hard Transits* out there in paperback version even though I had no demands for it. It's saddle stitched, as Lulu did not allow me to select the perfect bound version for a text that spans only 26 pages. But these 26 pages can make a difference when it comes to avoiding troubling times in your life!
Buy it, don't buy it, stare at it, look away, love it, hate it, whatevah!
Monday, May 13, 2019
The seed
My first book The Magick of Astrorelationships sprouted from one of the seeds I sowed during my discussions with Anthony about his own book The Dive Manual: A Prose of Alchemy & Analytic Psychology. While I'm not into psychology and I cannot talk about his book from that angle, I can say that it is great for explaining the mechanisms behind personal psychological dramas. It does so using myths, allegories, occult related themes, and so forth, all blended into a kind of psychology book for self diagnosis and self treatment.
I am not going to reveal anything about his book, especially since everyone can read read for free and understand for themselves whatever they understand. I will say that archetypal images and the forces behind them play a major part in Anthony's book. This was the idea I followed and started experimenting with in my personal magical practice, and it has lead me towards writing my first book. Not only that, but I applied heavy magical doses to Anthony's concepts when using them on myself, and even though I went through chaotic times for about an year, I came out of it completely transformed.
Anthony talks about himself, his experiences that lead towards him writing his book, and his book in *THIS* interview.
I am not going to reveal anything about his book, especially since everyone can read read for free and understand for themselves whatever they understand. I will say that archetypal images and the forces behind them play a major part in Anthony's book. This was the idea I followed and started experimenting with in my personal magical practice, and it has lead me towards writing my first book. Not only that, but I applied heavy magical doses to Anthony's concepts when using them on myself, and even though I went through chaotic times for about an year, I came out of it completely transformed.
Anthony talks about himself, his experiences that lead towards him writing his book, and his book in *THIS* interview.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Writer who hates to read?!
Yeah, that's me!
Why? Because my mind is occupied with other things that prevent me from paying attention to what's being written in books (and articles for that matter).
Did you know I keep my magical journal (because diary is for sissies) in my head? Did you know I keep track of the skies in my head? I'm not talking merely of lunar phases and the sign the Sun happens to transit. No! I'm talking about dates when planets go retrograde (including approximate hours), times the Moon changes signs, the position of every planet in any given day (with a 1* margin), calculating the times a sign will rise or sets, and many more. I'm practically doing elections in my head most of the time, even though I screw up every now and then, but they generally end up being decent most of the time.
Not only that, I have a short attention span, and if the text happens to drag before it gets to the point, I lose interest in it. I'd be better off doing something productive during that time, like generating various spirit sigils out of kameas, keeping up with my own writing (God, I'm way behind already!), making fun online, etc.
This is also why I stay away from debates, even in the online environment. If someone were to state their opinions and I happen to disagree with them, most of the time I would ask them a simple question which points towards the reason why I disagree. If they answer me in more than a couple of paragraphs, I walk away, because I usually ask my questions to the point (Y/N answers), and if the person digresses and starts quoting from various sources, then bleah...
I usually write my books in a linear fashion, using simple words, and I'm trying to phrase those words in such a way that pretty much any idiot will understand what I'm trying to say. If I'm not happy with what I wrote, then I read it again and again until my phrasing comes out right, or close to my intent as possible - keep in mind English is not my native language.
So I prefer to what I wrote again and again, than to read stuff from others. This is because I know what I wrote and where I wrote the main points.
I enjoy reading Scott's blog, though, because he's got a great style of writing. Frater B too, but his articles are waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long for my tastes :(
Stay safe!
Why? Because my mind is occupied with other things that prevent me from paying attention to what's being written in books (and articles for that matter).
Did you know I keep my magical journal (because diary is for sissies) in my head? Did you know I keep track of the skies in my head? I'm not talking merely of lunar phases and the sign the Sun happens to transit. No! I'm talking about dates when planets go retrograde (including approximate hours), times the Moon changes signs, the position of every planet in any given day (with a 1* margin), calculating the times a sign will rise or sets, and many more. I'm practically doing elections in my head most of the time, even though I screw up every now and then, but they generally end up being decent most of the time.
Not only that, I have a short attention span, and if the text happens to drag before it gets to the point, I lose interest in it. I'd be better off doing something productive during that time, like generating various spirit sigils out of kameas, keeping up with my own writing (God, I'm way behind already!), making fun online, etc.
This is also why I stay away from debates, even in the online environment. If someone were to state their opinions and I happen to disagree with them, most of the time I would ask them a simple question which points towards the reason why I disagree. If they answer me in more than a couple of paragraphs, I walk away, because I usually ask my questions to the point (Y/N answers), and if the person digresses and starts quoting from various sources, then bleah...
I usually write my books in a linear fashion, using simple words, and I'm trying to phrase those words in such a way that pretty much any idiot will understand what I'm trying to say. If I'm not happy with what I wrote, then I read it again and again until my phrasing comes out right, or close to my intent as possible - keep in mind English is not my native language.
So I prefer to what I wrote again and again, than to read stuff from others. This is because I know what I wrote and where I wrote the main points.
I enjoy reading Scott's blog, though, because he's got a great style of writing. Frater B too, but his articles are waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long for my tastes :(
Stay safe!
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Question on Lilith from a reader
A few days ago one of my readers asked me something. After reading Mundane Body Magick he also bought The Magick of Astrorelationships. Since the latter book addresses Lilith among other things, the person wanted to know if it would be wise for someone like him to start working with her. This is because his religion is anti-demonic and he was involved in prayers against her in the past.
It is my personal belief that gods and spirits in general do not give a damn about your religion when you approach them, and this goes double for when they approach you. Yes, some gods and spirits are jealous. Some of them could even punish those who have an ongoing relationship with them if those people start working with other entities. But it is my opinion that these are distinct cases because every relationship, both spiritual and mundane, has its particularities. Some people are monogamous, and could very well murder their partner if he or she has merely looked at another person. Some people are poly-amorous, or swingers and would probably enjoy it if their partner were to bring home a third party for pleasure.
In any case, my experience so far tells me that once you have established a relationship with a god or spirit, that entity can guide you into working with others, and even to establish relationships with one or more of them. I think this happens because the entity knows way more than the person, and can see things in far greater perspective than the latter. If the person has asked their spiritual partner (so to speak) for help and guidance regarding this, that, and the other, then the spiritual partner can lead them down some paths in which encountering other entities and establishing relationships with them is a must if the initial goal of the person is to be achieved. And this could very well serve as a means to help the person grow spiritually as well, in addition to him or her achieving a mundane goal.
Okay, I'm digressing, so back to the question. I told my reader he can very well approach her with the respect he would show towards any entity, ask her for whatever it is he wants from her, offer her something in return, then await for the results. I asked him if he had a feeling he should get this book, and he said yes. He also told me he became more interested in her after she appeared in one of his dreams, and being a clever person, he pays attention to his dreams and the signs they might offer. Moreover, he said he was guided into watching a Netflix series about a girl who was chosen by Lilith. This to me is a sign Lilith had guided him towards buying my book, because she has the most influence behind me writing it. The roots of that influence spread many-many moons into the past, but that's too long of a story for me to tell.
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Yeah, I write magick books, but I also teach magick for free...
...mostly in the fb group I created over 3 years ago, Ceremonial Magick School (answer the three questions when you apply so we'd know you're not a bot). I created it in order to gather together as many bits and pieces of useful information a beginner needs to start practicing Western Traditions systems of magick, grow in his or her work, and expand it. This is because I struggled to find alot of information that was scattered in the online environment during my first year of being involved into the occult.
Even though all that searching felt like an ordeal at the time, I now believe it was of great benefit to me because it represented a test for my determination to practice magix. I ended up being thankful for that ordeal, so I decided to give to others what I had come across, hoping it will assist them on their paths. I'm happy to say there's at least a few individuals who have benefited from the group.
I give for free what I receive for free. If someone were to ask something about Hellenistic astrology, for instance, I would answer their question as much to the point as possible if I knew the answer. I wouldn't tell the person to read the works of Vettius Valens, Claudius Ptolemy, or any other astrologer from that era.
But my books are different. I'm asking for money for them because they represent added value - my personal addition to magix. And added value brings profit. Ask any economist. Even so, they also contain some material I had previously added into the fb group, and that goes to show I'm not some high&mighty wizard who tells people to read his books whenever he's being asked something. I do hate having to repeat myself more than once whenever I'm providing answers, though.
"And that's all I have to say about that."
Even though all that searching felt like an ordeal at the time, I now believe it was of great benefit to me because it represented a test for my determination to practice magix. I ended up being thankful for that ordeal, so I decided to give to others what I had come across, hoping it will assist them on their paths. I'm happy to say there's at least a few individuals who have benefited from the group.
I give for free what I receive for free. If someone were to ask something about Hellenistic astrology, for instance, I would answer their question as much to the point as possible if I knew the answer. I wouldn't tell the person to read the works of Vettius Valens, Claudius Ptolemy, or any other astrologer from that era.
But my books are different. I'm asking for money for them because they represent added value - my personal addition to magix. And added value brings profit. Ask any economist. Even so, they also contain some material I had previously added into the fb group, and that goes to show I'm not some high&mighty wizard who tells people to read his books whenever he's being asked something. I do hate having to repeat myself more than once whenever I'm providing answers, though.
"And that's all I have to say about that."
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Dæmonic Dreams has special offers!!!
Check out their webstore *HERE* and see for yourselves.
They've got sets of handmade talismans that come together with books, and this will highly improve your practice, especially since these talismans can be ordered already consecrate. This is great for all you lazy occultists and newbies.
They also have special price cuts every so often and then some.
Check it out!
They've got sets of handmade talismans that come together with books, and this will highly improve your practice, especially since these talismans can be ordered already consecrate. This is great for all you lazy occultists and newbies.
They also have special price cuts every so often and then some.
Check it out!
Friday, May 3, 2019
About my books
I wrote my first two books The Magick of Astrorelationships and Mundane Body Magick to get them out of my system and to stop the voice inside my head from constantly harassing me about writing them. They are based on my personal magical experiments using Scott Michael Stenwick's ritual patterns he has published on his blog Augoeides. I am very grateful to Scott for offering magical information for large audiences in such detail, as well as providing help to anyone who asks questions relating to his ritual methods. Truth be told, it is likely my magical practices would've stalled big time if it weren't for his blog.
Having no experience with books and publishing, I decided to publish them in Kindle format at first in order to test the market. I did not expect my sales to skyrocket, and I am grateful I'm able to sell at least one book per month, or every couple of months. Given the lack of demand, I am holding back on publishing the first one in paperback. I did have a demand for the paperback version of the second one so I decided to give it a shot, but as it turned out that demand was only apparent, as I ended up selling only 3 copies so far. It is true that my writing style is nothing to brag about, as it lacks fancy words that would make me come across as baeing a cultured person. It is also true that English is not my native tongue, so I cannot express myself when using it as easily as an Englishman, an American, or a Canadian could. I am not ashamed to say that the books have undergone much editing even after they have been published just because of what I have written before. You can imagine that lacking exercise in actually speaking English for many years hasn't help too, as my vocabulary keeps getting more and more limited.
Having no experience with books and publishing, I decided to publish them in Kindle format at first in order to test the market. I did not expect my sales to skyrocket, and I am grateful I'm able to sell at least one book per month, or every couple of months. Given the lack of demand, I am holding back on publishing the first one in paperback. I did have a demand for the paperback version of the second one so I decided to give it a shot, but as it turned out that demand was only apparent, as I ended up selling only 3 copies so far. It is true that my writing style is nothing to brag about, as it lacks fancy words that would make me come across as baeing a cultured person. It is also true that English is not my native tongue, so I cannot express myself when using it as easily as an Englishman, an American, or a Canadian could. I am not ashamed to say that the books have undergone much editing even after they have been published just because of what I have written before. You can imagine that lacking exercise in actually speaking English for many years hasn't help too, as my vocabulary keeps getting more and more limited.
I started this blog to promote my magick books written under my pen-name I. Alejandro Virgilio.
I might throw in some rants and musings later on, if the situation calls for it. It's possible I will even throw in some magick stuff.
PS: thank you Anthony for giving me this idea *wink*
I started this blog to promote my magick books written under my pen-name I. Alejandro Virgilio.
I might throw in some rants and musings later on, if the situation calls for it. It's possible I will even throw in some magick stuff.
PS: thank you Anthony for giving me this idea *wink*
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