Monday, January 31, 2022

Milestone achieved & ANNOUNCEMENT

I finally reached 1000 views per month!!! It's not like it's a big deal, quite the opposite when you consider people like Scott and Nick get tens of thousands of views each month, but it is for me because I never thought I'd go so far with this blog. As I mentioned a few times in the past, it started out mostly as a joke and I paid little attention to how I wrote the articles and so on. But it seems people have started showing more interest and so I guess I must've written something interesting along the way. This seems even more apparent since five months ago I managed to get over 500 views a month for the first time. And now I'm so close to reaching 10k overall. 

Too bad Google won't allow ads to run on it because apparently they disagree with running ads on a blog that already advertises things. Funny how they allow ads to run on YT channels of people who constantly promote merchandise though... I'm not saying this because of the money, given I had no idea this blog would improve so much over time and likely because I wouldn't earn much from their ads in the first place, but it's a thing of principle.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Talisman - third lunar mansion

The third lunar mansion is Al-Thurayya which according to the Picatrix spans from 25*42'52'' Aries to 8*34'18'' Taurus. In Book I, Chapter 1 it is said that talismans made using this lunar mansion are for:

"...the safety of those who travel by sea, for sabotaging a partnership, for releasing a prisoner or torturing him, for the beneficial use of chemistry and fire, for hunting, for promoting friendship and love between spouses, for destroying sheep, goats and cows, and for a slave to disobey his master until he is released. This type of talisman usually brings good luck."

People usually make this talisman for general good luck and love so you can do it for either of them or for any of the other reasons mentioned above.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Latest comments

I finally managed to find the time to look up how to improve the blog interface by adding a gadget that shows the latest comments. You can find it to the bottom right of each page.

The first thing that made me love Scott's blog was that it was one of the very few blogs out there that showed the latest comments, aside from many other cool and helpful features. Needless to say, I tried to copy as much of the layout from him although I kept forgetting to add this feature.

Hopefully it will make visitors' future interactions easier. 

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

Feedback from client

I cannot see private massages on fb from my phone because I'm using the phone browser to access fb, as I'm not willing to use any of their apps. And since I try to stay away from it as much as possible, I have no problem whatsoever with that. But I logged in today because something needed to be discussed in a private chat and nowhere else and came across this message someone sent to me yesterday.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Solar concoction

Some five years ago I posted this rather simple magical thingy in a social media group and whoever saw it saw it. I have no idea whether anyone tried it or not although that is not my concern, but I thought it'd be nice to post it here as well.

I got inspired by Aaron Leitch's solar water videos, so I decided to make my own solar concoction. I did that at a very auspicious time and I will discuss this briefly towards the end.
You will need honey and five other solar correspondences. At the time I used sunflower oil, honey, orange and lemon zest, cinnamon powder and crushed bay leaves (or rosemary). I had no idea back then but I soon found out the oil didn't mix well with the honey so I would thus recommend you use something else, such as frankincense crushed finely into a powder. Feel free to replace some of these correspondences with other solar ones if you want.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Improving your results

Since Magic Words has started making itself known to the occult universe, I've had a couple of people emailing me asking for more details on how to improve their magical results. This article is aimed towards offering those details and it will be to the point so don't expect me to extrapolate more than needed.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Life beats woowoo?!

Many people are under the impression spells and rituals work as in the movies and expect them to really work that way: you recite some words and wave your wand around and poof! Whatever you asked for becomes reality in an instant. Or within a very short time. Unfortunately, this belief is being spread by some individuals who are involved in the occult in some form or another.

Now, I'm not saying things can't happen that way. They sure can although a lot of times it's not that easy because many reasons. I wrote the article on magical resistance because of that, as well as to direct people to it whenever someone comes seeking my services and expects an overnight miracles, and I also talk about it in Magic Words. But in this article I want to talk about another factor that can prevent the success of magical operations - cheating.

By cheating I mean someone is doing mundane actions against mundane rules that apply in certain areas of life which someone else addresses with magical means to cause change. You'd probably say casting spells is cheating, but in many cases people make use of this method because it's very hard for them to achieve a certain thing with mundane means alone. If it were that easy then it's likely they wouldn't use spells in the first place, especially in a world where, besides many frauds and scams, there are well oiled bureaucratic machines that in many cases work against the average citizen, at least in the background.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Lunar petitions for beginners

In light of the Full Moon in domicile today, Monday (night, depending on where you live), I think this article is very appropriate. I posted a very short version of the text on a couple of fb groups for beginners a few years ago and for the most part it went unnoticed. I posted it because I thought beginners would benefit from it, but I guess people in those groups were more interested in memes and ads, including the noobs.

Aside from the fact I think any occult group that allows memes is pretty much a dead end for any noob, I will expand more on the original text to elaborate on the method. Keep in mind this method is aimed at noobs so don't expect me to go into advanced techniques.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Jupiter working for money

Since Jupiter is now in domicile in Pisces and (almost?!) free of it's retro shadow, I thought it would be a good idea to put this Jupiter working for money out there for people to benefit from it. And when I say people, I'm referring to both occultists and your average Joe because it can be done by anyone who follows the simple script. Besides the simple script containing everything you (more or less) need to perform this working, you'll also come across noob friendly astro recommendations that will allow you to perform it at more appropriate times, while keeping you safe from less auspicious ones.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Extra services (?)

I received an email today from someone asking me if I perform magical services other than doing rituals for clients. They asked if I also make talismans as well as all sorts of other magical items. 

The short answer is no.

The longer answer is no because:

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Godhead assumption through the Middle Pillar

                                                    Photo from here

I wrote the following article three years ago and it was published online by Spiral Nature Magazine. Their website has stopped working for some time and, since they published nothing for more than a couple of years, I'm thinking they must've closed up shop. Because of this, anything posted there is in danger of being lost, sadly. Not just my stuff would be lost as a result, but many other articles that have helped me over time. Unfortunately, I cannot salvage anything that was not written by me...

Here is the article itself and I will try to edit it to make sense because it's being copied from a pdf file that was formatted much differently than a standard word doc. The article itself was edited by a staff member of Spiral Nature - Steve, if I can remember correctly.