Sunday, September 29, 2019


As I logged into fb today for a brief overlook on things, I was pleasantly surprised to find this post of someone who recently added me as a friend. I feel honored for being able to help people I just came to know, even briefly, especially since they mention my name next to those of people with a long history in the business. There's not much I can say on this, except that I want to thank the man for his wonderful gesture!

Thou art loved!

On fire

Yours truly finished another book today and sent it to the publisher. I have good hopes it will hit the internet by the end of the year. There's still another two waiting to be published, making this my sixth title since I started writing for Dæmonic Dreams back in March.

Keep an eye on their website *HERE* and while you're at it, maybe you can get at least one of the three books of mine they've published so far. No time for R&R for me though, since there's still much to do!

#TheOccultPimp rocking on!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Another success!

I received this message from another reader of mine who's done some workings on her using my method. It looks like things are starting to manifest more and more in terms of success stories. Yay!

I also want to thank her for doing the work and offering feedback. Thou art loved!

Keep on keeping on!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Feedback from a reader

One of my readers sent me a message a few days ago which consisted of feedback on the rituals she had performed on herself. She had bought my book The Magick of Astrorelationships some time ago and started to use it on herself. She was very determined to do the work from the start and reported back to me on what rituals she did on a regular basis.

She is a very brave person, and just like me, started dealing with things head on, despite having the option to take a more safe route. She kept a brave face all the way despite the difficulties she had experienced. She is not done yet, but by the looks of things she's more than halfway though, and I think the worst is gone. I am so very proud of her! Love ya dude! You know who you are ;)

Here's part of her latest message to me:

Not only that, but she started seeing changes in her home environment too. Shortly after she sent me this message she sent me another one telling me her mother suddenly came up with too tickets to a show they both enjoy. This seemed awkward at first, since her she's always had issues with her mother and vice versa. But then again, she did started dealing with things that relate to home and family life, so she concluded that things started to work in that area too.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My method strikes again!

And this time it's another success with a physical issue. I've used it in someone who has had physical issues with their left leg ever since childhood and doctors intervened only to make things worse.

Long story short, the treatment caused multiple problems for the person in the long run, and they ended up suffering from back issues on top of that, because the treatment altered their way of walking and their general posture. They also suffered from intense pain that increased over the day and which demanded for constant massaging of the affdected area.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

An old Romanian proverb goes:

God gives you, but he doesn't place it in your bag - literal translation.

In other words, God listens to your prayers and reaches out to you, but you've got to play your part, reach out for his hand and take whatever it is he's offering what you had prayed for. I found the same thing applies in magick, as you've got to take mundane steps to help the outcome of certain rituals manifest better. If you cast spells for a new job you've got to send out resumes, then go to all the interviews you end up being caleldbto and try to do your best during each one. If you cast for more money and an opportunity arises in the form of a second job or an errand, you should take it.

Same goes for the stuff in my books. There are a few who got at least one of them. I know for a fact at least one of them was literally praying for help before buying one. But I'm quite sure they did not use it for dealing with their issues... Your prayers have been answered, you only have to play your part now!

I cannot help anyone who does not want to be helped and I respect their free will not to intervene and try forcing them to do something. Alas, moving on...

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Busy bee

No sooner have I finished writing one of the two books I was working on in parallel, that my publisher threw another title at me. In the mean time I wrote some more on the other one, my personal project, and managed to go about two thirds of the way with it. Now that I have another title to work on, I guess I will have to focus on the latter more, and leave my personal project germinate for longer. Not only that, but going #MagicalConsulting for #TheOccultBitch has filled my already busy schedule even more.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Impromptu Michael ritual

My readers are the smartest people in the whole world!!!

One of my readers was going through some hard times last week. Because of events I will keep to myself she had to relocate, and while doing so, she had to spend the night at a hotel. She decided to do some magick in order to help her get back on her feet after those events that had left her feeling sad, disappointed, and pretty much down. She only started conjuring angels a few weeks ago, and although she has little experience in that area, she went ahead and decided to call on Michael for assistance. I might be wrong, but I think it was the first time she was calling on him, and even so, she went ahead and did it.

All of her magical tools, fetishes, and implements were packed away in her car, and it would've been cumbersome for her to dig them out. She was also feeling tired and she did not have the stamina for conducting a complex ritual. She managed to pull out a white and a yellow candle, then got some orange juice from a nearby gas station and bought a lighter from there as well - she ended up buying the lighter even though she had another one in her room, and later on she noticed it was covered in a print depicting lemons and oranges, fruit corresponding to the Sun.