Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Talismans in the making

Today I started making some Saturn talisman bases. Got some lead fishing weights and pounded them into shape during the hour of Saturn. They may not look like much now, but I'm not finished with them yet. Still have to file them and maybe hammer them flat some more, but in the end I don't expect to get some top shelf product in regards to looks.

But looks is not my goal since I'm not making talismans to look pretty. That's the job of any self-important wannabe that's selling magical products. Instead, I'm looking for efficiency and results of the best kind and if that were to happen with the help of a talisman with a nice curve appeal, even better. If not, I've seen talismans working well regardless of their looks.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

How talismans work

One of the questions I've been seeing often on social media is what to do with already existing talismans during certain planetary retrogrades. Those who ask this question seem to be concerned with the retrograde periods of the planet who's energies had been used to empower a certain talisman, but there's also the case of Mercury retrogrades regardless of the nature of the talisman.

I blame ye "experts" in the latter case because they usually mask their utter lack of astrological knowledge and ignorance with respect to that topic by warning people of staying away from Mercury retrogrades whenever doing magix. The only reason you'd have to be concerned about Mercury retrograde if you're performing a ritual for working with another planetary force is if the planet of choice happens to be involved in a hard aspect with Mercury retrograde (or any other planet, retrograde or otherwise).

Sunday, January 8, 2023

HGA "experts"

I've addressed the wannabe experts with respect to occult matters in more than one article so far. This time I will do it in regards to the subject of the Holy Guardian Angel. Anyone that knows even a bit on this subject is aware there is more than one such entity assigned to each person and we've discussed this briefly in Asteria.

This article focuses on the Holy Guardian Angel from the perspective of being the entity of the highest rank assigned to an individual. So far so good, except that in some cases people elevate that entity to a status that would make it equal to and even equivalent to the person's Higher Self. This is foolish since the former is a creation of the latter, the Higher Self being the divine spark inside each individual, practically "your personal piece of God". I discuss this in Words and I even throw in some Genesis verses.

Monday, January 2, 2023

I, Satanist

For quite some time now I purposely ceased to be cautious regarding my active involvement in the occult. As a result, several individuals have become aware of this. Moreover, they started spreading the word and in one case some self-important loser made use of this information, thinking he'd discredit me. Even more so, one of the people whom that loser told about occult activities is someone I somewhat respect and I would've preferred the person learning about this from me. Instead, they've been told I'm a Satanist by that loser and then started freaking out over it.

Not that I care I'm now being seen through different lenses by that particular person, but their utter ignorance and refusal to accept things beyond what their mindset allows them is yet another sign for me the world is seriously fucked. Scott often says the world would be much better if more people were actively performing magick and I wholeheartedly agree. The problem is many individuals have been brainwashed from a very young age into seeing things through others' eyes. Naturally, I'm speaking about the conditioning every person starts constructing (without their knowledge) from a young age. It's natural that in a country full of superstitions, a trend dating back some two millennia, anything that looks out of the ordinary must be evil. Too bad people here only start freaking out regarding evil things when it comes to spiritual or pseud-spiritual topics and not when it comes to matters that are pressing for day to day living. But I'm digressing.