Saturday, November 27, 2021

Occult customer awareness 1

I was thinking of writing something else this weekend before going berserk writing the previous articles. But that made me think of yet another article, one that would help occult customers get a better deal for their money so this is that article. If you happen to be in need of magical service from occult providers who deal with planetary forces then I think this article would be helpful.

Using a quick online search I found that "customer awareness is a concept used by marketing and sales teams. Customer awareness refers to two key concepts:

1. How knowledgeable potential consumers are about your brand, services or products.

2. How conscious customers are of their needs or wants in relation to your company's offerings." 

This applies in every commercial field, even more so in the occult, since many people in this field are not that educated with respect to certain particularities surrounding a magical act, let alone the intricate details that would boost or hinder such an act. The people in question should not be blamed for this imo, since it's the so called teachers that should have imparted such details in the first place. Unfortunately, many such teachers are oblivious themselves, while others seek to keep their followers at a minimum supply of knowledge just to maintain the upper hand. And I don't think someone who's eager to earn more and more money from such services will tell a potential customer they cannot perform a certain planetary ritual on that person's behalf for such and such a time due to unfavorable energy flows that planet is experiencing.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Moon talisman experiment

Tis the final article of the series on experimental planetary square talismans from Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosoply. After Venus (which it'd be best if you read first), Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun and Mars we will wrap it up with the Moon. 

Agrippa said the following of this talisman:

"The seventh table is of the Moon, of a square of nine multiplied into it self, having eighty one numbers, in every side and Diameter nine, producing 369. and the sum of all 3321. And there are over it divine names with an Intelligency to what is good, and a spirit to what is bad. And of it are drawn the Characters of the Moon, and of the spirits thereof. This fortunate Moon being engraven on Silver, renders the bearer thereof grateful, aimiable [amiable], pleasant, cheerfull, honored, removing all malice, and ill will. It causeth security in a journey, increase of riches, and health of body, drives away enemies and other evil things from what place thou pleaseth; and if it be an unfortunate Moon engraven in a plate of Lead, where ever it shall be buried, it makes that place unfortunate, and the inhabitants thereabouts, as also Ships, Rivers, Fountains, Mills, and it makes every man unfortunate, against which it shall be directly done, making him fly from his Country, and that place of his abode where it shall be buried, and it hinders Physitians [physicians], and Orators, and all men whatsoever in their office, against whom it shall be made."

Mars talisman experiment + bonus

After Venus (which it'd be best if you read first), Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun, here's the article for Mars' planetary square talisman from Agrippa. Good ol' Cornelius wrote the following of this kamea:

"The third table belongs to Mars, which is made of a square of four containing twenty five numbers, and of these in every side and Diameter five, which make sixty five, and the sum of all is 325. And there are over it Divine names with an Intelligence to good, with a spirit to bad, and out of it is drawn the Character of Mars, and of his spirits. These with Mars being fortunate, being engraven on an Iron plate, or sword, makes a man potent in war, and judgments, and petitions, and terrible to his enemies, and victorious against them; and if engraven upon the Stone Correola, it stops blood, and the mestrues [menses]; but if it be engraven with Mars being unfortunate, on a plate of red Brass, it hinders buildings, casts down the powerfull from dignities, honors, and riches, and causeth discord, strife, and hatred of men, and beasts, chaseth away Bees, Pigeons, and Fish, and hinders Mils, and renders them unfortunate that go forth to hunting, or fighting, and causeth barreness in men and women, and other Animals, and strikes a terror in all enemies, and compels them to submit."

Here's the kamea itself:

The election time for this talisman is Monday, February 7, 2022 at 9:32am GMT:

Sun talisman experiment + bonuses

This article follows those on Venus (which it'd be best if you read first), Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn regarding the use of planetary squares as talismans, as per Agrippa. We've seen the articles on Mercury and Jupiter containing a bonus in the form of an additional decanal talisman that can be made using the astro elections I provided. This article will have two bonuses, meaning a decanal talisman and another talisman I will detail upon.

Agrippa writes of the solar kamea: 

"The fourth table is of the Sun, and is made of a square of six, and contains thirty six numbers, whereof six in every side, and Diameter, produce 111, and the sum of all is 666. There are over it divine names with an Intelligency to what is good, with spirit to what is evil, and out of it is drawn Characters of the Sun, and the spirits thereof. This being engraven on a Golden plate with the Sun being fortunate, renders him that wears it to be renowned, amiable, acceptable, potent in all his works, and equals a man to Kings, and Princes, elevating him to high fortunes, inabling to do whatsoever he pleaseth: but with an unfortunate Sun, it makes a tyrant, and a man to be proud, ambitious, unsatisfiable, and to have an ill ending."

Saturn talisman experiment

This is the fourth planetary square talisman from Agrippa for today following those for Venus (which it'd be best if you read first), Mercury and Jupiter. So look up the other three articles for more in depth information about the ritual itself if you're interested, especially the one on the Venus talisman. 

Moving on with it, Agrippa said the following about the Saturn kamea:

"The first of them is assigned to Saturn, and consists of a square of three, containing the particular numbers of nine, and in every line three every way, and through each Diameter making fifteen. Now the whole sum of numbers is fourty five/ Over this are of Divine names set such names as fill up the numbers with an Intelligency to what is good, with a spirit to what is bad, and out of the same numbers is drawn the seal, or Character of Saturn, and of the spirits thereof, such as we shall beneath ascribe to its table. They say that this table being with a fortunate Saturn engraved on a plate of lead, doth help to bring forth, or birth, and to make a man safe, and powerfull, and to cause success of petitions with princes, and powers: but if it be done with an unfortunate Saturn, that it hinders buildings, plantings, and the like, and casts a man from honours, and dignities, and causes discords, and quarrellings, and disperses an Army." 

Jupiter talisman experiment + bonus

It seems that after the Venus (which it'd be best if you read first) and Mercury articles about these talismans I do have to go ahead and write one for each of the other planets. Just my luck... Keep in mind these articles are about the planetary squares from Agrippa's Book II, Chapter XXII and experimenting with them as talismans the way Agrippa wrote. Simply go to the previous two articles (especially the Venus one) and see more in depth instructions. However, you can use the astrological election times I'm providing in these articles to perform other magical operations with the forces of the respective planets. 

Moving on, we come to Jupiter and Agrippa wrote the following relating to it square:

"The second is called the table of Jupiter, which consists of a Quaternian drawn into it self [i.e. 4 times 4], containing sixteen particular numbers, and in every line, and Diameter four, making thirty four. Now the Sum of all is 136. And there are over it divine names with an Intelligence to good, with a spirit to bad, and out of it is drawn the Character of Jupiter, and the spirits thereof. They say that if it be impressed upon a Silver plate with Jupiter being powerfull, and ruling, it conduceth to gain, and riches, favor, and love, peace, and concord, and to appease enemies, to confirm honors, dignities, and counsels, and dissolve enchantments if it be engraven on a corall."

Mercury talisman experiment + bonus

I was going to leave the Venus article I posted the other day as a stand alone one, but upon hearing news yet again of people charging money for occult services done at highly awful astro times based on the planet in question, I decided to allocate additional time in this direction. I noticed that calling out people saying they're stupid isn't working, being like a small drop of awareness raising in a vast occult ocean of gullibility and fraud, so I will merely put these articles up and whoever is to see them is free to make use of this information or discard it.

Since the occult service I've referred to revolved around a Mercury operation, I will go ahead and continue with good ol' Cornelius Agrippa's magic square talismans, this post being allocated to Mercury. Here is the square of Mercury from Book II, Chapter XXII of his Three Books of Occult Philosophy:

The text relating to such a talisman says the following:

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Venus talisman experiment

Ok people, here's something from good ol' Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy. In Book II, Chapter XXII the illustrious renaissance guy mentioned the use of planetary squares as talismans. This article will address this topic and expand a bit on it since our venerable predecessor mentioned astrological necessities when it comes to such talismans.

All seven classical planets are mentioned in that chapter alongside each of their respective square, how it should be done, what for and moreover, when. But for this experiment I will solely focus on the square of Venus. It should be noted I have yet to experiment with these talismans, but more than often I have found Agrippa's notes with respect to astrological needs regarding the powers of the talismans also apply in other kinds of planetary magical workings. 

Agrippa mentioned the following for Venus:

"The fifth table is of Venus, consisting of a square of seven drawn into it self, viz. of fourty nine numbers, whereof seven on each side and Diameter make 175. and the sum of all is 1225. And there are over it divine names with an Intelligency to good, and spirit to evil; And there is drawn out of it the Character of Venus, and the spirits thereof. This being engraven on a Silver plate, Venus being fortunate, procureth concord, endeth strife, procureth the love of women, conduceth to conception, is good against barreness, causeth ability for generation, dissolves enchantments, and causeth peace between man, and woman, and maketh all kind of Animals and Cattle fruitful; and being put into a Dove-house, causeth an increase of Pigeons. It conduceth to the cure of all melancholy distempers, and causeth joyfulness; and being carryed about travellers make them fortunate. But if it be formed upon Brass with an unfortunate Venus, it causeth contrary things to all that hath bin above said."

Friday, November 19, 2021

Venting outta boredom

This is a long overdue post and I apologize for not having done it back in the day. I see no reason why I wouldn't do it now so here we go.

There are people in the occult universe who, wanting to come across as whatever, stress upon certain things when it comes to preaching their alleged vast amount of knowledge to the masses. It's their business and I stopped caring about that. There are others still that take those preachings to heart and pass them on. While I see nothing wrong with this either, it kinda rubs me the wrong way to see people chewing the same things over and over again, things someone's spat into their mouth, and then spitting them into someone else's mouth. One such thing is about protocol and how it is by far the most important component of woowoo.  

                                                       Protocol droid

Friday, November 5, 2021

Protective hard transits?!

We wrote in Asteria about situations where certain hard transits over a natal chart can protect the native from curses. This happens despite such transits having the potential to increase the chances for the person to be cursed and even the damage done by the curse. 

I recently got an email from someone asking me more about that particular subject, the individual specifically asking me for an example. I knew I should've mentioned at least one in the book and it's my fault again for not having done so, just as it is for pretty much any errors inside. The truth we were in the final stages when we wrote that and by then our focus shifted towards making sure everything fitted well together and eliminate as many loose ends as possible. Nevertheless, I should've been more careful and prevent errors from occurring, as well as adding the necessary examples where required.

I alone have collected more than a few examples over time, prolly since I kept cursing people right and left so often, but I will resume to sharing only one. This example confirmed to me without any doubt that such occurrences are likely to take place and shredded all trace of doubt I had been having based on previous observations. The experience in question took place back when Saturn was transiting direct and at normal cruise speed though Capricorn, thus being very strong.