Friday, November 19, 2021

Venting outta boredom

This is a long overdue post and I apologize for not having done it back in the day. I see no reason why I wouldn't do it now so here we go.

There are people in the occult universe who, wanting to come across as whatever, stress upon certain things when it comes to preaching their alleged vast amount of knowledge to the masses. It's their business and I stopped caring about that. There are others still that take those preachings to heart and pass them on. While I see nothing wrong with this either, it kinda rubs me the wrong way to see people chewing the same things over and over again, things someone's spat into their mouth, and then spitting them into someone else's mouth. One such thing is about protocol and how it is by far the most important component of woowoo.  

                                                       Protocol droid

I kept seeing how people kept rambling on and on about protocol and how only protocol can allow you to succeed and how, the more elaborate the protocol the more likely you are to succeed and all that. My question is, succeed in what? Contacting a spirit or having the spirit manifest your desired outcome in the physical world? I'm asking this simply because I've noticed many magicianists seem to be mostly interested solely in contacting spirits and less in particular interests for why those spirits would be contacted. They then instruct others along those lines and bring up the ever so cherished protocol as the single must have tool. It is true that protocol is helpful in a magical act yet it is but a simple tool out of many in a magician's arsenal. It does not have to be elaborate and ceremonially, for something as simple as a prayer would work under certain circumstances. 

"Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?" our friend Jesus asked Peter. He didn't say he'd start asperging and fumigating, reciting orations and conjurations for a long time while waving his sword around. In fact, he did tell Peter to let go of the sword in the previous verse from Matthew, but that's beyond the point, this being more of a joke in this context. 

The point is our friend Jesus seemed to have been in a position in which he could conjure spirits with a mere prayer. And he wouldn't had just conjured them for the sake of it. No, he would've done it to have them kill the people who came to arrest him He could exorcise spirits even easier like when he told Legion to fuck off. Where's the protocol? 

Now you might very well say our Jesus is way out of our league and you'd be right. But, being our friend, Jesus also said "the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do." This, of course, is taken out of context just like the rest of the quotes in this article because Jesus was referring to those who "believeth on him." But who's to stop us from following him in magical terms alone, if not in "religious" ones too? Who's to stop us from striving towards becoming more like him so that we'd also end up in a position when we can easily do stuff like that with no protocol? Who's to stop us from performing sustained thurgic work alongside whatever mundane driven magical operations we're performing? Who's to stop us from working towards becoming a living god, in a true sense, far beyond the silly icon many left hand fappers worship? 

But what! Why should we do that in the first place? Just so we'd skip the ever so precious protocol? The Arbatel relies on a single goddamn prayer and I know more than a few people who've achieve great feats by working with those spirits alone. Take mother, for instance. She's the last person you'd expect to do such things given her cultural and religious background. Yet in many ways she's been having a greater rate of successful mundane oriented magical operations than I have by simply working with the seven Olympic spirits using just that one prayer. Don't get me wrong, she's not a billionaire living a life of luxury, but she's overcome many mundane issues with the help of those spirits.

Where was I going with this... Hmmm... Oh yea, something about people preaching the all-mighty and all-powerful protocol. It is true that adding certain elements to a rite can increase its power and thus the chances of manifesting a successful outcome in the physical world. But if you're aiming just to make a spirit show up then why in the world would you insist on protocol and impose it onto others? Just so you'd sound knowledgeable and whatnot?! Simply because you'd be able to see the damn spirit just like the damn book you're so foolishly following to the letter tells you? But what if your subtle senses don't allow you to perceive the pesky entity in the first place, with all the protocol in the world? Anyone here heard of scryers??? Guess not every wizard in the past could perceive the spirits, huh?

But anyway, if you people have such a hard on when it comes to protocol, howbout THIS for a protocol? Does it tickly your fancy or is it way too no-no for you? Keep in mind the gentleman in the video is making such things for his personal business and he is apparently using this kind of protocol. And it appears to work, otherwise we'd been having multiple reports of complete failures throughout time, just like in the case of some jokers I've talked about recently. Even my humble spirit conjuring class is structured in such a way that it wouldn't harass the operant with extensive protocol - quite the opposite. On the other hand, it contains certain elements and pieces of information which I consider more vital for a successful magical act, including a simple but highly effective theorgical component.

With that in mind, I want to remind those who keep breaking people's balls over protocol there's more than running around the altar talking gibberish to a successful magical act. The magician must know how magick works in the first place. He or she must have a clear intent that is structured in such a way it will assure a successful outcome to their operation without causing collateral damage. He or she is best to undergo their operation at an auspicious time, the more auspicious the better. And so on. So before people start inventing magical systems and patronize beginners by making use of regurgitated crap, they'd better slap themselves silly in order to snap out of it, go back to square one and rethink their occult philosophy. 

I would have more to talk about and other themes come to mind which I could easily add in this article because they're part of the usual repertoire of the same sparkless individuals. Things such as the importance of the microcosm in magical acts, something which is frowned upon by the narrow minded who disconsider it as being the psychological model of magick. But I got even more bored having reached this far with the text. I'm sure I wrote more about protocol and other things somewhere although I can't quite see to remember where... Wait! I do remember! Hmmmm... It seems something is still not available to the public at large for some reason that has yet to be explained to me in full. Maybe I should do something about it and bring it to light all by myself. And soon!

In Book I of the Picatrix it says:

"Another condition without which nothing can be achieved is that the talisman maker should be completely absorbed in his endeavor. Also he should clear his intention in order for his mental faculties to join the spiritual powers of the planets."

That also applies to regular magical operations.

"Something that looks like a protocol but does not accomplish a task is not a protocol—it’s a waste of time" said Bruce Schneier. So, in the words of our droid friend "do think about it."

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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