Friday, December 4, 2020

Thoughts on lottery magick


I came across a comment in Scott's blog a few days ago, someone asking him about spells for winning the lottery: here. I thought of throwing my two cents in, since it's something I've experimented with, yet in a more passive way, as I will detail further on. The querent asked Scott what is the best magical power from those listed in Liber 777 for winning the lottery. Scott provided the following answer, which I took as my cue to step in :P

"Experimentally I found that Jupiter seemed to work the best for me compared to Sun and also Mercury. Another magician online posted about the same thing and he claimed to have better luck with Mercury. Here's the rationale for each of those planets.

Sun: Power of Acquiring Wealth. Lottery winnings are wealth.
Jupiter: Political and Other Ascendancy. In our modern society, "ascendancy" is strongly tied to wealth. Rich people have the highest status, and lottery winnings make you rich.
Mercury: Less obvious from the 777 powers, but traditionally Mercury rules games of chance. The lottery is a game of chance.

The differences in my results and the other magician's results might have something to do with our respective astrological charts, but it's not obvious what the difference would be. I have Mercury in rulership and Jupiter in detriment in mine, so if the relationship was straightforward planetary dignity I would expect Mercury to work better for me. But that isn't how my results turned out."

My initial answer was off the top, since I couldn't shake off the urge to comment it :D

"Maybe it has to do with HOW you actually play the lottery. Mercury would be games of chance, but also a gambling strategy, i.e. counting cards at poker for instance. Jupiter would be personal morals and ethics, while the Sun would be ego, in short.

So if you play based on a strategy, by calculating probabilities based on previous numbers that came out, then maybe Mercury spells would work better. If you play thinking what you'd do if you'd win, invest, save, etc, then Jupiter would probably work better. If you just play to win, maybe even add personal numbers (date of birth, special numbers to you, etc), the the Sun would probably work better. "

Of course, this answer is silly, but after a while I followed with a more serious one, which I want to expand on here. To me, winning the lottery is not a matter of chance, but of something people would consider fate-related. By this I mean if it's meant to be, it's meant to be, even without magick. The stars have perfectly aligned for someone to win. For what purpose? That remains to be seen in the time following the win. Of course, such an event would be life-changing and not just for the winner, but for everyone around them as well, even though very few (or none) of those people would actually benefit from the person's success, either financially or otherwise. But I'm digressing, so imma get back to the point. Imma just say that, in short, it has to do with the overall life path of the winner and as a consequence, the paths of those around him/her.

I've noticed that spells usually work better based on many factors. Money spells, for instance, work better if the person has good placements in their natal second house: Jupiter, Venus, even Mercury, the Sun or Moon. Moreover, any planet located in the second house is to have at least a decent amount of dignity and be free of tensed aspects, especially with Saturn, Mars and the outer planets. The ruler of the house (ruler of the sign on the cusp of the second house) should also have at least a decent amount of dignity and be free of hard aspects, preferably (to my mind) located in a house which favors gaining money: 11 - with the help of friends, 6 - through work (think of bonuses), etc. I also think the ruler of the second house should not be Saturn or Mars, because they are not necessarily concerned with money and can subject the person to gains through struggles and intense efforts.

When applied to lottery spells, the above personal observation of mine would include additional requirements. Lottery is a gamble and gambling is covered by the fifth house. As such, the person's fifth house would also have to be studied as mentioned in the case of the second. In addition to that, I would also add the eleventh house and the twelfth (for the unknown factor). 

And then there's the transits through those houses at the moment when the person buys the ticket and casts the spell for winning. Best case scenario, no hard transit should occur in the fifth and second natal houses of the person, at least, for any such transit would hinder one's success. So Saturn and Mars transits, along with those of the outer planets would be excluded. I would consider a Pluto transit though, for the planet's attribution of collective wealth alone, but that's it. Even so, any good transit through those houses would have to be free of hard aspects. Good transits to benefic fixed stars in the natal chart of the person would also have to be considered, as well as the location of those stars in the natal houses, and any possible aspect between natal planets and them. 

Given the above, I would say that, if the heavens are very favorable, the magical force employed in a spell for winning the lottery would merely tilt the scales just enough for the win to manifest. As such, any of the forces mentioned by Scott (Jupiter, Mercury, Sun) would work, in my opinion. I'm also thinking that, if the overall predispositions are VERY HIGH, even a simple candle spell would do. The downside is that there's too many variables based on natal placements and transits, so the person would have to make employ a magical force that works better for them.

As such, Scott's statement that he has good success with Jupiter, despite his natal Jupiter is in detriment would be hard to buy. At first at least, because I for one believe him. I mean, he's been doing these things ever since I was wearing diapers :D This only goes to show Scott's magical skills and his great ability to produce change using magick. I usually found that someone can have a harder time working with the energies of natal planets if those planets are weak and/or involved in hard aspects, especially if the other planets involved in said aspects are stronger in the chart. However, even a planet that is apparently weak can help the native, especially if its weakness is not as pronounced as seen at first sight. That is to say, a planet can balance out its debility under certain conditions: if it's located in its triplicity and terms (and decan, when possible). Having a strong dispositor would also help the planet in question a great deal. For example, someone I know has their natal Venus in Virgo, meaning their Venus is debilitated, being in the sign opposite to its exaltation. The person's Venus not only balances out its debility, but comes out on top, being quite strong, since it is located in its sign of triplicity, its terms, and its decan. Even more so, its located in its sect. As a result of that, the person's Venus is helping them more than it is hindering them (by placement alone!). 

Edit: I neglected to copy the paragraph on my passive experimentation on lottery magick because it was yet another full day. Sorry! The way I did it was to buy a ticket during certain transits over my second and fifth houses and placed the ticket in my wallet next to my Jupiter pentacle from the KoS, I've made during a very strong Jupiter. With no transits I got 1-2 hits (numbers I played) and 1-2 near hits. With good transits I got 1-3 hits and 2-3 near hits. It's not much and I barely won the equivalent of a few dollars, but it was a passive approach as opposed to conjuring spirits.

I would say more, but I have no time at the moment. I will leave it for another time, or for other means of saying it ;)

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo


  1. Ouch. My second house has Mars sitting in it, and the ruler is a debilitated Venus is Aries. The ruler of the fifth house cusp is Mars, too.

    Well, I'm not trying win the jackpot, I'm going to go ahead anyway and see what the results are.

    Hi from Scott's blog, by the way!

  2. Hi from Scott's blog, back at ya :D

    Ouch. That means both your Mars and Venus are weak. Mars in Libra or Taurus, right? See if they're in their terms (degrees) in those signs, maybe they're not that weak.

    Regardless of that, I've got Mars in 2nd house too. It doesn't make me earn money, but it makes me have a great determination to make money. So you could use that Martian quality if you want by working with Mars. Remeber to limit any unwanted effects, such as irritation, aggression, etc.

  3. With the lottery you are playing, what are the ranges of the numbers? On a lottery like American Powerball, the odds of getting one number out of the six is about 1 in 8, two numbers about 1 in 64, and so forth. If that's what you're getting reliably your shifts are huge. Or, is this a lottery with better odds than Powerball?

    As far as my 5th house goes, I have Mars there in Sagittarius, so the sign ruler is Jupiter. That might explain why I get good results with Jupiter even though it's in detriment in my natal chart.

  4. I suck at math :) The jackpot here is 6 out of 49, or a smaller one of 5 out of 40.

  5. It's just good to compare if we're doing number of hits. "Near hits" are irrelevant (I didn't even track those in my research) because each number is an entirely random event not influenced by any others. That's one of the reasons lotteries are such good targets for this kind of testing - you know all the probabilities in advance.

    Did you also do an control group, where you bought a ticket but did nothing magical? That's where you can really see what the shifts are. On my Powerball trials the control group got about 1 number every 8 plays (as expected) and the experimental group could reliably get 1-2 every time.

  6. Oh, also, the 1 in 8, 1 in 64, and so forth was what the odds were back when I spent the two years or so of testing. A few years ago upped the odds, so it's more like 1 in 10, 1 in 100, and so forth. These days when I do rituals I still can get one number pretty easily, but I don't get two as often as I did back when the odds were better.

  7. I took "near hits" into consideration because I noticed they increased after I started adding a magical component. It was as if the proximity to the pentacle "was drawing" the numbers towards the ones I played. Control group... not exactly. I did play the lottery before involving magick into it, yet I rarely got a hit. But idk how to quantify that exactly, since I did not pay any attention to statistics. And when I started adding a magical component I did it without considering any study. Sorry.

    I would say this, though. My Jupiter pentacle is +7 by traditional talisman considerations: domicile+terms. The day and hour do not count in the calculation, so imma leave it at +7. I'm usually slapping a candle on top of it every now and then, say the verse on the rim x4 and ask for money.

    I've had very good and relatively fast results with it, even though Saturn had entered my second house. Jupiter entered that house some time later, but for the most part it's debilitated there (Capricorn), yet that doesn't count since the pentacle was made during Jupiter in Sagittarius.

    However, ever since the icky stuff that's happened in Capricorn starting with January this year, I noticed increased resistance to my simple practice. Now, I could've easily dealt with it and even if it took some time for things to shift the way I wanted them to, I was directed towards dealing with the icky stuff on a global scale (thank you, "up stairs"! Grrrr!). Not that my simple thing isn't working, but the results come after a longer wait and after way more effort on my part.

    I also noticed that with Uranus in my 5th I got hits and near hits more often with the help of the pentacle, whereas now that it's in my 6th I'm getting less. But then again, I stopped playing that often since Uranus exited my 5th. There was a time I got good results at slot machines with the pentacle and other magick too, but I was lead towards doing something else when Uranus changed houses.

  8. Oh, and another thing. My Part of Fortune is in my 11th. This would favour such gains, at least to some degree. Yet my SN is there too. The SN there would also favor this, to mind, because it represents something I'm familiar with, among other things. But my workings have pushed me more and more towards my NN and now my SN is favouring me less and less. I can do something about that, but I've got a full schedule when it comes to such workings for another few months at least.

  9. LOL I mean my NN would encourage me to gamble too, but the rest of my workings have made my chart push me more towards other affairs of the 5th :D

  10. Wait, mistake. Mars is in Virgo in the second house, ruled by mercury, not Venus. It is in the third decan though, attributed to Venus. Not sure how much of an effect that would have.

    Mercury is unaffected by Aries, but it's making a quincrux to mars, 150 degrees.

  11. If your Mercury is between 14*00' and 19*59'59'' Aries, it is quite potent. The quincunx can be problematic though, as my general interpretation of your exact condition would be that you're having issues reconciling your actions with your plans when it comes to making money, if that makes sense. But I'm no astrologer, so don't take my word as gospel. Venus would aid your Mars very little, even if your Mars were located in the terms AND decan of Venus: 10*-12* Virgo (11*59'59'').

  12. I almost forgot (sleepy): your Mercury and Mars are in mutual reception so that can balance out the quincunx more.

  13. Nice. How do Decans work? I was under the impression that a planet was affected by the ascendant decan from 1 to 10, cadent 11 to 20, and succedent 21 to 30, and the planet was affected by it's compatibility with the ruler of that decan.

  14. Every planet is "received" by the decan ruler, the latter being the dispositor of the former. But the decans have the lowest degree of dignity. The order of dignity from strongest to weakest is domicile, exaltation, triplicity, term, decan.

  15. Thanks for the info. How does sign triplicity affect a given planets dignity?
    And what are terms? I've never heard of those before.

  16. It gives a middle level of dignity. About that and much more will be addressed in something that will become available (very) soon. (I hope!)

  17. @Scott for some reason I was not notified by the last comment you made - about the odds. It was just now that I came across it awaiting to be approved... Sorry about that!

  18. I keep thinking how is that the star constelations or The Zodiacs influence energy constitutions to produce change im Assiyah!Your mentioned that stars alinged for someone to win the lottery!
    May i ask how?I know it s impossible to answer in-detail i would just like to see your short opinion if possible.
    Is what we consider "luck"a large conglomerate od energies?

  19. In short, I'd say you nailed it. Luck as people call it can be seen as a conglomerate of energies imo. I wouldn't call them odd, although they can very well seem odd to those who cannot understand them. Or who cannot believe what's happening even when they're experiencing it.

    For example, Mercury just turned retro. This means people in general experience setbacks with technology and transportation and so on. But today everything went the opposite way for me for some reason. I went to the subway station in the morning and the next subway was announced to arrive within 5 minutes. It arrived within 1 minute. People around were complaining of their phone signal dropping whereas I had no problem with that. Several other things happened to me today in contrast to the "misfortune" experienced by others.

    Why? I haven't even thought about it. Maybe because I made an offering to Mercury and its spirits prior to the retrograde asking to be spared of such things?! I don't know.

    But yea, when it comes to "luck" I'd say various energies work towards creating favorable outcomes for you in certain areas. This happens because those energies are favourable within your chart, as well as when you get favorable transits. Not to mention when you do magick for a certain thing and you start experiencing this more often if the spell is working at least decently.
