Thursday, December 17, 2020

Alas, tis true. Har!


One of my dearest readers has contacted me out of the blue last night telling me the above. I... remained speechless for some time after reading it, before I emailed him back thanking him. I also told him that people hate me, implying the reason why my book doesn't get attention. I mean, I don't expect people to like me and I don't care either way, but how can I not be hated when I write stuff like *this*? ;D

This goes to show my stuff is not just pretty words arranged in interesting ways. You hear that, Mr. Meanie person? You know who you are! (He's a Dear, but a meanie nonetheless!)

That, and I'm perfectly aware of the fact my stuff is meant for those who are meant to have it. The rest of them can keep on hating me and I will keep on not caring at all while feeding off of that hate. So,

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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