Friday, November 26, 2021

Sun talisman experiment + bonuses

This article follows those on Venus (which it'd be best if you read first), Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn regarding the use of planetary squares as talismans, as per Agrippa. We've seen the articles on Mercury and Jupiter containing a bonus in the form of an additional decanal talisman that can be made using the astro elections I provided. This article will have two bonuses, meaning a decanal talisman and another talisman I will detail upon.

Agrippa writes of the solar kamea: 

"The fourth table is of the Sun, and is made of a square of six, and contains thirty six numbers, whereof six in every side, and Diameter, produce 111, and the sum of all is 666. There are over it divine names with an Intelligency to what is good, with spirit to what is evil, and out of it is drawn Characters of the Sun, and the spirits thereof. This being engraven on a Golden plate with the Sun being fortunate, renders him that wears it to be renowned, amiable, acceptable, potent in all his works, and equals a man to Kings, and Princes, elevating him to high fortunes, inabling to do whatsoever he pleaseth: but with an unfortunate Sun, it makes a tyrant, and a man to be proud, ambitious, unsatisfiable, and to have an ill ending."

That being said, the election I selected for this talisman experiment is on Friday, April 8, 2022 at 12:58pm GMT.

We see the Sun culminating in its sign of exaltation and in its decan as well. The waxing Moon is in domicile in Cancer, neither it or the Sun being involved in hard aspects. I will not post an election for the talisman when made when the Sun is unfortunate, but you can wait until the Sun enters Aquarius in about a couple of months and do it then. In both cases, cast the circle at the appropriate time, tune the space to the Sun, inscribe the talisman, call on the spirits, etc.




The first bonus of this article is a decan talisman for the second decan of Aries, decan of the Sun, which you can make instead of the kamea one on this election. Technically, you can make it during any Sunday and/or hour of the Sun while the Sun happens to be between 10-20 degrees Aries, preferably at sunrise or when the Sun is culminating. Don't forget the Moon and its location and aspects.

I found the Arabic Picatrix a bit blurry on this decan so here's the text from the Latin one:

"A woman dressed in green clothes and lacking in one leg. And this is a face of high rank, nobility, worth, and kingship. OR... There ascends in the second face of Aries a woman wearing a scarf and dressed in red, with also just one foot on the floor, her face resembling a lively and angry horse. She is looking for her son, clothes, ornaments and her daughter."

Unfortunately, I haven't found an appropriate image so you'd have to improvise and do a few sketches beforehand based on the description. Again, you don't have to be artistic when you inscribe the image. It suffices you do it at an appropriate time. If you wanna go more ceremonially, the godname of Aries is YHVH and the angel of the decan is Behahemi.

The second bonus comes in the form of yet another talisman, this time from The Book of the Treasure of Alexander. You see, I have selected this election specifically for the purpose of encompassing all three operations and you're free to choose between them. You can do any of them at that time or all three on that day, if you do one of them when the Sun is on the Ascendant, the other one when it is culminating and this third one anywhere in between, as I will explain. The advantage of this talisman is that it has to be made (and consecrated) while the Sun happens to be in its degree of exaltation, so that leaves you with about a day's time give or take.

"Take two ounces of pure gold and when the Sun is in the 19th degree of Aries (...) mold a ring with a signet of one ounce. Inscribe the signet with the image of a seated crowned man with a long spear in his hand (...) Whoever carries the ring will be exalted and honored by kings and all who will behold him will be in awe and no one will [wish] to harm him."

The instructions are clear about the ring being made irrespective of whether the Sun is on an angle for this operation so long as it is between 18*00'00'' and 18*59'59'' Aries. The source mentions that if you cannot complete the work during that time frame you'd have to wait for the following year to finish it. Now, I have no experience in metallurgy yet I imagine I could melt grandma's old wedding ring beginning when the Sun enters that degree and then wait for it to cool and inscribe it and consecrate it before the Sun exists that degree, so I don't think this would be so far fetched if you can clear your schedule for that time frame. Sorry grandma!

I have no appropriate image for this talisman either so you can inscribe a stick figure as being seated and crowned and holding a long spear. Think of a king figure in playing card deck and just stick figure it.  

EDIT: I forgot to add that the source says that once the talisman is made you should wrap it up and store it away until "the Moon conjoins the Sun in Leo." This practically means you'll have to wait for around five months afterwards until the Moon conjuncts the Sun in Leo, at what is widely known today as a New Moon. Then you're free to wear it. 

As a personal note, I find it interesting that the talisman is to be made when the Sun is exalted and is to be worn only after a lunation begins when the Sun is in domicile. I can't quite put my finger on it, but the association between Leo season and a New Moon in Leo as marking the time when you are to start wearing the talisman kinda makes sense to me. The talisman is made when the Sun is exalted and it is to be worn once the Sun reaches full power, after the beginning of that lunation. In my mind the New Moon in Leo sets the tone for grounding the energies of the sign even more, so it seems logical to start wearing the talisman then, since it'd be as if you were grounding its powers into you and as an extension, in your mundane environment which is where its powers will manifest. 

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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