Thursday, September 5, 2019

Impromptu Michael ritual

My readers are the smartest people in the whole world!!!

One of my readers was going through some hard times last week. Because of events I will keep to myself she had to relocate, and while doing so, she had to spend the night at a hotel. She decided to do some magick in order to help her get back on her feet after those events that had left her feeling sad, disappointed, and pretty much down. She only started conjuring angels a few weeks ago, and although she has little experience in that area, she went ahead and decided to call on Michael for assistance. I might be wrong, but I think it was the first time she was calling on him, and even so, she went ahead and did it.

All of her magical tools, fetishes, and implements were packed away in her car, and it would've been cumbersome for her to dig them out. She was also feeling tired and she did not have the stamina for conducting a complex ritual. She managed to pull out a white and a yellow candle, then got some orange juice from a nearby gas station and bought a lighter from there as well - she ended up buying the lighter even though she had another one in her room, and later on she noticed it was covered in a print depicting lemons and oranges, fruit corresponding to the Sun.

She resulted in tdrawing Michael's sigil on a piece of paper and had a fancier design of it showing up on her computer screen, poured some orange juice into a glass, and lit the candles. She then recited the conjuration of Michael from the Heptameron and asked Michael to blast her with solar energy for a week:

I conjure and confirm upon you, ye strong and holy angels of God, in the name Adonai, Eye, <Eye,> Eya, which is he who was, and is, and is to come, Eye, Abray; and in the name Saday, Cados, Cados, sitting on high upon the cherubim; and by the great name of God himself, strong and powerful, who is exalted above all the heavens; Eye, Saraye, who created the world, the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all that in them is, in the first day, and sealed them with his holy name Phaa; and by the name of the angels who rule in the fourth heaven, and serve before the most mighty Salamia, an angel great and honourable; and by the name of his star, which is Sol, and by his sign, and by the immense name of the living God, and by all the names aforesaid, I conjure thee, Michael, O great angel! who art chief ruler of this day; and by the name Adonai, the God of Israel, I conjure thee, O Michael! that thou labour for me, and fulfil all my petitions according to my will and desire in my cause and business.

She noticed some weird things happening during that time, which she detailed to me afterwards. Here's some of it:

"Computer screen went out when I finished saying the conjuration. Candles started making weird noises, like they were burning shit."

So I guess Michael answered her call and started doing the thing. I guess the burning shit thing she thought of might refer to Michael purging her of all the nastiness she had previously gathered. Soon enough she started feeling better. Even though she was still hurt by the events she had experienced, she felt ready to battle whatever came her way.

Besides the candles and the juice, she also offered Michael the horseshoe showing next to the candles, then she licensed him to depart using her own words.

She woke up feeling great the next day, even though she was still sad about what happened, but she took it as it is, and did not get all sobby as she used to after going through similar experiences in the past. She left the horseshoe somewhere under the sun outside with the sigil underneath it, so that anyone that could possibly find it would think twice before taking it.

In the days that followed she went through another round of hellish experiences. People kept hiting her with all sorts of crap from every angle, and events unfolded in such a way that it would've been unbearable for an average person to resist without losing their mind. She managed to fight her way through  despite everyone and everything being against her. When things started to settle down she headed home where yet another round of tensions await her.

She wrote to me today saying she doesn't know if she could've pulled through everything and come out the other end in one piece without having asked Michael for help. While on her way home she stopped in a secluded area and did another impromptu ritual to help her with what's coming ahead. She is still hurt, but confident she will eventually succeed in dealing with whatever is coming her way.

This is a great example of a quick ritual performed by a beginner in a situation of crisis, with little effort and preparation, and no tools. It goes to show you don't need a lavish temple room and all sorts of paraphernalia in order to ask a spirit for help on the go. Well ain't that funny?! You only need to act based on what you have come to learn so far, while being guided by your intuition!

Great job dude! I am proud of you! Keep up the good work! Thou art loved!

PS: You guys know what's even funnier? She did it in a Friday in the hour of Venus because lack of time ;)

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