Tuesday, August 20, 2019

By popular demand

Someone made a comment in one of my articles on this blog asking for "some pictures of the pages of your book, so people can read what sort of thing you're presenting". There is one such picture attached to the blog and you can find it by scrolling to the bottom of the page.

But if people are asking for more, so be it! Without further ado, here's some passages from Magick Pills for Hard Transits:

"In terms of using magick to counteract possible the turbulence produced by a transiting planet, I have found that the simplest way to do it is by giving offerings to that force. This is also a good way to act for preventing the possible adverse energies a planetary retrograde can manifest unto people. I for one try giving the offering in the exact moment the planet stations retrograde, but this method is not always feasible, since a lot of times a planet will station retrograde when I am asleep, at work, or undertaking various tasks. This is highly likely to happen, so therefore I often resort to giving an offering in the closest hour of that planet, prior to or following its retrograde station. Upon giving the offering I ask the forces to spare me (and those close to me) from the possible bad influences that retrograde can manifest, for the entire duration the planet appears to be traveling in reverse. A ritual for calling on the forces of a certain planet concerning that planet’s apparent retrograde motion can also be in order, and those forces are to be instructed to protect the person from the possible adverse effects of that planet’s retrograde. In such case I recommend one should perform this kind of ritual prior to that planet’s retrograde station."

And further on:

"I have had great success in curing myself of problems involving alcohol using offerings to Neptune in 2017, when the planet kept aspecting my natal Sun with an exact square through a series of retrograde a direct motions. Another success I have had with offerings happened in the day I am writing these words. Some six weeks ago Mercury was transiting Virgo and it made an exact square with my natal Sun. In the day after the aspect was exact I went to pay the electric bill. In my country we have some sort of ATM-like machines which one can use for paying various utility bills. After the payment was made the machine didn’t emit any receipt as it is usually the case, probably because it had ran out of paper on which to print it. I called the electric company shortly afterwards to see if the payment was made and they said it would take some forty eight hours for the money to be transferred to them. I called again a few days later and the money still had not reached them. I had no choice but to pay that bill again, thinking that the machine was damaged and the initial payment was lost in the system. Having not received any receipt from the machine, I was unable to make any complaint.

Even so, I made an offering to Mercury asking its forces to help me out with this issue or at least prevent such things from happening to me in the future. I received the next electric bill which did not contain any evidence of two previous payments being made, but only one. I thought that my initial payment was lost for sure and I came to terms with it. This morning I picked up the latest bill from my mail box, and to my surprise it was of negative balance, so now I don’t have to worry about paying the electric bill for another month. I guess that my request to Mercury was heard and its spirits began meddling with the ones and zeros of the that particular system until they made it so that my money got through to the source as an extra payment to my bills."

This will have to do for now.

Stay safe!


  1. When you do made offering do you call entities
    like on Scott s blog when asking to mingle the effect of a planet in transition ?

  2. I did it like here https://scaraoschisbooksofsorcery.blogspot.com/2022/01/lunar-petitions-for-beginners.html
