Saturday, May 11, 2019

Writer who hates to read?!

Yeah, that's me!

Why? Because my mind is occupied with other things that prevent me from paying attention to what's being written in books (and articles for that matter).

Did you know I keep my magical journal (because diary is for sissies) in my head? Did you know I keep track of the skies in my head? I'm not talking merely of lunar phases and the sign the Sun happens to transit. No! I'm talking about dates when planets go retrograde (including approximate hours), times the Moon changes signs, the position of every planet in any given day (with a 1* margin), calculating the times a sign will rise or sets, and many more. I'm practically doing elections in my head most of the time, even though I screw up every now and then, but they generally end up being decent most of the time.

Not only that, I have a short attention span, and if the text happens to drag before it gets to the point, I lose interest in it. I'd be better off doing something productive during that time, like generating various spirit sigils out of kameas, keeping up with my own writing (God, I'm way behind already!), making fun online, etc.

This is also why I stay away from debates, even in the online environment. If someone were to state their opinions and I happen to disagree with them, most of the time I would ask them a simple question which points towards the reason why I disagree. If they answer me in more than a couple of paragraphs, I walk away, because I usually ask my questions to the point (Y/N answers), and if the person digresses and starts quoting from various sources, then bleah...

I usually write my books in a linear fashion, using simple words, and I'm trying to phrase those words in such a way that pretty much any idiot will understand what I'm trying to say. If I'm not happy with what I wrote, then I read it again and again until my phrasing comes out right, or close to my intent as possible - keep in mind English is not my native language.

So I prefer to what I wrote again and again, than to read stuff from others. This is because I know what I wrote and where I wrote the main points.

I enjoy reading Scott's blog, though, because he's got a great style of writing. Frater B too, but his articles are waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long for my tastes :(

Stay safe!

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