Thursday, May 9, 2019

Question on Lilith from a reader

A few days ago one of my readers asked me something. After reading Mundane Body Magick he also bought The Magick of Astrorelationships. Since the latter book addresses Lilith among other things, the person wanted to know if it would be wise for someone like him to start working with her. This is because his religion is anti-demonic and he was involved in prayers against her in the past.

It is my personal belief that gods and spirits in general do not give a damn about your religion when you approach them, and this goes double for when they approach you. Yes, some gods and spirits are jealous. Some of them could even punish those who have an ongoing relationship with them if those people start working with other entities. But it is my opinion that these are distinct cases because every relationship, both spiritual and mundane, has its particularities. Some people are monogamous, and could very well murder their partner if he or she has merely looked at another person. Some people are poly-amorous, or swingers and would probably enjoy it if their partner were to bring home a third party for pleasure.

In any case, my experience so far tells me that once you have established a relationship with a god or spirit, that entity can guide you into working with others, and even to establish relationships with one or more of them. I think this happens because the entity knows way more than the person, and can see things in far greater perspective than the latter. If the person has asked their spiritual partner (so to speak) for help and guidance regarding this, that, and the other, then the spiritual partner can lead them down some paths in which encountering other entities and establishing relationships with them is a must if the initial goal of the person is to be achieved. And this could very well serve as a means to help the person grow spiritually as well, in addition to him or her achieving a mundane goal.

Okay, I'm digressing, so back to the question. I told my reader he can very well approach her with the respect he would show towards any entity, ask her for whatever it is he wants from her, offer her something in return, then await for the results. I asked him if he had a feeling he should get this book, and he said yes. He also told me he became more interested in her after she appeared in one of his dreams, and being a clever person, he pays attention to his dreams and the signs they might offer. Moreover, he said he was guided into watching a Netflix series about a girl who was chosen by Lilith. This to me is a sign Lilith had guided him towards buying my book, because she has the most influence behind me writing it. The roots of that influence spread many-many moons into the past, but that's too long of a story for me to tell.

All of this was no surprise to me, as several of the people who I know are working with her have been lead towards doing so by different means, my book included. I do not know why Lilith is guiding these people into working with her, but I strongly suspect it is for their ultimate good. The road towards that ultimate good can very well become perilous along the way, but those perils are there only to strengthen the individual. He or she will definitely start a transformation process once they will begin walking down the path Lilith is guiding them towards.

So in case you feel like she might be "haunting" you, you should be glad! This is my personal opinion, based on what I experienced so far. In case you are frightened of her because your conditioning makes you think she is evil, a demon, and so on, and you reject the hand she's offering you, then I guess you could go on living your life as usual. I do not think she will act vengeful towards you for doing so, but I think it's very likely she will keep on applying her influence into your life. However, if you are unaware of her influence, the experiences to which it can subject you can very well seem awful, because they can manifest in such ways which will draw your attention towards the lessons you need to learn in order for your soul to gather what it needs from this lifetime. You know, the more you disregard something, the more in-your-face it gets.

I for one think of Lilith as a goddess. That is to say, an aspect of the Great Mother, the feminine side of Almighty God (for you Christians out there). She might be dark, but her darkness also points towards mysteries, hidden knowledge, and so forth, besides the frightening stuff many out there think of when they hear about darkness. It is only by immersing oneself into the darkness without any light can someone discover its treasures, for if he or she were to use light during their immersion, the darkness would scatter along with all the goodies it contains.

I also think all that was written of Lilith as being evil was done so by men who were following the strict dogmas of patriarchal societies. Since patriarchy is still very much present in the world these days, many people naturally come into contact with the demonized Lilith. But things are changing and the balance is slowly turning towards equilibrium - keep in mind that those same sources say Lilith refused to lay under Adam because she sought equality with him. And if you think about it, the universe would probably return to its primordial state of chaos if there's too much imbalance between light and darkness.

Some sources even mention her being next to the throne of God in place of the fallen Shekinah, for all you occultists of the white&fluffy kind. And whaddayaknow?! Lo and behold, Ye formidable Aaron Leitch, Gnostic Priest, has (or had) a relationship with her. If my memory serves me well, I think I remember him saying she was his first patron. Or one of the first, anyway. He's even written a good *article* about her.

I am not saying light means "good" (God) and darkness means "evil" (Devil). This is the misconception many people out there have gotten used to because of their conditioning from an early age. I am saying that both light and darkness are parts of creation as polarities, and each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses, but one cannot exist without the other.

Coming to an end, I almost cannot believe it's now two years (minus a few days) after I called Lilith in ritual for the first time and asked her to show me wtf is wrong with my life. The path I started to walk on from that point has lead me to this point in time, and this book (TMoA) was the first gem I came across inside the darkness. I had to polish it somewhat, but not so much, as I think the goddess intentionally had me write it this way, as others out there who will work with it can finish the polishing process in their own way, and for their personal means.

I almost forgot! Here's a link to the first chapter of the (free!) book Anthony has written, Dive Manual: A Prose of Alchemy & Analytic Psychology. He is uploading chapters of it regularly online, and I am confident he will publish it in paperback soon. HE SHOULD!!! The discussions I've had with Anthony about his book and about life itself have made me become aware of the fact Lilith was manifesting herself strongly in my life and was trying to make me aware of her presence. This has lead me towards calling on her, and the rest is history. Needless to say, his book is also influenced by Lilith, and I am sure you will find many gems inside of it. Tip: read between the lines! You can also find the link to the first chapter of this book in the side bar to the right of the blog. I am not a fan of psychology, nor would I be able to explain the subtleties of Anthony's book from a psychological perspective. What I can say is you should be able to feel the message behind it when reading it, if you're also one who felt the push to read it.

***This article was written several days before it got posted. The man just contacted me again right now (Tuesday) telling me he made contact with Lilith and he feels awesome. Hell yeah! Keep up the good work dude!

This happened despite what others have told him about Lilith. And this, folks, goes to show that it's your personal experience that counts, and not what others be telling you! Those people might not even have any sort of occult experience and/or they might have passed on what they heard. If you happen to feel drawn towards Lilith, or if she happens to contact you, I recommend you go along. This goes for any other entity out there.***


I also made this picture as a gesture of love and friendship towards Lilith. It's not much, as my image editing skills suck even more than my writing skills, so you can edit yourself further if you want to. Then frame it, place it on your altar, call on Lilith and ask her to manifest herself through it in your life if you want to.


  1. Nice post. I will add these things as supplementary:

    For those hung up on the demonic aspects of Lilith, she is just one of many faces of the Great Mother. Realistically, the vast majority of gods and goddesses throughout history have been Gods and Devils. recall the idea of warring tribes--the victor's god remains God and the loser's god becomes the new Devil.

    But there are many practioners that do consider Lilith a demoness and worship her as such. The intentions are key, a regular mom loves her child but can become extremely pissed with him. For further archetypal context on Lilith, consider Kali of India and Isis of Egypt. Both were the Mother of the Mysteries, essentially, and both were worshipped for their violent and maternal qualities. the violent qualities, such with Kali, were worshipped for protecting, Kali protected her followers like a mother bear protects her cub. And furthermore, the violence represents the karma of disobeying Kali. Kali, similar to Yahweh, does not actually want to inflict these punishments. They are all part of the naturalized, inevitably learning process. Alchemy.

    CG Jung emphatically stated throughout all his work that the gateway to the soul is inward, through the Shadow. This means stepping towards everything we do not understand about ourselves, and learning to integrate it despite the discomfort.

    BUT MAKE SURE YOU ARE TRANSMUTING. the point is to develop your personality, not bog yourself down in it. work with the gods and goddesses to help yourself help others. if you focus only on yourself, you'll implode eventually.

    AND DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE FATHER EITHER. If you work with only the Great Mother, and forget about the Father and the Logos (guardian angel for lack of further description) you will fall out of balance and might start creating more problems.

    Best of luck to all you wayward travelers

  2. Great comment! Thanks for your input. Looking forward to your interview, and will add it here one it drops.
