Friday, May 3, 2019

About my books

I wrote my first two books The Magick of Astrorelationships and Mundane Body Magick to get them out of my system and to stop the voice inside my head from constantly harassing me about writing them. They are based on my personal magical experiments using Scott Michael Stenwick's ritual patterns he has published on his blog Augoeides. I am very grateful to Scott for offering magical information for large audiences in such detail, as well as providing help to anyone who asks questions relating to his ritual methods. Truth be told, it is likely my magical practices would've stalled big time if it weren't for his blog.

Having no experience with books and publishing, I decided to publish them in Kindle format at first in order to test the market. I did not expect my sales to skyrocket, and I am grateful I'm able to sell at least one book per month, or every couple of months. Given the lack of demand, I am holding back on publishing the first one in paperback. I did have a demand for the paperback version of the second one so I decided to give it a shot, but as it turned out that demand was only apparent, as I ended up selling only 3 copies so far. It is true that my writing style is nothing to brag about, as it lacks fancy words that would make me come across as baeing a cultured person. It is also true that English is not my native tongue, so I cannot express myself when using it as easily as an Englishman, an American, or a Canadian could. I am not ashamed to say that the books have undergone much editing even after they have been published just because of what I have written before. You can imagine that lacking exercise in actually speaking English for many years hasn't help too, as my vocabulary keeps getting more and more limited.

Having poor skills in using writing programs also represented a challenge for me, as I had to add many pictures into the books, and the page layout might seem horrible to some who come across the pages containing the pictures. I managed to fix that to some degree, but the rendering to Kindle messed things up too. On top of that, my online persona might also determine people to look the other way, as I could very well come across as someone who knows next to nothing about magick.

So who in their right mind would want to read one of my books, let alone pay for it? I for one wouldn't. In fact, I am almost amazed no one has asked for their money back yet. Even so, Nick Farrell accepted one of my manuscripts for his 2019 edition of the The Hermetic Tablet, but he had to cancel the project shortly after due to the lack of sales of his previous edition. Guess accepting me dropped the sales. HAR! (Sorry Nick). So i decided to publish it by myself as a booklet in Kindle format and let it be.

These three books offer detailed practical information that can help an average Joe start practicing magick and end up working with the forces attributed to the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Not only that, but the books are based on a method which (without lack of modesty) is unique. Yes, the rituals are well known by many occult practitioners, but the reason for doing them is unique. Yes, they are used to call upon various spirits, but the way you put those spirits to work is unique. Being sly by nature, I wrote these three books in such a way that bits and pieces of helpful information are spread inside all three, in case someone wants to use my method in more detail.

In case you don't want to buy these books from those links, I can offer them at lower prices in pdf format. This is a win-win, because you pay less and I receive more money, even though we're talking about a few lousy bucks. Contact me here or at if you're interested in buying them in pdf. (Or look up Alex Scaraoschi on fb and drop me an inbox there, although it's likely I will miss it because fb has a habit of not notifying me in case of messages I receive from people outside my list). Up front I want to say I'm offering all three of them for $25 USD.

Moving on, I ran into an online announcement on Dæmonic Dreams saying they were looking for a writer. So I took a shot at it and ended up publishing two more books: Pumped Up Jar Spells and Phenomenal Familiar Power. They are both in paperback (only) and they are both available for purchase from the publisher (only). 

I want to thank Rob for agreeing to collaborate with me! Having a publisher is great. Not only will the books have a way better chance of being sold, but I now have no reason to worry about my writing because the editing is done by someone who is a native English speaker, so YAY!

At least two more of my books will be published by Dæmonic Dreams in the near future, so keep an eye on their website and their fb page if you're interested. 

I'm also working on what I humorously refer to as MY MAGNUM OPUS (LOL) in which I will explain the unique method I wrote about in my first books, as well as present a means for someone to fulfill their earthly destiny. But I think that book is still a far cry from dropping. 

That's all for now.

Stay safe!


  1. I have read and highly recommend Mundane Body Magick and Magick Pills for Hard Transits. If you are a magician interested in diving right in to do hands on work, the methods offered in these books are for you. The workings are practical, accessible and very effective! You can't go wrong with any of these titles.

  2. Thank you for the comment, and most of all thank you for buying and reading them! Hope they will be of help.
