Saturday, May 25, 2019


It never ceases to almost amaze me how hardcore magicians end up experiencing shit storms in their lives on a microcosmical or macrocosmical level, or both. With all their paraphernalia, tools, fetishes, knowledge, practical experience, time, can-do attitude, and so forth, they are not spared from hard times, even though they really know how to do magick. I am not referring to something like the death of a loved one, even though such a thing can be at least predicted in advance if one knows how to do it, but to something way more simple, in the form of a personal emotional crisis.

To my mind this happens because they are too stuck in their narrow perspective and keep manifesting their by-the-book attitude, that they cannot see the forest from the trees. I am in no way a well read individual, but I have an extensive collection of pdf books, most of which were offered to me in time by people who found my answers to their questions to be very helpful. Every now and then I take a look through those files, even though I hate to read, especially late at night when I can't sleep. I don't have to read much to figure out I already know what's in there because I came across it somewhere else. Many books on magick out there, especially the self-initiation ones, offer pretty much the same things to their readers, though in slightly different forms so it would not appear as if one author is copy-pasting another: Mercury is for healing, Saturn is for cursing, meditation is important, bla bla...

I'm not saying that following those books will not help people deal with various issues in their lives, because those books offer correct magical information. My problem is that whatever magical information they offer is easily accessible somewhere else. Sure, some people will say that, as in the case of ye olde grimoires, those books only offer the basic information for one to start conjuring spirits, and once the person gets in touch with the beyond, he or she will start learning from whatever entities they call on. This is true, but what does the person want to learn from those entities?

I have noticed that many people out there do not know what they want. I mean what they REALLY want. So they start asking to learn things that they consider to be important and the spirits start teaching them. But since they, the individuals, do not know what makes them tick, or have some kind of philosophical understanding of it based on what they've read about what some people from the past said, they are mostly blind to their own imperfections and what actually causes them. This in turn causes them not to know what they want. This is just my assumption, but I'm thinking that deep inside they're looking for practical means to fix themselves, but they end up seeking for those means in ways that only serve them improve their magical rituals, at best. For instance, how does knowing different magick circle patterns help one heal their emotional turmoil? It doesn't! It only adds a few Megabits of information to their inner hard drive, but it doesn't help them perform a thorough disk cleanup, for instance.

And now we get to my books. Sure, they also contain information that is easily available out there (Scott's blog), but they are based on my journey through what I noticed to be uncharted territory for many. Take my book The Magick of Astrorelationships for instance. Use it on yourself and presto chango you start fixing what's actually causing your issues. This will not happen over night, but it will, and at some point you will find out what's been causing all that emotional crisis, not to mention you will end up totally healed from it. This is because you will have fixed the cause, instead of casting on the effects.

In the words of Birch Tree: think outside the box!

That is all.


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