Monday, July 15, 2019

Magick for Everyone, everyone!!!

Guide for beginners in the magical arts, containing valuable recommendations and tips most people usually have nowhere to find. This book is based on the experiences of yours truly, as well as the helpful information I have come across and received from experienced magicians so far.

Available now only at my publisher *HERE*!


  1. It would be helpful if you would post some pictures of the pages of your book, so people can read what sort of thing you're presenting. Sort of like how Amazon has a "Look Inside" option for most of their books. It's just because every single occult author on the planet solemnly promises that their book is different than all the other books out there. Then you get the book, and it's the same as everything else out there. Anyway, just a thought. Take care, Namaste!

  2. Thank you for you massage.

    If you are to direct your attention to the bottom of the page, you would see such a picture.

    That's quite an idea you gave me there, although I would have to carefully consider what to photograph for a sneak preview without offering too many spoilers. Food for thought.

  3. I posted a new article featuring a couple of passages. You can see it here:
