As such, the following example is for Yeyayel who is attributed to 15*-20* Cancer as per Agrippa. His powers are: protects against storms and shipwrecks, dominates fortune in business, influences business trips. If you were to use the Golden Dawn system then I'm sure you'd find him elsewhere in the zodiac - see The Shem Grimoire.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Shem election?!
I've been thinking about elections for Shem angels for a few years now. Although I have no idea whether such a thing exists, especially since these angels are attributed differently depending on sources, I decided to use what grimoirists usually recommend people. Or at least what I imagine they recommend, since I've come across this recommendation only a few times so far.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Mi Cielos
My copy of Cielos just arrived this afternoon, which makes Lulu shipping services much faster than stupid ass amazon. This happened despite the package being shipped from the US, so FU amazon!!! (I hate you as much as I hate disney!)
But anyway, besides the obvious delight in receiving this kind of shipping a week after ordering it, the layout of the book looks fantastic with respect to images and figures. While there's some minor, let's say glitches, when it comes to a few rows going out of margin, I blame it on the complexity of the software's codes. Otherwise they rendered the document superbly. More importantly, Señor Shaman's diagrams, seals and so on look marvelous (because he's an overleaf nerdy genius).
Another happy reader
I've received an email from one of my readers from in Rosario, Argentina. It seems Cielos is really picking up speed, something I've been somewhat expecting considering the hunger for practical occult material among native Spanish speaking occultists. The email had the following photo attached:
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Dumb people can woowoo too, ya know
I! (me) am the perfect example anyone can do magix. Even more so, I'm the perfect example any idiot can write a magick book that works, which is why I ceased to be impressed by all them occult whatnots who wrote XYZ the moment I published The Magick of Astrorelationships.
The point I'm making is if someone as dumb as myself could learn these things and put them to work successfully then I'm sure others can too, since I imagine they're not as stupid. And believe it or not, I used to be highly stupid when it came to understanding new concepts and applying them in practice. Still am on occasion. To quote Anakin Skywalker, "I'm a slow learner" and this applies both in terms of his humor, as well as in him resisting to learn things he didn't want to.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Trends and groupies
For a few years now I've been observing a trend emerging in certain occult social media environments. I quickly managed to trace it to certain "experts" who wanted to come across as powerful wizards, but who used this gimmick of starting trends to sell their books.
The trend itself quickly spread among the intelligently blind, people who receive every such piece of information coming from alleged authority figures with great awe. They not only stuff their empty heads with it, but they also promote it to others as if it were gospel.
It consists of overusing the term "supercelestial" in conjunction with either "angel" or "archangel" to imply beings that must be beyond godhood or something, which no one can work with. Except for the "expert" who wrote the book, of course, who detailed all about the methods he used and his experience in there.
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Let it rain!
Apparently the layout of this article looks like crap and idk why, irrespective of how much I keep changing settings. I mean I know why, but for some reason the stupid html won't allow me to change too many codes or delete any stupid codes that make this shitty thing happen - sorry!!!
I will start this article with part of local children's poem by George Coșbuc. Unfortunately, I'm not able to translate it properly into English because I'm not inclined to poetry and my vocabulary in both languages is poor, so bare with me:
"The rain is coming, I'm so glad!
I have a flower in my garden,
The rain will make it grow big
The rain is coming, I'm so glad!"
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Make the best of it!
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Couldn't find a more suggestive picture in a rush... |
I'm writing this article as a recommendation for anyone who's working with planetary energies, irrespective whether they're self-proclaimed whatnots or scholars or whatever, or whether those people say such things don't matter. It is thought of as a stupid-friendly article every dumbass can understand. Its actual target is people with little to no astrological knowledge, so I'll be repeating some stuff I've been saying in other articles.
Since it's always better to be proactive instead of reactive in any area of life, I'm applying this concept in regards to magical work.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Educating people
For some time now I've devoted my time more towards educating people find their way through the twisted labyrinth that is the occult, a labyrinth full of traps and things that are too good to be true. This was in detriment to actually spreading free practical knowledge, but I consider it as beneficent as the former. Besides, I get a kick out of making fun of lame bitches, men and women included.
Therefore, besides providing people with a straightforward method of conjuring spirits, Los cielos se abren seeks to help beginners recognize the malignant elements I've mentioned at the end of Asteria 2. Moreover, I recommend one is to avoid such cesspools and move along on their path. However, if you're like me, at least a bit, then you'll probably want to make fun of those people too, in which case I recommend you get Magic Words and see how magick works and what it's really about from a Western perspective. Once you become aware of these simple but important notions and concepts, it'll be easy for you to see through people's fake facades and easily figure out whether they're full of shit or not whenever they're making outrageous statements.
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Even stronger Mercury election
Recently I've posted this Mercury election with Mercury in domicile, triplicity and terms, but with a waning Moon. This election is even better! And here I was saying good Mercury elections are kinda hard to find haha. And because one of my readers who's bought Los cielos se abren is from Bilbao, the election is set for his location.
As usual, besides the talismans mentioned in the tagged articles, you can pretty much go ahead and perform any Mercury operation you want. Again, I wouldn't recommend you waste such an election on mystical work, offerings, praying, or any other more or less magical activities that don't involve changing things in your favor, especially those of a macrocosmic nature. Working on the microcosm doesn't require such astrological precision unless you're working my stuff for overcoming natal retrogrades. And even then you might not have to watch for extremely precise timing, depending on your goals.
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Thieves screaming thief
The title is a saying from my country which applies to those people who knowingly and willingly divert attention from themselves whenever they're doing shady stuff and pointing the finger to others, accusing them of doing the exact same thing they're doing. In doing so, they're buying time to cover their tracks and maybe even lay low for a while till the storm passes, a storm they had brewed against someone else.
To get to the point, I posted my review of Señor Shaman's healing book on the stupid social media I hate so much. The first comment it got was from a lady asking me how much money I received as a gift from the author to promote his product. If the comment stopped there it would've raised credible concern in regards to the validity of my article since I posted it somewhere many people who are used to occult scams frequently go to, therefore people's paranoia levels with respect to such shady activity is high there. But no, the lady went on to say the only genuine person who does genuine shit of such and such kind is one "Señora Antonia", who's done a great deal of good for her, and even added what I imagine to be that woman's personal phone number. I imagine she hoped people would see it and immediately call that woman to book her services.
Friday, June 17, 2022
Book review: El Toque de Asclepio
Appearing practically out of the left field, El Toque de Asclepio is a unique occult book that focuses on healing. It's not just any book and it's not just any healing because it's written by Señor Shaman. Therefore, it's addressing this highly sensitive and complex field from unique perspectives.
The book itself is not complicated, meaning it won't be hard for readers to wrap their head around it. It does, however, discuss and detail concepts that can become complicated once you pass through the shallow and artificial layer New Age thought has laid down upon them.
Thursday, June 16, 2022
El primero
I just received this email from the last person that had asked me if I will ever write a book on planetary magick in Spanish. As mentioned in the article regarding the book's publication, that email determined me to actually write Los cielos se abren.
Therefore, I want to thank N.L. for his email along with all others who have emailed me expressing their interest for this book! May your work be successful all of the time!
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Capella election
As I was getting bored playing around with the chart I came across this election for the fixed star Capella, one of the fifteen Behenian Stars. This star is currently located at 22*09' Gemini.
According to Agrippa, Capella is said to make one honored and exalted before kings and princes (rulers, and authorities in general, I might add). It is also said to be good against dental issues and for general health and healing, depending on sources.
Consequences of being a muggle
With this post I'd like to announce a very successful Jupiter talisman experiment. The talisman in question is the one I've discussed in the article I tagged, the Jupiter kamea. I made the talisman at a very auspicious time back when Jupiter was still super strong in Pisces and gave it to one of my relatives who was constantly complaining about money issues.
The person in question is retired and usually receives their pension, without having other sources of income. Since they've received the talisman they started getting calls from people who know them, asking them for help with various chores. These chores involve quick cleaning duty, babysitting, cooking for people who cannot cook for themselves, doing grocery shopping for people who cannot get out of the house due to various conditions and so on.
Monday, June 13, 2022
Very strong Mercury election
June 20 is a very good time to perform a Mercury ritual. While it is true there is a waning Moon, I consider this to be a less important requirement (and leave it to the so called experts to pass judgement). What is important in my opinion is that Mercury's condition at that time is kinda rare to find, as I will detail further on.
Since I wrote Los cielos se abren and detailed on general astrological requirements in there, the following chart should be helpful for people in South America tune their rituals to the appropriate time. And you can benefit from this election date even if you're not in South America by moving the chart to have Mercury on the ASC or MC.
The chart is set for Santiago, Chile:
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Talisman - eleventh lunar mansion
July 1 (or 2, maybe, depending on longitude) is a good enough time for an eleventh lunar mansion talisman and anyone who bought my Los cielos se abren can use it to actively conjure the spirit of the mansion to empower the talisman. Otherwise, passing it through incense smoke while asking for it to perform such and such within the mansion's powers should do.
According to Book IV, Chapter 9 of the Picatrix, this talisman will make its bearer feared and respected by people. The same source describes the talisman image as being "the image of a man riding a lion, holding a lance in his right hand and holding the ear of the lion with his left [hand], and in front of this figure write the name of the lord of this mansion". I posted the above image just for kicks, but remember you don't have to draw an artistic image if you're not up to it. Do your best and draw the image as well as you can - do some practice drawings before then.
The spirit of this mansion is Necol (Neciel in other sources) and the name of the mansion is Azobra, spanning between 8*35' and 21*25' Leo.
Deeper into the unknown
This is another free followup article on the twelfth astrological house. I've briefly discussed the nature of the twelfth house in this article and I elaborated on it in my article "A living hell: The eerie twelfth house" from Asteria 2. I've also discussed despair more in depth, it being a twelfth house theme. This article detail a few other twelfth house themes which affect an individual from both a micro and a macrocosmic perspective.
In the article from Asteria 2 I spoke about solitude as being part of the twelfth house bag of goodies. Solitude has its good sides and I also spoke about it from the perspective of monks who seek mystical experiences. But solitude can be good for us laymen as well since every so often we might feel the need to sit alone with our own thoughts due to various reasons, especially when the world around is constantly pushing us along more rapid lanes. In this case, brief periods of solitude can help one more or less center themselves, perform self reflection, possibly even eliminate stress and charge one's self with confidence, determination, etc. Needless to say, constant periods of solitude are necessary for someone who's actively involved in the occult due to obvious reasons.
Saturday, June 4, 2022
Los cielos se abren
Los cielos se abren: Magia planetaria práctica has been published and is available for everyone interested to work with planetary forces actively. More importantly, it is available for every Spanish speaking person out there because it's written in Spanish and will only be available in Spanish.
I know, I know, I said I was done with writing. And I am! It's just that for some time now I've been receiving messages from people with Spanish as a native tongue asking me if I'll ever write a book on planetary magick that will be available in their language. I wasn't planning to, until I got the last message, then it came to me!
There's a lot of Spanish speaking people out there who don't speak English and most occult material is solely available in English. Goes to show how much them self-proclaimed experts, teachers and occult role models really care about spreading knowledge, even if they'd benefit from it financially... All they see are their immediate needs and it seems I was right about their narrow perspective in regards to woowoo, since it's clear it also applies in other areas too. Tough luck, dumbasses! As someone from around here whom I used to consider a dumbass used to say, "Should I give them my brain? I can't *shrug*" so that's that.
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Mercury retrograde experiment
Now that Mercury retro's almost over it's time to reveal the results of my magical experiment I've conducted based on the methods I discuss in Magick Pills for Hard Transits.
The experiment consisted in me casting on a relative to help them get through this period without unnecessary obstacles and them performing a simple petition to Mercury for the same purpose, the likes I've discussed here (something I offer as an example in the aforementioned book). Meanwhile, I was the control sample and did nothing for myself. I didn't even rely on my talismans whenever I had to undertake several tasks, just so I'd remove any magical backup that would have me overcome some of the effects of the retro. I only had my charm and good looks that have been magically enhanced beforehand and which cannot be returned to their factory settings without having to cast again for that purpose, something I'm not willing to do because I spent a lot of time waiting for proper times to perform such things on myself - they're ongoing. I offered a brief example of this in Magic Words.
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