Thursday, June 2, 2022

Mercury retrograde experiment

Now that Mercury retro's almost over it's time to reveal the results of my magical experiment I've conducted based on the methods I discuss in Magick Pills for Hard Transits

The experiment consisted in me casting on a relative to help them get through this period without unnecessary obstacles and them performing a simple petition to Mercury for the same purpose, the likes I've discussed here (something I offer as an example in the aforementioned book). Meanwhile, I was the control sample and did nothing for myself. I didn't even rely on my talismans whenever I had to undertake several tasks, just so I'd remove any magical backup that would have me overcome some of the effects of the retro. I only had my charm and good looks that have been magically enhanced beforehand and which cannot be returned to their factory settings without having to cast again for that purpose, something I'm not willing to do because I spent a lot of time waiting for proper times to perform such things on myself - they're ongoing. I offered a brief example of this in Magic Words.

The reason I cast on my relative is he is constantly involved in working with people, doing paperwork, communicating, commutting and so on, whereas I'm not even 10% involved in the kind of activity he's doing on a regular basis. But this time I scheduled most of my appointments and to do shit so they'd happen during the retro period just to fill my already busy but relatively boring schedule with enough thrill as to get closer to his level. That way I figured the results would be worth comparing since we're in fact two different people with two different lives. 

The results were quite outstanding. The guy went on with his life as usual, often over performing although I put that on the fact everyone else around him was underperforming because of the retro. There were a couple of occasions he was delayed, but that turned out to his benefit because each time the rescheduling of stuff he had to do later rendered that stuff unnecessary in the end since someone else eventually took care of it. All in all he was quite happy.

Things seemed to work out well for me too, up to the final retro week. A couple of lightbulbs popped around Mercury retro cazimi and I guess that's as good as it could get considering I've noticed quite a lot of highly unpleasant events during such moments over time, both around me and on the news. A few days later there was a blackout for a couple of hours and although I was a bit annoyed by it, I let it pass without any more thinking.

I had deliberately scheduled a very important meeting at a government office mid retro period and when I arrived I found a cue. No surprise there since we're still in the middle ages in regards of bureaucratic shit despite the authorities constantly announcing more and more online shit is about to come up, shit that would speed up things and make the cues a thing of the past. There were two women inside the office, both middle aged, one of them looking as if she was no stranger of more expensive beauty salons, the other quite the opposite. As with most public servants here, the two were quite bored and annoyed and treated people like crap.

When it was my turn I ended up in front of the more elegant woman's office, stated the reason I was there, presented the papers and so on. The woman took a long pause, then stared at me, then took a long pause again. Initially I thought she remembered she forgot to take her smoke break and would have me wait indefinitely before she returned. But then the woman smiled at me and started acting in ways as if she were talking when out on a date with someone she had a crush on. Her tone was warm and she kept looking back at me after each action she took involving her computer and other files on her desk. I then figured my already existing juju is enough to get me through since she was treating me far better than those poor bastards before. 

At one point she looked as if she was suddenly ashamed and looked at me in desperation. She immediately started apologizing and told me to have a seat and wait for her to return, something she had not done for anyone before since I had arrived. In fact, she flipped them off at the first sign of inadequacy and told them to return after a few weeks. She went out of the office and came back some ten minutes later, excusing herself with a smile and told me to wait for her to receive a phone call from her colleagues. A few minutes later she received that phone call which made her face drop. She seemed pissed and I imagined she was going to flip me off as well. Instead, she again apologized a few times and told me there was an unexpected error and the files I had been waiting for ended up being mixed with others. 

Just as I was imagining I would have to return a few weeks later, she asked me with a pleading tone if I can return the following day to which I said I couldn't. She seemed sad and I said I could try two days from then. She immediately registered me for an audience a couple of days later and then was close to asking me for my number saying I'll be contacted (by her) in case something unexpected happens further, but then I guess she got embarrassed since her colleague was looking at her with amazement and she noticed it.

I returned after two days and things went smooth af even if that lady was not there. A lady colleague of her's was there instead and that woman was also very helpful and polite. She helped me with the paperwork and directed me towards a place to pay a couple of minor taxes. That office seemed deserted - no cues. Even the male armed guards were ever so helpful and polite in directing me through halls and corridors.

I returned with the receipts and the lady awaited me having prepared my file, something she wasn't compelled to. She then directed me towards another office where the file would end up being processed and they would issue the final goddamn paper I needed. There were three middle aged women inside, but the first two politely directed me towards the third. Although she apparently made great efforts to make herself look more appealing, the woman seemed like the most sorry ass unsatisfied bitch evah, if you know what I mean...

She had noticed me coming in and I saw her face change immediately as her colleagues started talking to me. She had a hungry look on her face and I guess my juju was way too much for her. But I guess her hormones had gone berserk because she acted like a total cunt. In the end she programmed me seven days later despite having had the possibility of issuing the blasted paper in the spot. Oh well... 

So my ongoing heavily jujued charm and good looks still works even though I'm butt ugly, but that won't get me through Mercury retro without difficulties. Come to think of it, I've always had this kind of experience with highly unsatisfied women ever since I was a kid. I remember some of my lady teachers in grade school were like that and there were always acting like cunts towards me alone even if I wasn't jujued at the time... On the other hand, my relative seemed to have managed it very well with the help of previous magical workings.

Seven days later I returned and the highly unsatisfied bitch acted like an even greater cunt towards me. I imagine it was due to my recently made Venus in Taurus (+10) perfume, one that's causing women all around me to stare at me constantly as if they're in a trance >:D She barked a few words at me and directed me towards another colleague of her's after giving me a set of papers. That other colleague noticed the woman's behavior and for some reason she also decided to be a cunt towards me. She started breaking my balls over XYZ papers I still needed to give her and after a half an hour or so she finally gave in after I started smiling at her as if I fancied her, having realized she must be as unsatisfied as her other colleague. All in all, I got the goddamn paper!

The moral of the story is protect yourself as my much as you can based on the actual threat without relying on other magical whatnot that even though might help, are not suited for that kind of help. In the case of transits you can use my aforementioned book. In other cases you can use my Mars working for protection.

We talk about retrogrades in detail in Asteria where we also present simple methods of understanding and dealing with them. And you can overcome your natal retrogrades with the help of my class which you can also use for natal planets that are direct but weak. 

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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