Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Shem election?!

I've been thinking about elections for Shem angels for a few years now. Although I have no idea whether such a thing exists, especially since these angels are attributed differently depending on sources, I decided to use what grimoirists usually recommend people. Or at least what I imagine they recommend, since I've come across this recommendation only a few times so far.

As such, the following example is for Yeyayel who is attributed to 15*-20* Cancer as per Agrippa. His powers are: protects against storms and shipwrecks, dominates fortune in business, influences business trips. If you were to use the Golden Dawn system then I'm sure you'd find him elsewhere in the zodiac - see The Shem Grimoire.

The general recommendation calls for the Sun to be in the half-decan to which the angel you'd want to work with is attributed. This to comes across as a simplistic election brought forth by people who have no idea of such things. At the same time, I personally think it'd fit a mystical working more than a practical one since the latter would require further pleasant astrological considerations.

Now, I've had success with these angels when these conditions were not met and I've also experienced failure when they were met so think of it as you will. Nevertheless, I figured that since I offer an election based on grimoirists' recommendations it should be at least a decent one and here's what I propose:
We see the Sun in the 19th degree of Cancer (between 15* and 20*) and on the MC. The waxing Moon is applying to a close sextile with Jupiter, the two being in reception. 

That's basically it.

Let me know if that worked for you.

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