Thursday, June 16, 2022

El primero

I just received this email from the last person that had asked me if I will ever write a book on planetary magick in Spanish. As mentioned in the article regarding the book's publication, that email determined me to actually write Los cielos se abren

Therefore, I want to thank N.L. for his email along with all others who have emailed me expressing their interest for this book! May your work be successful all of the time!

Since this reader appears to be from Spain, here's a Mars election for ya. It's set for Madrid so you'd have to cast the chart for that day for your town if you don't live in the capital and move it forward or backward for a few minutes until Mars appears as in this image:
Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

(Hmmm, funny how I was looking up hotels in Madrid the other day...)


  1. Leeré el libro detalladamente y lo pondré en práctica! Gracias por tener en cuenta a los que no hablamos inglés y por escribir este libro para nosotros.
    Estoy seguro de que también estarán agradecidos todos los espíritus con los que, gracias a tu libro, podremos contactar y cooperar para crear un mundo mejor!
