Thursday, June 23, 2022

Let it rain!

Apparently the layout of this article looks like crap and idk why, irrespective of how much I keep changing settings. I mean I know why, but for some reason the stupid html won't allow me to change too many codes or delete any stupid codes that make this shitty thing happen - sorry!!!

I will start this article with part of local children's poem by George Coșbuc. Unfortunately, I'm not able to translate it properly into English because I'm not inclined to poetry and my vocabulary in both languages is poor, so bare with me:

"The rain is coming, I'm so glad!
I have a flower in my garden,
The rain will make it grow big
The rain is coming, I'm so glad!"

I've received this email from someone who bought my ritual working for rain. As you can see, they used it for their farming needs which was the actual purpose behind it. That, and putting out devastating brushfires like in the case of this wonderful man from down under (who knows more magick than all y'all self-important whatnots out there yet remains humble and conducts his work in private) - he should be an example for all occultists imo.

Anyway, I used to work in the fields when I was a kid during school break and I remember how hard it can be for farmers whenever a drought hits. I also remember how people went to church to pray for rain and how priests used to perform specific rituals for that purpose whenever shit got really bad. They still do that apparently.
In a follow-up email, the man had this to say regarding the effectiveness of the work:
As I've told him afterwards, it worked faster than the one I did earlier this year so it's even more good news considering individual goals. I mean, I also did it for selfless reasons, but most of them were selfish. On the other hand, this man's done it for apparent selfish reasons, but I imagine he won't be keeping all the harvest to himself and a lot of it will feed many other people. And from that perspective his efforts are really laudable, especially since it's hard af to do all that work only to witness the fruit of your hard labor being less than what you'd expected.

I also want to thank him for having bought Asteria and liking it! I was about to look up a 25th mansion election for him as a means of thanking him, but he had already covered that so big up for him for being proactive!

May the horn of plenty land on your fields (in lack of better imagination on my part atm) and remain there!

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

PS: I happen to have been to that state and although it was cold and rainy at the time, I really liked it!

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