Wednesday, January 8, 2020


One of my few readers is from Brisbane, Australia. Right now his country is being ravaged by bush fires that have devastated the landscape and have caused the death of several people and thousands upon thousands of animals...

My reader has his own personal problems, and he can make use of magick in order to solve them easier. But instead of being selfish and focusing solely on his severe issues, he has taken time to perform a series of rituals targeting the fires. This was happening when the internet was too busy staring at some "demon face" in the smoke generated by the fires...
Anyway, the man posted some photos of the altar in some occult social media groups, including my own, Ceremonial Magick School. One such post features a video of rain starting a couple of hours after he had performed a ritual in which he called upon the hierarchy of Water. People appreciated his effort and congratulated him.

He also posted the same photos and video in a Pagan group made up of people from his region. So far so good, until some arrogant asshole started laughing at him, and then the asshole went on to post on his (the asshole's) wall about how someone is trying to make it rain using gods from the northern hemisphere instead of becoming familiar with the spirits of the land... I can't remember his exact words correctly, and I don't even want to, because that's not the point.

Well, sorry for having brought rain upon a fire scorched land using Judeo-Christian magick instead of native magick, mothafucka!!! Wtf were you doing while the guy was shifting energies in the beyond in order to help the community, Mr. Asswhipe??? Yeah, I'm referring to you, Hoggish Greedly look-alike mothafucka with dreadlocks!

You're the kind of person that brings shame upon the occult community! If you can't offer your help then just stfu and see to your business, which prolly consists of getting your ugly face stuffed while trolling people online. Do you even magick, mothafucka??? What's in your magick???

Bitch ass loser! Wannabe... Go *HERE*, you moron, and use this ritual if your magix ain't shit!

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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