Sunday, June 26, 2022

Dumb people can woowoo too, ya know

I! (me) am the perfect example anyone can do magix. Even more so, I'm the perfect example any idiot can write a magick book that works, which is why I ceased to be impressed by all them occult whatnots who wrote XYZ the moment I published The Magick of Astrorelationships

The point I'm making is if someone as dumb as myself could learn these things and put them to work successfully then I'm sure others can too, since I imagine they're not as stupid. And believe it or not, I used to be highly stupid when it came to understanding new concepts and applying them in practice. Still am on occasion. To quote Anakin Skywalker, "I'm a slow learner" and this applies both in terms of his humor, as well as in him resisting to learn things he didn't want to.

The reason for this is how my twisted mind works. In short, whenever I come across new information my mind starts creating an image of the essence behind it. My logical mind can very well understand the concept, but I will only understand it theoretically although sometimes not even so. If my mind is unable to create such an image in a way my logical understanding can relate to, then I'm pretty much fucked.

As an example, I used to be taught advanced mathematics in highschool. There was all sorts of mind bending shit in those equations and my Sun+Mercury in Gemini logical mind was all too aware of how and why that shit had to be that way. But my other part of the mind was struggling to come up with a goddamn picture of the concept behind those numbers and the ways they interacted with each other. The result was whenever we had a test and the cunt teacher presented us with all sorts of equations, I could not apply the goddamn formulas to them because they differed from the examples she had taught in class. 

This is just one example and it applies to other shit like chemistry and physics and such. Luckily for me I managed to cheat my way through school and the final exams. But this thing continued to apply in other cases and areas of life too and it's the reason why I couldn't start doing magick some ten years or more before I actually started, back when I had accessed early websites containing stuff like LRP and all that. 

But even when I actually started on this path I had a very hard time grasping these things. I used to ask Birch and Scott all sorts of stupid shit and they were the only two people kind enough to bare with me. My mind could not figure out the fact that during a conjuration ritual I would simply have to proceed by performing the LIRH after performing the LBRP as in Scott's operant field, just like that, for instance. For some reason I found it weird to simply do one ritual after another with nothing in between, as in certain gestures or phrases that would precede the following ritual. Bottom line is, this prevented me from picturing the entire ritual working in my mind prior to having done it.

As I said, I can break shit down logically and here's another example. This is like one of the hardest talismanic elections in terms of complexity, obviously coming from the Picatrix:

"An image to increase sales and profit. Fashion images, and make fortunate the Ascendant (first house) and the tenth house and their lords, and the lord of the house of the lord of the Ascendant, and the lord of the house of the lord of the tenth. to the second house and to their master, the Moon and the lord of its house, as well as the second house and its lord, and place the lord of the second house in reception (by domicile or exaltation) with the lord of the Ascendant by trine or sextile aspect, and place a fortune in the second house, and place the Part of Fortune in the Ascendant or tenth house, and have the lord of the Part of Fortune aspecting it with a good aspect (trine or sextile). And when this image has thus been made, carry it with you, and hide it secretly so that no one might see it, and you shall gain money in great quantities and have good fortune in all your undertakings."

Ok so first thing's first, the first and second houses according to which house system? I'm asking this because, based on different house systems, the lord of the first house and that of the second can be the same - i.e. Regiomontanus. If that were to occur during such an election observation then I guess it'd make things relatively simpler since we wouldn't have to watch for two strong planets that are involved in a pleasant aspect and in reception. 

But let's change the house system to, say, Equal-House and we'd have each house with a different lord than the previous and the following ones. This raises quite a few possibilities for the lords of the first and second based on the order of the signs and the location of the Ascendant at any particular time. But let's say the location of the Ascendant changes signs starting from Aries, making the lords of the first and second: Mars-Venus, Venus-Mercury, Mercury-Moon, Moon-Sun, Sun-Mercury, Mercury-Venus, Venus-Mars, Mars-Jupiter, Jupiter-Saturn, Saturn-Saturn, Saturn-Jupiter, Jupiter-Mars. 

Based on essential dignities, and without taking triplicity, terms and decans into account, Venus-Mercury and vice versa would have to be eliminated since Mercury is only dignified by triplicity in Libra. Mercury-Moon also gets crossed out since the Moon is only dignified by triplicity in Virgo. Moon-Sun has no reception by triplicity either, let alone domicile or exaltation. Same for Sun-Mercury, with the addition that Mercury cannot make more than a semi-sextile with the Sun. Jupiter-Mars falls as well since Mars is only dignified by triplicity in Pisces and the same applies for Jupiter in Aries. 

This leaves only two possibilities:

1. Saturn as being the lord of both the first and second houses for a chart with Capricorn rising. This, however, means Saturn does not have to be inside either the first or the second house since it's a malefic planet and those houses have to be fortunate. Therefore, we'd have to find an election with Saturn dignified by triplicity (and/or terms+decan at least if possible - don't know the terms by heart so I could very well have screwed this up by not having checked although I think terms+decan applies for Saturn in Taurus iirc) or at least terms+decan (same thing from the previous parenthesis applies) without being in a sign of severe debilitation.  

2. Mars-Venus or Venus-Mars for a chart with either Aries or Libra rising. In this case we must have both Venus and Mars strong, involved in a trine or sextile and in reception - Venus in Mars' sign of domicile or exaltation or vice versa. Since both Venus and Mars are very weak in each other's signs of domicile, this leaves only the possibilities for one of them to be in the other's sign of exaltation where each of them are dignified by triplicity. We could additionally have them be in their own terms in that sign to increase their strength, if the timing allows. 

On top of that we'd have to watch for nasty placements in these two houses, which I addressed in #1. And now I include Mars alongside Saturn so for a chart with Aries rising Mars cannot be placed in Aries, while for a chart with Libra rising it cannot be placed in Scorpio.

Additionally, we'd have to have a tenth house with a strong lord and free of nasty placements. If we apply the above conditions we'd have Libra on the cusp of the tenth in the case of Capricorn rising, meaning Venus would have to be strong. In the case of Aries rising Capricorn would be on the cusp of the tenth so Saturn would have to be strong, while in the case of Libra rising Cancer would be on the MC so the Moon would have to be strong.

Moreover, the lords of the houses where the lords of the first and tenth also have to be strong. Given there's quite a large number of probabilities based on the locations of the lords of the first and tenth, I won't go into specifically addressing each of them. But I'd say the lords of the houses those two planets are located in could be dignified solely by triplicity, or even terms (if triplicity+terms or +decan is not possible, or even terms+decan). 

The Moon too would have to be strong, alongside the lord of the house it's in, which can be more or less problematic depending on the Moon's placement. Considering the fact the Moon doesn't have terms and that it's in exile in Capricorn, a sign of its triplicity although exile trumps triplicity, alongside the fact decans only offer a slight degree of potency, we'd have to have the Moon in either Taurus or Cancer or at least in Virgo. Because of this, Mars, Venus and Mercury would also have to be strong. This would be the case for Venus and Mars in #2, yet we'd also have to have Mercury dignified (I'd say at least by terms). All three of them would have to be strong for #1 alongside Saturn, but that would make things even more problematic so a weaker dignity than triplicity would make things a little easier (although it'd decrease the overall talisman strength).

Then there's the freakin Part of Fortune that has to be either in the first or the tenth house, involved in a pleasant aspect with its strong ruler. This can be more or less problematic depending on the time of day and the lunar phase (crescent or gibbous). I'd have to look into Asteria again, but I do seem to remember the Part of Fortune is closer to the Ascendant at what is usually referred to as a New Moon?! If that were the case then having it inside the first house could fuck up the whole thing if the Moon happens to be combust (and I would go even further by saying within 12* of the Sun). Moreover, based on the above, the Part of Fortune would have to be involved in a trine or sextile with Mars, or Venus, or Saturn, or the Moon. 

Then we'd also have to place either Jupiter or Venus in the second house.

Funny how the source includes a subtle warning at the end, considering the possibility of someone stealing that talisman and ending up benefiting from its powers. But then again, since we're allegedly magicianists, we can consecrate it in ways so it'd solely work for ourselves or a specific individual and not for anyone else. 

Have I left anything out or was my interpretation dodgy?

Even so, I think I made my point when it comes to breaking shit down logically. But whenever I'm looking up charts my mind doesn't allow me to look up a checklist in parallel for some reason. Instead, an image of a chart starts forming in my head based on what I had read in the text and I instinctively see any patterns in the charts I'm observing that would come close to that mental chart that had previously formed. If that chart doesn't form in the first place for whatever reason, or it does so poorly, no checklist in the world would help me. But although I don't have the patience to click the shit outta charts until I come up with such a configuration, I could do it.

Off topic, because I've been having this idea for a while now yet I'm too stupid to put it into practice, nor do I do have the technical and software skills to do it: what if someone made a software that would automatically calculate these elections based on the user's location? Great potential for income, huh?! Ah, ah! (Should you happen to read this and know how to do it, do send God's share of 10% my way for having come up with it, will ya? If you need help with astro stuff from me then my share would increase, naturally. Hahahaha!)

Anyway, my point is that if I managed to overcome my many mental obstacles and make sense of all these complex details while at the same time I could apply them practically just like I've been doing with magical techniques, then anyone can. But I also hate to repeat myself more than once whenever the other individual forgets what I said or they said they understood it the first time only to get back to me later on saying they still don't understand - this is projecting my (past) inabilities onto others (and I'm well aware of that, you dumb fuck!). I also hate when this happens whenever I have to answer people who have been having access to direct information from like books and classes and such, whereas I've only been able to learn from the online environment in bits and pieces and over a longer period of time because I had no money to buy books and all that (the shipping costs being insane on top of that). And now that I can afford all of that, I don't actually need it... 

So I do my best to explain shit to people the best I can the first time around (except in one case where I often didn't do that deliberately, to make fun of the other party and tease them at the same time). It seems I've succeeded in doing this quite a few times, considering I'm addressing many people in their native language, a tongue which I'm far from mastering. So far I've been told by several such people they understand shit easily from me and I blame my twisted mind for that because I'm usually trying to explain shit in a way I would understand it. This has roots in my stupidity as well, since there's another side to the mental image thing that was generating constant difficulty for me. 

You see, more than often it can be very hard for me to put into words a concept or idea I had created even the best quality mental image for. Time and again I had to struggle a great deal to get to inject the essence of that concept or idea into precise phrases - that's why I'm rambling about precise speech in Magic Words. It's probably because whenever I'm putting that thing into practice I'm doing it intuitively, not logically, since my mind can wonder off in many directions while I'm performing the actual actions. But I guess that over time I somehow managed to explain the concepts that have generated strong mental pictures for me in such a way it's generating a similar mental picture in people's minds which is helping them gain a greater understanding - in books at least. And that was even before I could benefit from professional editing done by a native English speaker. 

I'm doing this because, besides wanting to educate people, I want people in general to learn how to perform magical operations in a straightforward way, free of the "experts'" influences based on their own assumptions and financial needs. Ahem! Alleged knowledge. So far I've witnessed a number of people doing that and it makes me very happy whenever I'm being told of such feats.

But in the end, I see no excuse for people who say they tried something I've done successfully (even after a number of tries) and couldn't succeed (eventually), regardless of the fact they haven't "studied under the guidance of an expert", because... we're talking about me, doh! And you don't have to be an "expert" to woowoo (successfully), just like writing woowoo books and co-writing astro books doesn't make me an expert in either (although in many respects I know more than "the experts")!

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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