Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Consequences of being a muggle

With this post I'd like to announce a very successful Jupiter talisman experiment. The talisman in question is the one I've discussed in the article I tagged, the Jupiter kamea. I made the talisman at a very auspicious time back when Jupiter was still super strong in Pisces and gave it to one of my relatives who was constantly complaining about money issues.

The person in question is retired and usually receives their pension, without having other sources of income. Since they've received the talisman they started getting calls from people who know them, asking them for help with various chores. These chores involve quick cleaning duty, babysitting, cooking for people who cannot cook for themselves, doing grocery shopping for people who cannot get out of the house due to various conditions and so on.

Besides helping my relative by making them avoid the usual boring routines that had also started to wear them down, the talisman also boosted their income big time. Not only that, but they also started receiving all sorts of gifts. The gifts rage from items of clothing to sweets, but they also receive additional money bonuses from the people they are performing chores for.

Now, my relative is super pleased with how things have turned out of them, of course, but something started itching in the back of their mind. "Am I doing the right thing by accepting all these bonuses? Won't I offend God by receiving them besides the money I'm being paid for doing the chores?" they kept thinking. Uh boi...

We're talking about a person who grew up working the fields and, upon finishing highschool in the larger town closer to their home village, got hired at a place where they had to constantly perform all sorts of tasks. Those were communist times and people usually had the same job until they retired, doing the same shit day in and day out for decades. These factors played a great part in shaping the person's mentality, that being that you can only earn money by doing hard work.

On top of that, the church here has been pouring all sorts of crap down people's throats for hundreds of years. People have been fed shit like being wealthy is a sin and all sorts of other such deranged dogmas. "Does God want you not to be able to pay your bills and afford only poor quality food?" I asked. "No, but..." they said "earning money through work is one thing, getting additional bonuses is another" they continued. "So God is against gifts and bonuses? If it were like that then people all over the world would be punished for giving each other presents on holidays and anniversaries and so on" I said. The fact of the matter is my relative was afraid they're taking advantage of other people's kindness towards them, which is clearly a case of faulty mentality and conditioning. I addressed this briefly at the end of this article, but I'm not about to start working on the person to deal with that. Instead, I told them to make acts of charity every now and then and be done with it because God loves charity and they should consider those gifts and bonuses they're received as such. It seems to be working because they've gotten past that stupid way of thinking.

Of course, this ended up biting them in the ass once communism came to an end and the courtry started experiencing "capitalism". I placed the word inside quotes because it was not the form of capitalism people in the western world are familiar. I'm talking about an environment where you could fraud your way around if you had enough brains and connections and get away with it. This is how many of my country's rich people ended up becoming rich. So you can imagine how someone having my relative's mentality could not adjust to the new environment. 

Anyway, I want to address such issues because they're one of the greatest hurdles people have to overcome once they start walking a magical path. I myself was no stranger to having misconceptions that were slowing me down in my work and struggled to overcome them through diligent daily practice sessions. Heck, I did daily practice day in and day out regardless of my health, financial or environmental conditions. I practiced while being sick af with a fever so high my hallucinations were allowing me to see the LRP pentagrams almost clearly. I did daily practice through bitter cold when there were issues with the building's heating and through scorching hot temperatures back when I had no air conditioning. I did it way early in the morning and very late at night, I did it in my mind while riding public transportation and through all sorts of loud noises coming from my neighbors and from the busy street. But I eventually overcame those misconceptions and kicked them out of my system, especially with the help of spirits later on.

This is one of the benefits of daily practice I've found and didn't talk about in Magic Words because I was aiming for something else there. But I did at least allude to raising one's self above the "normal" people and I made it even more apparent at the end of the article on compatibility in Asteria 2.

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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