Saturday, June 4, 2022

Los cielos se abren

Los cielos se abren: Magia planetaria práctica has been published and is available for everyone interested to work with planetary forces actively. More importantly, it is available for every Spanish speaking person out there because it's written in Spanish and will only be available in Spanish. 

I know, I know, I said I was done with writing. And I am! It's just that for some time now I've been receiving messages from people with Spanish as a native tongue asking me if I'll ever write a book on planetary magick that will be available in their language. I wasn't planning to, until I got the last message, then it came to me!

There's a lot of Spanish speaking people out there who don't speak English and most occult material is solely available in English. Goes to show how much them self-proclaimed experts, teachers and occult role models really care about spreading knowledge, even if they'd benefit from it financially... All they see are their immediate needs and it seems I was right about their narrow perspective in regards to woowoo, since it's clear it also applies in other areas too. Tough luck, dumbasses! As someone from around here whom I used to consider a dumbass used to say, "Should I give them my brain? I can't *shrug*" so that's that. 
Anyway, once that hit me, I had a quick chat with Señor Shaman and the end result has been published through Boticario Magico. Here's a few screenshots of the contents and some text.
The book allows people to work with planetary forces in a simple, direct fashion, while respecting the patterns of solid magical systems. Practically speaking, the book helps people conjure and work with spirits in a "Wham! Bam! Thank you ma'am” style without containing useless preachings some consider advance knowledge. Readers benefit from everything they need to know and use for this kind of work, from seals and sigils, to conjurations, to additional uses and then some. It's great complementary material to Magic Words, a book that will probably be translated into Spanish, sooner or later.

And now I'm permanently out of the writing business! (Probably until some Spanish speaking people ask me about something else hahaha! Just kidding...)

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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