Friday, August 6, 2021

The eerie twelfth house

Version en Español aqui. Gracias, Señor Shaman!

This article marks the end of the first series of articles I've done so far: astrological houses. You can also find it translated en Español by Señor Shaman on his blog. I might start another series in the future if the opportunity arises and if I find at least a tiny amount of inspiration to write it. I hope those who read through these articles will find at least some information useful and I apologize for not having covered every area of life attributed to each house. I did not do that because there are already free sites that discuss astrological houses and there is a possibility they will list many more than I have, from both a modern and older perspectives and even discuss them to some degree. Truth be told, there are so many particularities to life that have to be allocated between just twelve sectors of the chart and the actual process of attributing them can prove very cumbersome. Instead, I chose to focus more on the connections between the houses and try to show that many areas of life can be related to more than one astrological house.

I also apologize for not writing the article on the twelfth house in the way I've written the rest of the articles in this series. That is to say, I will not discuss it in detail. The reason for this is that I have already announced I am working on a future project alongside Señor Shaman and Lord Manticore as a followup to Asteria. As stated in that article, the future book will be structured on several stand alone articles that address several topics related to astrology which can prove useful for occult practitioners.

One of these articles will cover the twelfth astrological house in detail. That is to say, it will be much more than just my ramblings on the areas covered by the twelfth house. As a spoiler, from what we've discussed so far it is very likely it will cover a more detailed analysis of the Bad Daemon and also talk about this house from the perspective of other energies that apply to it, both in the form of natal placements and through transits. It is also very probable the article will address the characteristics of this house that imply curses. (Note to self: I have to remember I said these things here and not forget to address them in the actual article haha!!!) The book will contain at least one other article that will cover astrological houses, albeit from another angle. And that is one too many spoilers already :D 

I'm sure those readers who liked Asteria, at least to a certain degree, will also appreciate our new project in the same manner. Oh! Almost forgot!!! The illustrious meanie Mr. Farrell has rolled up his sleeves, stepped down from his precious editor's seat and is going to do some writing of his own!!! I have no idea what he's writing about at the moment, because he's being all spuchy and secretive, acting all twelfth housey and all that, so your guess is as good as mine :D

If you're not interested in our future project yet you are interested in learning more about the twelfth house, you can ask its angel for help and assistance. His name is Pasiel and I'm pretty sure he will give you some hair raising experiences if you ask him to teach you in a straightforward way:

I don't know if the article on the twelfth house from the book will bare the same title as this one, but I've chosen this title because the word eerie implies both fright and strangeness. From what I can remember from childhood, that old television series "Eerie, Indiana" fits pretty well with at least some of the themes of the twelfth house. A short plot summary of the series: 

Marshall is a teen living in the big city who found himself relocated to the small town of Eerie because his parents moved there and he feels uprooted because of that - I have addressed this to some degree in the article on the fourth house. He soon realizes his new surroundings (third house) are not what they seem, as he starts witnessing all sorts of weirdness going on. He begins to investigate the weirdness with the help of his newly found younger friend (eleventh house) Simon who, prior to Marshall's arrival in town was a loner. The two boys start a series of adventures as they come across more and more strange circumstances, while the rest of the townsfolk are oblivious of such occurrences and live their lives as if everything is normal. 

The twelfth house covers seclusion, prisons, asylums, beggars, remoteness and wilderness. As we have seen in the articles on the third and sixth houses, it also covers large animals (and wild animals) and transportation vehicles. I have mentioned in at least one article of this series that secrets are also a twelfth house theme, as well as unknown, occulted things. This includes people who wish harm to the native and who can take various actions behind the scenes to produce harm to him or her - unknown enemies. Many modern astrologers assign chronic physical illnesses to this house, while Hellenistic astrologers thought of it as having a great impact on the mind. The twelfth house is also a house of curses. I have also mentioned the twelfth house as being the house of self-undoing and you can read more about that throughout this series especially in the article on the eighth house. I consider the crown chakra to be more connected to this house. 

I shall end this article here and invite you to look up the article on the twelfth house in the book we're currently working on. I will probably offer more details about it along the way and rest assured, I will announce its publication.

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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