Friday, September 1, 2023

On transits

Magick Pills for Hard Transits is aimed directly at helping people in regards to whatever difficulties they may encounter when experiencing difficult planetary transits over their natal chart. We've also talked about transits in both Asteria and Asteria 2.

But how do transits affect us? 

Firstly we need to understand that the celestial energies at the moment of our birth become internalized. That is to say, the macrocosm becomes a microcosm. Thus, each of us has a particular set of celestial energies embedded into our personal sphere of consciousness. Those energies are highly complex by themselves, not to mention their interactions. 

Secondly, we are to know the heavens don't stop moving after our birth. Instead, the planets continue on their way throughout the course of our lifetime (and beyond). During their respective movements, the planets continue to influence us in very many ways. 

The way they influence us is, again, very complex, but for the sake of simplicity I will solely discuss aspects to natal planets. For this reason I need to point out the nature of the aspects, some being pleasant and others being hard. Additionally, some can manifest either or both natures.

When it comes to the mechanics of the transits, it is nothing more than an energetic interaction between the energies of the transiting planets and those of the same planets that had been embedded into our sphere. The energies of the transiting planets are active, while the ones within our sphere our passive yet they quickly react to any influence they receive. 

Pleasant aspects will trigger a more harmonious reaction while hard ones will trigger a more inharmonious one. Aspects that can be both pleasant and hard can obviously trigger both kinds of reactions. The dynamics of these interactions will result in changes in both micro and the macrocosm. Meaning, we will be faced with different inner states of consciousness and different experiences with the outside world. 

Naturally, we should also consider the nature of the planets involved in the aspect, both natal and transiting one. Moreover, we should consider their strength, affinity to each other, etc. 

But regardless, if you consider using the methods I present in the booklet on transits you should know something of utmost importance. By protecting yourself against whatever transits you want you will stagnate in terms of coming across life lessons you'd need to learn. This stagnation may very well occur in your mundane environment, something which may not be pleasant for you.

As an example, let's say you're going through some hard times in regards to finances, or relationship, or whatever. A hard transit can very well generate the necessary stress and tension that would allow you to break free of those hardships. The process can be unpleasant and you can think of it as experiencing things that are bad for you, but in the end you'd be in the clear. This may not always be the case, but I wanted to point it out anyway. 

Those who speak or at least understand Español can find Señor Shaman's video on the topic helpful, since it offers additional details.

Another example is an actual account and it involves an outer planet. I'm well aware some astrologists don't consider outer planets while ye so called experts in terms of occult affairs overlook them altogether. But they exist nonetheless and they exert their influences into our lives whether we consider them or not.

In this particular case I'm talking about Uranus and it's opposition to a person's natal Uranus. This usually takes place within 40 to 44 years in one's life, a period which modern western culture associates with the so called midlife crisis. We're talking about a period of time people usually start acting weird, much different or even contrary to how they had been acting throughout their adult life up to that point. As a slight detour, I have to say they've been acting that way due to their conditioning and whatever they experience throughout this period seeks to better align them to their lunar nodes. In fact, everything inside the chart and every transit seeks that, but that's a discussion for another time.

Anyway, the native in question used to have his own business that quickly became prosperous. One day someone tried to assassinate him by making it seem as an apparent car accident. He narrowly escaped with his life, but had to leave everything behind and flee the country. He obviously lost his business and so he had to start from scratch. He ended up making a living off of other people's money, more or less, regardless of how much effort he spent towards earning for himself.

Turns out the person's natal Uranus is in his twelfth house, the house of secret enemies among other things. Transiting Uranus was obviously in his sixth house at the time, the house of work and accidents, among other things. It turns out he was on his way to work when the aforementioned event took place. In fact, something he had been working on had triggered the event, as I will elaborate a bit later. To make it more clear for those self-important whatnots who refuse to see beyond their narrow minded dogmas, the man was heading towards an area covered by his sixth house, where Uranus was transiting. Transiting Uranus was opposite the man's natal Uranus, the later being in his twelfth house, the house of secret enemies.

Years later he found what had actually happened and why. From very good sources he was told something he had been working on had really pissed the authorities at the time, even on a secret service level (twelfth house as well imo). They were so pissed they decided to take him out so they hired a professional stuntman to drive a car into his car and kill him, making it seem as an accident. Moreover, the man's businesses partner at the time died several years later due to a car accident after he had taken his then brand new BMW to a service and the car was apparently in factory condition. It appears the brakes had failed him for no apparent reason.

But getting back to the initial person, his South Node is in his second house, the house of personal possessions. His North Node is therefore in his eight house, the house of death and debt, among other things. The event had the man experience a near-death situation, one he narrowly escaped, but as a consequence of his escape he ended up experiencing debt from then on.

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