Monday, September 12, 2022

Lunar nodes in action

Earlier this year I was contacted by a man seeking my magical services to get a job. I told him he can get my ritual for employment and do it himself because a) it's much cheaper and b) most of the times these things work better if you're doing it on yourself rather than having someone else do it for you, especially since the link used is only a picture and not something stronger like handwriting. He insisted I do it and paid my usual fee of $75.

While I could've used the aforementioned ritual for employment, Jupiter was still strong in domicile and direct at the time and I selected a pretty good election for the ritual. Besides the force I'm detailing in that ritual, Jupiter is also very good at such things, especially for promotions and getting a job basically means you're getting promoted from being unemployed to becoming employed. But before I did the ritual I told him he should not rely solely on the spirits and instead be proactive. I give this exact example in Magic Words and it was written way before I encountered this person.

While at first the man seemed to have acknowledged this, after the ritual he kept telling me he's still unemployed. I kept asking him if he's done any mundane action in regards to getting a job and I only received vague answers: he sent his resume (apparently to a single job ad), he met a friend who was interested in hiring people for a certain project (and no further details on how that played out), he is looking for job ads, etc.

For some reason he sent me his birth data, including his exact birth hour. Based on that information I noticed his lunar nodes appear to be placed in the sixth and twelfth houses respectively, with the South Node in the sixth and the North Node in the twelfth. As such, I asked him if he's fed up with working since a sixth house SN can point towards that. He said he's had more than a few jobs, but stayed no more than six months to an year at each. When I asked him why he kept leaving, he answered he got tired of having to go through the same routine even if some jobs had nothing in common with each other in terms of what was being demanded for the position he occupied, i.e. night watch and working in a supermarket. That also makes sense, which brings me to the subject of this article 

But first I'll finish the story. In short, he gave up after about a month and blamed me for having paid me $75 for a failed ritual. While I openly admit failure, I had also done my due diligence beforehand and explained to him how these things work and why he'd need to take mundane actions so that they and the force set into motion by the ritual would reinforce each other and ultimately manifest success. Apparently he wasn't satisfied with me repeating that and kept accusing me for the failure. Ok bub, find someone else and pay hundreds of dollars instead, then start accusing them for failure because you're being too busy procrastinating instead of working towards achieving your goal.

Which brings me to the actual topic. A twelfth house NN can very well cause the native to experience procrastination. Quite often and in quite a powerful way, I might add, depending on other factors inside the chart. I've talked about this in the article I've just tagged and I go in more detail about the twelfth house and the nodes in separate articles in Asteria 2

The point is the guy might have been in need of a job and he may also have wanted to become employed again, but his self undoing mechanism is having him procrastinate. I didn't expect him to be all over the place and send out hundreds of resumes, but although we weren't in direct contact except only through emails his lack of determination transpired through his messages. Someone who's determined to do something would have answered more to the point and would've offered more details. At least that's what many of my clients have been doing over time. If he had the same attitude in regards to looking for a job and taking advantage of every opportunity he encountered... But whatever...

So that's a bit on the nodes and a bit more on the twelfth house. (Why do I even bother?)

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