Monday, September 25, 2023

Question on Cielos

One of my readers recently asked me why I haven't included the planetary pentacles (scroll down) from the KoS in Cielos. While it would've been a good means to make the book thicker, information over them is readily available such as in the link I already tagged. Additionally, it should be easy to comprehend by a non-English speaker using free online translation.

What I have done in Cielos was to include a distinct section on talismans. It can be found in section 5.1 on page 131, chapter 5 (Trabajo complementario). The section itself is a little over thee pages long and offers quite a few important details on the subject, besides underlying the importance of making use of proper astro times when making them and giving them life. If one wants them to work to their benefit, that is. The book also provides astro details that are the minimum requirement in terms of elections, but not everyone uses them (especially those who solely seek to earn a quick buck).

In a nutshell, the reader is informed what talismans are and how they are to be made, consecrated and worked with. The method can also be used for Solomonic pentacles. One simply needs to look them up, understand their powers and start making use of them for their own needs while using the aforementioned data as guidelines.

I know the pentacles look cool and have a certain appeal due to the distinct patterns, images and letters on them, not to mention the fact they're from an old grimoire. However, one can use the appropriate planetary images and glyphs found in Cielos to create equally powerful talismans. Even more powerful, if made and consecrated at auspicious times. The images and glyphs I've added are also readily available, but they were added as an appendix so people would find them faster when in need.

In conclusion, you can use Cielos to work with Solomonic pentacles. You can also use it for planetary pentacles from the Picatrix, a much older book ;)

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