Thursday, September 21, 2023

Street magix

Over time I've come across accounts of people who've done successful magical stuff while outside the comfort of their usual ritual space. More exactly, they've successfully undertaken magical operations while being fully immersed in the mundane environment. I don't doubt that and here's my account.

The following experiment has been successfully reproduced more than once so far. Truth be told, the success took longer to manifest in some cases, but no more than an hour. My goal was to banish certain people who were disturbing the peace from a certain area for good. In most cases it was a public park and the people in question were often drunked youths who were drawing attention to that area, a place where some of us older folks were busy enjoying ourselves... differently.

Except someone who knows I'm actively involved in the occult and keeps quiet about it, one in my company was aware I had done anything of the sort each time I did it. I made no over the top physical gestures that would draw attention to me. I spoke no particular magical formulae, barbarous words, etc. 

The actual process was to call on certain magical forces in my mind and ask them to make the disturbing elements gtfo of there immediately, without unwanted repercussions for myself. I must say the forces involved are more than familiar to me, as I've worked with them time anyagain over the years. Besides the planetary hierarchies of Saturn and Mars I've also called on Lilith and Hecate

At the end of what appeared as me staring out looking at nothing in particular, something which took roughly 15-20 seconds, I got up, took a few paces away from the people around me and threw a few coins into a bush or some place they would be nearly impossible to spot. That was my payment for the entities so they would make things happen on the spot. I said as much in my mind when I threw the coins away. 

I thanked them, got back to my place and waited. In some cases everyone in that particular crowd fucked off some time after my magical action. Other times only a few people went away, but they were the particular loudmouths. The circumstances of their departure were diverse each time. Alas, none of them have been subjected to violent physical action in order to coerce them to leave so far. But even so things worked out my way and there was peace.

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