Monday, November 21, 2022

Get your energy therapy

A person whom I've fallen in love with more than once over the past few years for more than a few reasons is heavy into energy therapy. This is a broad field that covers more than a few systems and makes use of techniques from more than a few cultures. Nowadays people are mostly aware of light and fluffy New Agey crap that "borrowed" some of these practices and applied them in a shallow, retarded way. 

Unlike them silly crystal sucking dimwits, the person I'm referring to performs this kind of therapy using traditional methods. This includes Reiki and crystal work, probably two of the most bastardized energy work practices over the last few decades. I mean, both of them have become a major trend, either together or independently, attracting all sorts of TikTok and Instagram weirdos who find it cool to post pix and vids of themselves undergoing such sessions. But having someone tickling your sides or rubbing crystals on your Mons Venus for immediate fun is a far cry from actual therapeutic sessions with beneficial lasting effects.

Now, although her cutsie looks might confuse you into thinking she's some New Age weirdo herself... she's not. You can either take my word for it or think logically: do you see me hanging out with New Age weirdos, even hot ones? Not my style. Moreover, their "practices" and beliefs don't align with mine regardless of how much I can accept their childish "techniques" and shallow spirituality.

She, on the other hand, has had more than a fair share of heavy magical operations and I'm saying this besides the multiple rituals she's done over a short time to save the world back in the day. That is to say, she's more than familiar with Western Mystery stuff and has been playing prettily with both celestial and chthonic beings for more than a few years now. If you've read Words, she's the one who manifested more than $15k with a simple Jupiter ritual, just so you'd get an idea of her outstanding abilities.

Oh, did I mention she's also psychic and she heavily uses that skill in tarot readings? A couple of years ago she did a reading on me without knowing anything about yours truly except my location and the fact I'm some nutjob who floods her with compliments. She was like "oh well, that sounds out of the ordinary, but that's what I got" after giving me the reading to which I was like "OMFG girl, no one knows shit this deep about me!" She just couldn't pull all that stuff out her back side since she had no way of knowing it so my only conclusion was she downloaded it from "the beyond".

I also did some crystal sessions with her and she threw in some Reiki on the side, probably because I amuse her or something. As unlikely as it may seem to some, these things can be done long distance as well, despite their applications being heavily tainted by the aforementioned weirdos. The crystal sessions went smoother and I felt certain sensations whenever she deemed it necessary to scrub certain chakras of mine, such as a choking sensation when she forced my throat chakra open. The Reiki though was something else and I cannot speak of those experiences publicly since they have to do with practitioner-patient confidentiality. It's safe to say you're likely to have intense sensations depending on various circumstances surrounding your health so on. 

And now, as any respectable occultist, she's giving back to the world by performing the services written in the above photo only for donations instead of their actual price. If you're interested you can contact her at and schedule a session. 



  1. Do I have Words? I feel like I do/did/should? words

  2. I think you do... ?! Maybe some earthbound spirit of yours hid it?! Lil buggers doin pranks on ya >:P

  3. Those fucking earthbounds man. I never thought I would actually chase anything out of my house with a broom. Hubs handles all the baby danger noodles who find their way inside in the spring. They head straight for his office anyway because it's so warm in there, but it can be disconcerting none the less. What I'm trying to say is I do not have Words. I looked. I am sad.

  4. But you do have it, muneca. It's just that it's the first edition, the super toxic that would've made grown "experts" cry :)) The link to the left of the page is to the second edition, a fluffier version dear ol' Mr. Farrell published...
