Sunday, August 25, 2024

More on transits

This is the second article I've dedicated solely to transits. In the initial one I addressed how they work, while this one will cover more specific details. More exactly, it will cover beneficial transits that manifest subpar.

To begin with, Jupiter and Venus are known for a long time as Benefics. The former is known as the Greater Benefic and the latter as the Lesser. The reasons for this are unimportant to this article. Suffice to say Jupiter has a greater and more lasting beneficial influence than Venus and their transit speeds should point this out even if I wasn't referring to transit speeds when I mentioned said reasons.

At any rate, one is to expect Jupiter and Venus transits in relation to their natal chart to bring quite a few pleasant and desired outcomes. This should be expected if the two transiting planets are involved in harmonious aspects with contents of the natal chart. Moreover, areas of the natal house any of the two transit at any time should be improved and the native should benefit a great deal in those areas.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Open for elections

Jupiter exalted and culminating, waxing Moon applying to trine
I've been thinking about this for a while now and so far I avoided coming forth with it because I felt my often busy schedule will distract me from the task. But I've made up my mind and decided to go through with it.

I'm open to calculate astrological elections for magical use for the following forces:

1. Zodiac signs

2. Zodiac decans 

3. Fixed stars 

4. Planets

5. Elements

6. Lunar mansions

7. Shem angels - will need to provide me with the half-decan to which the angel corresponds based on the attribution you're using.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Mars the protector

Some time ago I took advantage of a good Martian election and made a few Mars talismans. The purpose was that each of the talismans would protect its wearer against, aggression, violence, assault, etc. I then gave a talisman to each of the few muggle acquaintances I know who know what I'm into and agreed to wear those talismans on their person.

I know certain people would say Mars is solely good for attacking, but that's just narrow-mindedness. Being a god of war and fighting, among other things, Mars is good for both offence and defense since they're both aspects of fighting regardless of whether the fighting takes place between two people or very large groups of individuals. So take note, all ye self-proclaimed expects!

Anyhow, for some time nothing happened, which is good. I mean, if you're wearing a protection talisman and nothing bad happens to you in regards to being assaulted and such, you can consider it a coincidence. But I'm sure there are cases where you could've been lead down a path of circumstances that would've lead to you being physically attacked, yet wearing the talisman prevented you from going down that path to begin with.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Yet some priests work for the people

...and not for others' interests, as is the case around here (and I suspect elsewhere as well).

The guy with the cross in his hands in the above photo is Teodosie, the Archbishop of Tomis, Dobrogea region, Romania. For more than a few years now he's been targeted by the authorities (both state and church) and media around here because he doesn't want to fall in line with the local church and their antics.

Despite having been ridiculed publically time and again for his nature of saying what's on his mind and doing whay he thinks is right in accordance to the gospel, from both a religious and mundane perspective, the man went ahead to do his duty. As such, he recently performed a religious sermon to call on rain. The sermon was done on the feast of Saint Elijah, who in local tradition is celebrated on July 20 and is said to bring rain. Being in mid hot and dry season and given a lot of farm land around here lacks (proper) irrigation, his gesture is to be applauded. Instead, he received even more ridicule and criticism from the press and public.