Sunday, April 28, 2024

Churchy antics

"Bless me, father, for I have sinned."

I won't make a separate label for rants, let alone for specific rant subjects. Take this rant as it is because it may be informative to some.

Today is Palm Sunday based on the Orthodox calendar, meaning next Sunday is Easter. People around here seem cool with that. Many are contempt or even rejoice because they can hang out and have fun at bbqs with friends and family and whatnot.

None are aware why this particular timing is wrong based on a calendar constructed based on human dogma alone. Most are oblivious to anything anymore, anyway, besides their immediate needs, so who cares?

But anyway, the Orthodox Church has decreed who knows how long ago, because I won't bother researching, that Easter is to be celebrated on the first Sunday after the so called New Moon in Aries. This may mean nothing to laymen, but this has both an astronomical and an astrological cause behind it, at least in my view. But I think my view was proven correct upon my back and forth with an Orthodox priest on the subject a few years back.

The Gospels tell us there was darkness after Jesus died on the cross (during daytime). This naturally means a solar eclipse. Solar eclipses solely occur at the time many today call New Moon. Therefore, a solar eclipse in Aries marked the crucifixion. This seems natural to me, as Jesus signaled the dawn of the Age of Pisces. Thus, the Sun died in Aries only to resurrect in Pisces, so to speak. We talked in Asteria of the precession of the equinoxes - not procession, as some dumbass sissy priest from the other side of the pond referred to this phenomenon.

The first Sunday after a New Moon in Aries would make sense for Easter to be celebrated, from a certain point of view. Who knows what day of the week the crucifixion occurred in? There's more chances of it having taken place in any other day of the week than Friday, but ok church, I get your shallowness in corroborating symbolism.

But why dafuq didn't you consider the actual goddamn Aries solar eclipse when calculating Easter this year and putting Easter the following Sunday??? It's the same goddamn celestial event that occurred back in the day! Instead, you fat mofos put Easter this year almost a month after that event. Who dafuq gave you the right to fuck with the calendar, you filthy bunch of glutinous fucks??? Moreover, who dafuq gave you the right to sound the bells at Resurrection as if signaling a burial??? This has been going on ever since the lame 2020 thing and I get they were trying to scare people even more shitless back then, due to certain orders they received, but the hell with you good for nothing losers!!!

I don't think you're that drunk on communion wine because whenever I'm making elixirs out of alcohol and drink quite a lot, I tend to get drunk far harder. I bet you guys merely go through the motions and don't involve anything spiritual whenever you're making communion wine (and bread), or anything holy for that matter.
The reason I added the Mysticism label is that Easter should be felt as a mystical experience. Therefore, people should be able to focus their preparations towards the experience. As such, the moment that experience should be expected or at least celebrated must be calculated precisely imo, as to be even more in tune with the actual event.

Food for thought, people...

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