Thursday, August 8, 2024

Mars the protector

Some time ago I took advantage of a good Martian election and made a few Mars talismans. The purpose was that each of the talismans would protect its wearer against, aggression, violence, assault, etc. I then gave a talisman to each of the few muggle acquaintances I know who know what I'm into and agreed to wear those talismans on their person.

I know certain people would say Mars is solely good for attacking, but that's just narrow-mindedness. Being a god of war and fighting, among other things, Mars is good for both offence and defense since they're both aspects of fighting regardless of whether the fighting takes place between two people or very large groups of individuals. So take note, all ye self-proclaimed expects!

Anyhow, for some time nothing happened, which is good. I mean, if you're wearing a protection talisman and nothing bad happens to you in regards to being assaulted and such, you can consider it a coincidence. But I'm sure there are cases where you could've been lead down a path of circumstances that would've lead to you being physically attacked, yet wearing the talisman prevented you from going down that path to begin with.

Yet there may very well come a time you find yourself in a scenario you can't quite avoid in which your physical integrity is being threatened. One or more hard transits over your natal chart hitting at around the same time are usually to blame in this case. It is then that your protection talisman is being truly tested and any favorable results cannot be counted as coincidence irrespective of how the mundane scenario plays out, so long as you come out of it unscathed. 

This is exactly what happened recently to two of the individuals whom I gave such a Martian protection talisman. Funny that after being told of the events, I checked their transits and indeed, in both cases the heavens caused such happenings. In the first case transiting Mars was square the individual's ASC. In the second case a transiting Moon-Mars square was impacting the person's Sun in an unpleasant manner, with Mars opposing and the Moon squaring the person's natal planet. Both transits can manifest through scenarios that pose physical threats to the native.

The first case is that of a man who, after hard day's work went to the local bar to have a drink and relax before bed. Some three drunks started conversing with him, even though he didn't know them. He only knew one of them, having briefly conversed with him a few times, but without that flourishing into a convivial relationship. At some point one of the drunks suddenly started calling the talisman wearer stupid and at some point he couldn't stand it anymore and rose his voice to make the drunk stfu. The third drunk took that as a threat and started throwing punches at the man. None of the punches landed and, more importantly, the drunk the man had conversed with several times before jumped his aggressive peer to restrain him. The talisman wearer told the three he has nothing against them and left. The violent drunk kept shouting obscenities and threats towards him while being hold back by the guy that jumped him. The drunk who started the whole thing by calling the man stupid followed him for a while. The man turned around and told him to bring it on if he's in the mood for it, but the guy stopped in his tracks and ceased to follow him.

The second case is that of a woman who was minding her own business sitting on a park bench near her home. Some local junkies posing as thugs often frequent that park. One thing lead to another and one of the junkies started a verbal exchange with the woman. Things quickly escalated as he started insulting and threatening her. He then began to walk in her direction with the clear intention of hitting her. Sensing his mate's intentions, one of his peers quickly stood up and placed himself between the attacker and the woman, telling him its not proper to hit a woman. The attacker had none of it and, after seeing his mate kept refusing to let him pass, he hit him. This lead to a violent fight between the two which ended with the attacker being beaten to a pulp by his mate. The woman left without even a hair on her head being touched.

Mind you, I'm not talking about the effects of the notorious KoS Martian protection pentacle! I'm talking about effects talismans I myself have come up with. I made them by drawing specific symbols and letters on white cardboard paper using red ink, using a simple design the likes of which I detail in my talisman class as well as in Cielos. Even so, in the aforementioned cases my talismans acted superbly nonetheless.

If you're a beginner or even not involved in the occult, you too can benefit from this kind of protection by performing my simple Mars working for that goal. And in case you want to perform that working in more powerful times than the simple elections contained within the working, yet which are more complex to discuss in a simple ritual, you can make use of Asteria. And in case you want to tackle hard transits, you can do it by following my simple book on the matter.

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