Sunday, August 25, 2024

More on transits

This is the second article I've dedicated solely to transits. In the initial one I addressed how they work, while this one will cover more specific details. More exactly, it will cover beneficial transits that manifest subpar.

To begin with, Jupiter and Venus are known for a long time as Benefics. The former is known as the Greater Benefic and the latter as the Lesser. The reasons for this are unimportant to this article. Suffice to say Jupiter has a greater and more lasting beneficial influence than Venus and their transit speeds should point this out even if I wasn't referring to transit speeds when I mentioned said reasons.

At any rate, one is to expect Jupiter and Venus transits in relation to their natal chart to bring quite a few pleasant and desired outcomes. This should be expected if the two transiting planets are involved in harmonious aspects with contents of the natal chart. Moreover, areas of the natal house any of the two transit at any time should be improved and the native should benefit a great deal in those areas.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Depending on the individual, Jupiter and Venus transits in harmonious aspects with natal chart contents or through certain natal houses can bring but a small dose of pleasant outcomes, compared to other people experiencing the same transits. It can often prove frustrating to some who study transits over their chart and others' to witness their lives are not improving as a result, while other people's lives greatly improve in similar conditions.

In order not to confuse you, here is an example. George is experiencing a transiting Jupiter in Gemini trine his natal Sun in Libra. This transit should bring him to the forefront and create all sorts of good opportunities he can easily capitalize on. Instead, he only receives a few less than welcomed leads to improving his life, many of them demanding effort. He may not even benefit from improvement in his macrocosm and instead, this transit would solely act on his microcosm. Thus, his health may improve although not that much or his personality may find better ways of expressing itself, but only slightly.

In contrast, George's friend Peter had experienced transiting Jupiter in Aries trine his Sagittarius Sun two years prior. As a result, his life improved considerably.

From a different perspective, Lisa is experiencing transiting Jupiter through Gemini and, at the same time, her second natal house. Jupiter transiting one's second house should boost income and personal possessions a great deal. Instead, she finds herself receiving but a small raise at her job and makes a few more money than usual from her side business, albeit small change nonetheless.

On the other hand, her friend Anna had experienced Jupiter transiting her second house some three years before, when Jupiter was transiting Pisces. She not only changed jobs for a bigger paycheck, better health insurance and working conditions, but she managed to receive a series of personal contracts that more than doubled her already larger income. 

These fictional examples are based on real people's experiences I've studied. The examples and their outcomes solely consider Jupiter's dignities because in none of the cases transiting Jupiter was involved in a hard aspect with other transiting planets or natal ones. This brings me to the point behind this article. 

Although one is experiencing or about to experience a Jupiter transit, he or she must not expect it to bring a plethora of blessings, both material and otherwise. A study of one's chart is necessary to discern how that transit could affect their life in more detail. While the above examples only consider the signs Jupiter is transiting, any less than fortunate outcomes are likely to be experienced through its interactions with the signs, the rest of the transiting planets, as well as the contents of one's chart. 

In a similar fashion, I have observed Venus transits in both myself as well as others over time. In one case, someone began a romantic relationship as a result of transiting Venus in conjunction with their natal Venus in Pisces. Some several months later the couple were expecting a baby. On the other hand, someone with Venus in Aries only received a bottle of cheap booze as a gift as a result of this transit.

Keep in mind these are just examples and should not be considered astrological gospel. Things are more complex than the images I've presented in broad strokes. Even so, I consider this article necessary not only for occultists who want to plan their rituals to deal with their wants and needs while considering transits, but also for regular folk who might want to have more insight into what the future may bring.

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