Thursday, August 1, 2024

Yet some priests work for the people

...and not for others' interests, as is the case around here (and I suspect elsewhere as well).

The guy with the cross in his hands in the above photo is Teodosie, the Archbishop of Tomis, Dobrogea region, Romania. For more than a few years now he's been targeted by the authorities (both state and church) and media around here because he doesn't want to fall in line with the local church and their antics.

Despite having been ridiculed publically time and again for his nature of saying what's on his mind and doing whay he thinks is right in accordance to the gospel, from both a religious and mundane perspective, the man went ahead to do his duty. As such, he recently performed a religious sermon to call on rain. The sermon was done on the feast of Saint Elijah, who in local tradition is celebrated on July 20 and is said to bring rain. Being in mid hot and dry season and given a lot of farm land around here lacks (proper) irrigation, his gesture is to be applauded. Instead, he received even more ridicule and criticism from the press and public.

The latest ridicule in this case revolved around the fact the guy in question did a religious sermon to call on rain when the forecast announced rain in the next few days. This is because a couple of local occultists had already taken care of that, but the thing is people in general don't know how spells work and for that I direct them to Words.

Nevertheless, his gesture is a good example to follow, but also a great lesson for those involved in the occult. Not only does he not care of what others say, something many magicians out there should consider, he also works for the common good.

I'm not saying magicians should come out in the open with their work, but that in the occult environment many are afraid to speak their mind out of fear of being ridiculed by their peers, especially self-important, self-righteous, self-proclaimed experts. On the other hand, since practicing occultists have been bestowed with certain powers compared to others, even if those powers are solely to call on otherworldly forces to do the work and they've done a great deal of work for that themselves, they should consider giving back, even by putting effort towards improving someone else's life, if not for a larger part of the population.

And another thing, in regards to how spells work, especially when casting against the natural energetic tide. The more people cast towards a certain goal, the better the chances to succeed. In this case, the priest dude's sermon acted by reinforcing our previous efforts.

I am not religious, let alone dogmatic. I have had my fair share of contradictions with the priestly kind, both local Orthodox and others in regards to cosmology, religious teachings, etc. I do not want to influence people either way, towards or away from the church, regardless of their faith.

I simply want to give credit where credit is due and it's nice to see at least one religious figure with spiritual power is lending a hand to us laymen for bringing much needed rain and coolness. And it helped a great deal, so thank you, priest dude!

If you live in my neck of the woods, you too can lend a hand, otherwise you bring rain and coolness to your own land by performing this simple working.

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