Monday, February 5, 2024

Mars the healer

Yes, I know! Mercury is well known for healing and the Sun is good for health! But why Mars?

Yes, I also know there's a Martian pentacle in the KoS that's said to be good for healing and I've used it quite successfully at times. Note that I've made it during an auspicious Martian election, not "in the planetary day and hour during a waxing lunar phase" (regardless of other, more important considerations).

But I'm not referring to that pentacle!

What I'm referring to is based on my lengthy experiments over a considerable time, some that had found their way into my late Mundane Body Magick, a book that will never see the light of day again because reasons. This one is one of those experiments that have proven their success time and again, especially when performed during proper times. Now, I do realize emergencies can occur at times Mars is afflicted, but I've got a substitute force in those cases although I'm not going to address that now.

Last week I seemed to have caught a cold. More like a flu, actually. Besides aches, chills and tiredness I also had a runny nose and I hate it when that happens. As a result I blasted myself with Mars, commanding the spirits to "destroy and eliminate any and all pathogens from my body" (without harm and so on). No elixir, no talisman, no pentacle, no more Mr. Nice Guy!

Mars was exalted and culminating and there was a waning lunar phase. The waning phase is good for getting rid of stuff and Mars is by definition a force that destroyes, disrupts, dismantles and divides. Additionally, my reasoning is that the immune system is made of warrior cells and Mars is everything to do with warriors, so having this force embolden, strengthen and infuriating my own warrior cells to fight the virus was a no brainer.

I did the ritual in the morning and by evening I felt more stamina, whereas the previous evening I quickly became overwhelmed by exhaustion. A couple of days later I was back to being my old self and only had to cough out whatever icky mucus had drained into my bronchial tubes and stuff like that. I only took some vitamin C as medicine.

Mars, vigila! Mars, Ultor!

PS: my Mars working for protection also contains details for healing purposes.


  1. How would one do it now that Mars is no longer in Capricorn?

  2. Same as usual only Mars is less powerful atm

  3. Same as usual only Mars is less powerful atm
