Monday, October 2, 2023


Mars is currently in exile in Libra and thus it's very weak, but it's getting closer to becoming super strong in Scorpio. The downside is that it'll be combust for much of the time it'll spend in Scorpio. Therefore, despite the fact it'll greatly overpower the Sun, it's combustion will make its energies erratic. Just wanted to remind people of this in case anyone's thinking of contacting their personal pentacle maker (who in many cases has no clue of astrology) and asking for a Martian pentacle.

The good thing is Mars will be cazimi towards the end of Scorpio, which is a very good thing. One should take advantage of this (if their geographical location allows for Mars cazimi to be rising or culminating at the time).

Venus, however will be very strong in Libra at the time, this year unimpeded by combustion.


  1. Hey Alex, angels are thought of as benevolent spirits who, according to some occultists, flat out refuse to curse targets because it goes against their will. When the subject of spirits being able to perform the opposite of what they are known for comes up, they assert that Raphael refuses to curse someone with an illness although they never provide a testimony. Is this true? I don't believe that because Shem angels have been known to bless, heal, and curse. Why should the Biblical angels, such as Raphael and Michael, be any different? They assert that Samael will only punish abusers if we are right because angels have the highest sense of good and wrong, in contrast to, say, Greek Gods, who lack such a sense.

    2nd, is it always the case that curses work best when the aspect is most afflicted or do they also work when the aspect is strong?

  2. The angels in execute God's will and sometimes they will perform acts that are considered curses, as presented in the bible. By using techniques that grant you god-like authority you order them to do your will and so they cannot say no to performing a curse.

    When casting curses one should look for tensed aspects since their energy is conflictual. The tighter those tensed aspects, the better.

  3. I was under the impression that mars benefits from combustion, or was that applying to only being under the Sun's beams?
