Monday, June 24, 2024

Another sixteenth mansion talisman

This is now the third article about the sixteenth lunar mansion. I keep posting lunar mansions elections whenever I come across them because they cam be hard to come across. Or, whenever you come across them you're likely to wait for a while before actually getting to take advantage of the timing.

This past weekend was splendid in this respect, as I've come across too awesome elections for both the sixteenth mansion and Spica, both in the same day. The mansion elections was with the Moon rising and Spica had the Moon culminating.

I made three of each and kept one of each to myself while giving one of each to two others. Funny thing is that one of those two received a local 50 the next day from a complete stranger who asked her to use that money to buy something to eat and drink to honor his dead parents. In my case there was increased customer activity. I have yet to learn what the third recipient of the talismans experienced so far. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Open the flood gates

This year the summer heat struck in force earlier than before. I usually do some woowoo for tweaking local summer weather in May, but this year I've been busy last month (smiting fools). 

I had no choice but to do it last week. The results were quick and formidable, as you can see in this link - run translation. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Be truthful to your woowoo person!

This past weekend I met a local woowooist for the second time in person. I had met Frater Iustin for the first time the previous weekend. Both times we've alcoholized ourselves a bit and talked a lot about woowoo, something I enjoyed a great deal since it's practically the first time I've been able to talk face to face with another practitioner. He's a great guy and I think you'll find his Resurse Hermetice blog very insightful when it comes to various occult themes, but you'd have to run a translation. You'll also find the link to the right of the page.

Among the many occult related topics we discussed, we found a lot to chat about in regards to magical services and anything related to them. We whole-heartedly agreed upon a mandatory condition customers must accept and comply to, namely telling the truth.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

More on the temple

Another concern I've encountered in online occult discussions concerns the lighting within the temple.

The very first book I read about magical practice is Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki's Ritual Magic Workbook. And yes, I do read at times, especially during my early years of practice, even though I hate doing it. Anyway, I was but a noob at the time and I found that book to be outstanding. Nowadays I only find it ok, but nonetheless a good source for general beginners work, especially for those who want to walk the path of self initiation. While I'm sure they will find and use more solid material for that purpose in time, I consider this book to be a great start.

The author does a good job detailing on temple requirements for various rites and rituals, including seasonal workings. If I remember correctly, since I haven't read it in almost ten ten years, it also speaks of temple lighting. I can't quite remember that part so I will refrain from presenting false information, but you're free to look it up for yourself if you so choose.