Saturday, June 8, 2024

Be truthful to your woowoo person!

This past weekend I met a local woowooist for the second time in person. I had met Frater Iustin for the first time the previous weekend. Both times we've alcoholized ourselves a bit and talked a lot about woowoo, something I enjoyed a great deal since it's practically the first time I've been able to talk face to face with another practitioner. He's a great guy and I think you'll find his Resurse Hermetice blog very insightful when it comes to various occult themes, but you'd have to run a translation. You'll also find the link to the right of the page.

Among the many occult related topics we discussed, we found a lot to chat about in regards to magical services and anything related to them. We whole-heartedly agreed upon a mandatory condition customers must accept and comply to, namely telling the truth.

In "Getting down and dirty: Astrology and love spells" from Asteria 2 I addressed people withholding details and having ulterior motives. I also spoke of the need for people to be truthful when it comes to asking a magical practitioner for help, especially in relationship related matters. It was a pleasure to hear Iustin is of the same opinion and the examples he provided pointed to someone with more than enough experience in occult commerce, so to speak. Couple that with the fact he's currently working in sales and thus with people, whereas I used to work in that field as well, and you get the picture we were on the same page.

Occult services are a delicate field. One one hand the clients are usually skeptical, since they usually have no idea how these things work or if they even work. Very often only those who are desperate will spend their money on something they have little faith in. The reverse applies as well, as some believe things to work as depicted in all sorts of stories, folk tales, movies, etc. They are usually highly gullible and many will keep seeing results that aren't there in order not to shatter their beliefs, but some can and will make a fit if things don't work out rhe way they imaged, or as fast as they wanted. 

On the other hand, some have studied this field and even practiced to some degree. In this instance, many are prone to spam the person whose help they had sought with a barrage of questions based on their poor understanding of genuine material, or their good understanding of all sorts of fluff. Such questions act by diverting the practitioner's attention from the cause they were asked to address. In some cases, the client thinks they know better and if the magician doesn't end it then and there, may even do things on their own. This can often result in their situation worsening, in which case they'd likely blame the magician.

Given the aforementioned reasons, it is imperative that any client not withhold any information, even if it puts them in a bad light. I myself don't judge a potential client for asking whatever it is they want, but merely point out some things are far less likely to manifest than others. In some cases continuous work over a considerable time is necessary and even then it's an uphill battle that may end in failure.

For example, a lady who sought my help some time ago for issues at work admitted she wouldn't mind if the person causing them would drop dead. I told her this could prove highly improbable due to various highly complex reasons. Then she sent me many long voice messages explaining the situation in minute detail. A few days ago she contacted me after a few months to thank me again for having acted on that person and how it turned out. The spirits I sent for that should be thanked instead, but I chose them based on the situation the lady described since I thought they were the best for the job I had in mind.

Regardless of that, clients are to know it's in their interest to come clean and offer as many details of their situation as possible to help the magician improve it.

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