Sunday, June 2, 2024

More on the temple

Another concern I've encountered in online occult discussions concerns the lighting within the temple.

The very first book I read about magical practice is Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki's Ritual Magic Workbook. And yes, I do read at times, especially during my early years of practice, even though I hate doing it. Anyway, I was but a noob at the time and I found that book to be outstanding. Nowadays I only find it ok, but nonetheless a good source for general beginners work, especially for those who want to walk the path of self initiation. While I'm sure they will find and use more solid material for that purpose in time, I consider this book to be a great start.

The author does a good job detailing on temple requirements for various rites and rituals, including seasonal workings. If I remember correctly, since I haven't read it in almost ten ten years, it also speaks of temple lighting. I can't quite remember that part so I will refrain from presenting false information, but you're free to look it up for yourself if you so choose.

At any rate, various self-proclaimed whatnots stress on particular details relating to this topic. The temple should have such and such candles of such a number that should be the sole source of light and so on. While this may be useful for various mystical workings, I don't see it necessary for magical rituals aimed towards generating change in the mundane.

It's true a darker room helps one quiet their mind, meditate or focus better. Light can be distracting after all and artificial light can also tire one's eyes. So since one's physical senses are best to be reduced during ritual in order for the person to be better able to use their psychic ones, a dimmer light in the temple is more practical. But again, this applies best for things like pathworking or getting a familiar spirit and all that, scyring or conjuring spirits into "physical" appearance (just for the sake of it) included.

For rituals where spirits are conjured to make XYZ happen for one's self or in one's environment there is no need to be able to "see" or "hear" them. The same applies for sensing their presence. Such rituals can often be done on a short notice depending on the person's immediate needs and it may often happen he or she cannot wait for nightfall. Some people don't even have thick curtains in the room they perform their rituals. Others may even venture to a secluded place outside during daytime and I've come across a few such cases over time.

Those who look up auspicious astrological elections for their work know very well such times can occur at any moment throughout the day. It can happen very early in the morning, midday, late in the evening or late into the night. It may also happen pressing mundane issues prevent people from preparing their ritual rooms in advance for these workings and thus they may not be able to cover the windows for a ritual during the day. Even so, good results might follow.

In conclusion, if you're not able to undergo your usual practice sessions or perform specific rituals in a dark room lit solely by candlelight, no problem!

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