Friday, December 23, 2022

Yule Goat gift

Her Cutsiefulness strikes again! A few days ago everyone's favorite woowoo and energy worker texted me something about having sent me a magical Saturnalia present via the Yule Goat. Being so adorable, she made it seem like it's no biggie although yours truly was awestruck by her ever so amazing gesture. She told me to go out and about and await for it to hit me, so I did.

The actual manifestation of the gift is a pure lesson on how magick works and I will go ahead and relate the entire story with every little detail so people would get an idea of how the universe is being bent at times like these. I've already given a detailed example in the article on Hecate, but Her Cutsiefulness deserves her own article because she's way up there with the divine. I'm saying this because unlike the majority of occultists who borrow from "the beyond", Her Cutsiefulness has her own innate superpowers (which makes one wonder why she'd be hanging out with the likes of me).

Yesterday was not a good day for me. I had to go around town doing lots of time and energy consuming stuff and then I went to visit my folks although for the purpose of sorting out some difficult issues since we've experienced tensions within our close circles. All that stuff only had me wanting for the day to be over as quickly as possible. As I was walking towards my folks' building entrance I saw a bearded guy in my peripheral vision approaching the same entrance. As I was awaiting for the elevator I heard him entering the building and a few seconds later I heard a voice saying "Alex?"

I instantly recognized his voice and without even turning I said "Cosmin?" The guy is the youngest son of one of mother's best friends, a lady who lives a floor below my mother's. His older brother is one of my old junkie buddies and we used to smoke weed together at least once a day on a daily basis back in the day. After a brief but cheerful exchange of greetings and all that he told me his brother is also due to arrive and he'd be willing to send him up to my folks' place to greet me if I'm ok with it. I was super excited since I hadn't seen him in ages and five minutes later the guy showed up at the door being all merry. We went outside to catch up for a few minutes since he had told me he's in a hurry because his family are going to a larger family reunion and then said he's sad he can't smoke some weed with me because of that. I wasn't expecting him to say that, just to greet him and so forth and was like "yeah, no problem, I'm sure we'll be meeting again soon." Then we both went to our respective apartments.

But less than five minutes later the guy showed up at the door again and told mother he forgot to tell me something serious and said he wanted us to go to a nearby restaurant for a drink to discuss whatever serious matter he was alluding to. We went out and he immediately started grinning saying they will depart for that reunion a bit later and we still have time for sum bud. So we went for a walk around the block passing the joint and drinking some hot latte.

That weed was the best thing that could've happened to me yesterday since it washed up all the stress and tension I had been piling up inside! And it's all Her Cutsiefulness' doing! And I'm ever so grateful for her present so this article is part of my present for her. More presents will follow because she deserves to be spoiled!

Better still, I'm now in a position to become acquainted with the guy's dealer, someone I used to know back in the day as well so at least I can trust the guy a bit more than the rest of them potential providers I don't trust at all. And the stuff is cheap! So this is like a gift within a gift within a gift! And talk about checks on Earth, my junkie buddy looks like a blonde version of Baphomet (and Her Cutsiefulness did say she send me a present via the Yule Goat) so that's more than enough proof her woowoo is off the charts!

Thank you, muñeca! XOs!

PS: she wants her toy back so it better return itself to her pronto!

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