Sunday, March 27, 2022

Solar exercise

The Sun is currently exalted in Aries as many occultists out there should know and it's not as such because precession (or procession, to quote some wannabe bigshot dork). It is also in its triplicity and thus it is even more powerful. Within a few days it will enter its decan and it's power will grow a bit more.

Therefore, I propose the following exercise in which the person actively works with the energies of the Sun (because contrary to what some fuckheads say, celestial energies do affect life on Earth and I'm not solely referring to solar radiation). The exercise is quite simple, can basically be done at any time and requires no tootls or fetishes or whatever, but one can make use of whatever paraphernalia they fancy. It should obviously be performed when it's sunny outside and if a cloud happens to block out sunlight after you've started you can do #4 until it passes or end the whole thing depending on circumstances.

1. On a Sunday when the Sun is on the Midheaven (because exaltation - see here) you are to face the solar disk. It's best to have your abdomen uncovered or at least the area of your solar plexus. If you can do it skyclad, even better. Keep your eyes open or closed depending on your preferences (and wearing shades would be recommend). 

2. Visualize your solar plexus opening and receiving solar energies. You can visualize them in the form of a beam or golden light (yellow, orange or even pink) or in whichever way you fancy. 

3. Inhale and visualize your solar plexus drawing in more solar energies. Exhale and visualize those solar energies spreading throughout your body as if you are inflating yourself with them. With every breath spread those energies more thoroughly. Get them to the tip of your toes, to your butt crack, your armpits, the back of your head, all your organs, etc. As you're doing rhis imagine all the nasty energetic goo oozing out of you through your skin and being burned away.

4. Continue #3 until you feel you are full. When that happens you can either end it or continue to contemplate the energies inside you by observing if you feel any changes or sensations in certain areas. A tingling sensation should be the most common although others might also arise. If so, keep that in mind or write it down as those areas might need further investigation later on. Not that you'd be sick in whatever part of the body you feel anything, but it's a sign there was an energetic imbalance there.

5. Your done. Do as you please.

Besides the obvious purpose of charging one's self with higly potent solar energies and possibly identifying sensitive spots of the not so pretty kind inside of you, this exercise can also be used to improve your self as a whole. Draw in the energies and imagine them increasing your confidence or your overall image, for instance. Draw them in and direct them to areas that are or have been affected by health issues and imagine them acting towards healing those spots. I'm sure you can come up with more purposes. 

If your environment allows you can burn some frankincense while doing this. You can also light a candle should you want although I see no reason for that. Recite the Orphic hymn to the Sun before you start or use something the likes of these solar calls while adapting them to your needs, and so forth. 

Now, you can technically do this every day when the Sun is on the MC, but I said Sunday because the energies of the day are way more in tune with those of the Sun, obviously. And for all ye wannabe whatnots that advocate for the day AND hour, keep in mind the Sun is not on the MC during its second hour on a Sunday for many people out there due to season and latitude. 

For example, if you live close to the 45* parallel in the northern hemisphere like me, the second hour of the Sun on a Sunday finds the Sun somewhere in the area of the sky corresponding to the ninth house this time of year. What do we know about the ninth house? Besides the fact it's the House of God where the Sun rejoices according to the ancients, it's also a cadent house meaning we can't do much with any energies that act through there because they're out of our reach for the most part. A simplistic comparison would be, based on this example, you can't reach God that easily (no matter how great of a wannabe you want to come across).

So next time you're sunbathing know you can do some magical work as well besides getting that pretty tan you're aiming for. The vest part is you don't have to be involved in the occult to do this, let alone be some kind of bigshot magicianist.

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo


  1. I would like to ask you one q about astrological house?
    If i got a weak moon in astrological house and i want the moon to at least minglate the effect do you call the Angel of Astrological House or do you call the Moon entities to make the situation better?
    I mean i guess i should call the Angel of coresponding Astrological House since it s the Zodiac Sing that is preventing the Moon to be better?

    I guess you can also use the Sun for Power of Acquiring Wealth at the date you mentioned here?

  2. For a weak Moon I would work with the Moon, but from a different perspective and I talk about how in here

    Yea you could use this for that power although I am quite positive it will work far less effectively on the outside world. Instead, I would use it from a microcosmic perspective and do it to help me acquire the knowledge and skills required to obtain wealth by taking appropriate action in the macrocosm later on.

  3. About Sun example how would I make charge for changing Microcosmos !
    I tought Moon rules stuff like skill or Mercury?
    Or I make a charge like "Bring me skills,college,knowledge that will bring me relative whealth"
    I tought those entity have a greater effect on material world in time above mentioned.

    For example I m interested in Chemistry and could Sun help me to get skills to be good at Chemistry or to get to Chemistry college!

  4. It would only be things over which the Sun has power, which in this case you mentioned wealth. There'd be no charge. You'd only be visualizing the solar energies filling you and then transferring knowledge of how to acquire welath into your sphere of sensation.

  5. I thought you need entities for a powerful effect but I get ,thanks

  6. Will the Sun be strong tommorow?I mean will it at least be neutral?

  7. It will and will remain as such until such time it leaves Aries.
