Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Day and hour, you say?!

You can easily judge the level of ignorance in the occult by observing people's level of reluctance to accept, and later to adopt even to a degree, new information that is likely to improve their results. Most of the time this happens because many of them are too busy swallowing the teachings of know-it-alls by the bucketful. More importantly, those know-it-alls are the ones who are actually reluctant in regards to new information, but in their case it's because any new information that doesn't come from them puts them in a bad light in the eyes of their followers and that is something that can affect them financially later on.

And, of course, many know-it-alls teach people to perform planetary rituals in the day and hour of the planet of choice because such and such old grimoires say that. On top of that, they teach people that because that's how they do it. While there's little wrong here aside from an ever so visible spark of the Vice of Tiphareth, the know-it-alls in question are responsible for depriving others from knowledge that, if put to good use, can make the difference between a so-so result and the complete manifestation of one's initial desire - the one you construct your intent for, but the same know-it-alls teach intent is not important.

Planetary times do bare their own importance and we've discussed them in great detail in Asteria. They represent days that are attuned to the energies of each particular planet and in the case of the hours, times throughout the day the energies of each respective planet are more intense than those of all others. While it makes perfect sense to perform a planetary ritual in the day and in the hour of the planet of choice in order to benefit from an increased amount of energies suited for your ritual, it often happens that the planet of choice itself is located in a part of the sky that makes it's energies hard to work with. That is to say, while its spirits would come to the call, anything they'd manifest would either happen at a slow pace or in ways that don't actually help the person who conjured them and out them to work.

We also talked about the angles and the different types of houses in Asteria and they're also discussed in Asteria 2. In short, the angular houses are the most powerful in manifesting planetary energies, the succedent require more effort, while the cadent have it hard to manifest at all or do it in ways people can't use. So if you plan your ritual in the right day and hour yet the planet is in a cadent house, it's highly likely you've wasted time and effort. Instead, since you went through a great deal to plan the ritual in the appropriate day, you'd be doing yourself a favor if you'd do it in an hour when the planet is in an angular house or, even better, on an angle - ASC, MC, DSC, IC, in that order. Or, you could plan the ritual on a different day yet in the hour of the planet of choice, if that planet happens to be on an angle or at least in an angular house during that hour. 

As an example, I remember some six years back when I had just started conjuring spirits and I did a Jupiter ritual for abundance. Jupiter was in Libra at that time, something which should represent nothing for people who are making solar products for clients while the Sun in in Aquarius despite being told about it. Regardless, I could only do the ritual at night and it just so happened Jupiter was located in a cadent house, the sixth. 

The ritual happened to work, but it did so in ways I disliked. People seemed to come out of the woodwork to offer me all sorts of presents consisting of stuff I didn't need, stuff that I didn't like, or stuff that broke within a short amount of time. And this went on for a while until the effects of the ritual wore off. Yea, I should've definitely worked on my statement of intent at the time and I did so later on, but the ritual happened to take place with Jupiter in a succedent house. I started receiving calls for small jobs and commissions, but most of them were highly annoying to me in regards to the actions I was to perform and the amount of time it took. In short, too much effort and stress for too little money. And yes, intent is important - see Magic Words.

Later on I started to get a hang of this astro stuff more and I started planning my rituals with greater care. Even so, I could not perform rituals at the times I found more appropriate because I don't have the luxury of staying home all the time, unlike others who do so and who insist on being ignorant of such things despite in theory being able to work at very auspicious times way more often than me. At one time I had no choice but to work with Jupiter while it was on the ASC yet square the Moon. I'm sure even the know-it-alls are aware the Moon is channeling and reflecting all other celestial energies although there's some know-it-alls out there who "don't believe celestial energies affect life of Earth" - red flags to fans and clients! Anyway, the result was money went as soon as it came and the more money I got the more I had to spend due to different circumstances that felt the need to manifest alongside the money. I had an overabundance of food because of surprise gifts and such and some of it got spoiled because it was impossible for me to eat more at any time.

Speaking of the Moon and hard aspects it's involved in, here's another example of ritual effects under Moon-Pluto square. Yes, yes, I know many people disregard the outer planets, especially know-it-alls, especially those who brag about following a certain tradition. But the fun fact is the ritual itself didn't call on the lunar forces. Instead, it called on those of the Earth element, but them know-it-alls should be able to tell you the Moon rules over the elemental realm. The ritual was performed for creating an elixir. The elixir delivered the expected effects, but the Moon-Pluto square manifested a side effect that had me experience unpleasant digestive issues for a few days after drinking it. But I'm digressing.

Bottom line is, don't stick to what you're being told by some alleged authority figure. That's all I had to say about working "in the day and hour" while stubbornly holding on to a high amount of ignorance without letting go. For now.

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo


  1. When Saturn square Neptun does Neptun sooth the effect of Saturn?

    If someone got a planet in a favourable house but in a weak zodiac sing can they still manifest good results?

  2. I wouldn't say a square between Saturn and Neptune soothes the effect of Saturn. Instead I'd say it irritates and confuses it.

    In short, less probable because the signs act on both the planets and the houses and the planets act on the houses.

  3. Does Mars have favourable sings (strong will or energy)if it s in a good position like Scorpio?

    I tought Neptune is a positive since its associations ?

  4. All planets have both favourable and unfavorable influences. It's natural for them to manifest the favorable ones more when they're in signs in which they feel good.

    If you're referring to the heavily simplified new agey stuff that's out there on Neptune, that's just an interpretation based on those people's expectations. There is not much known of the outer planets from an occult perspective (alleged authority figures disregard them based on their made up systems) and very few people have actually worked with them. Since we don't have a vast amount of data on them I think it's wise to consider them as being both benefic and malefic and try to avoid hard aspects to them in our work with planets regardless of the system were using because the planets themselves don't care how you're calling on their spirits and it's not like a certain planet will stop influencing those whose systems don't recognize it.

    And the square between Saturn and Neptune has passed a few years ago. I think you're actually referring to the ongoing sextile between them. In this case Neptune will act on helping Saturn and vice versa, regardless of how you're using those energies.
