Monday, March 14, 2022

Compatibility case study

In my article "Getting down and dirty: Astrology and love spells" from Asteria Unveiled, I first addressed the need for one to study the natal charts of the person they're interested in as well as their own. Or the chart of the client and that of the target, in case of all you money grabbing magicianists out there who want to score a quick buck by doing love spells for people on specific targets.

There is a reason I addressed that in the beginning and you can find more about it by reading that article. The article itself also contains a case study that can come across as livid for many, but it needed to make its way into the book to show more ugly sides of relationships since the aspect in particular is mostly discussed as being generally good for sex. I'm talking about modern astrology forums and such, not by occultists, because the latter are either too busy building a know-it-all facade, chastizing people, making fools of themselves without knowing it, all of the aforementioned and much more, and so on and so forth.

This article offers a case study so that anyone who's read and will read that article from the book will have a practical 101 on this stuff in regards to their initial goal. It would've made the perfect example for the article in the book but alas, I only came in possession of this information right after the book was published.

A guy was fond of a girl and he could only provide me with her birth data without her birth hour so I could only observe so much of their synastry. Their charts showed an intoxicating amount of sexual attraction between them and there'd be a risk of it going very toxic if either or both of them could not be on top of things. But the guy wanted to know more in-depth things about her and I could only provide them once I got her birth hour.

While the out-of-this-world juju is there, there's certain obstacles they'd have to overcome if they are to be involved in a relationship, especially a more serious one. While he's aware of his shit thanks to yours truly, she's been a mystery so far and this new data should allow him to assess the situation more easily and to judge what's best for him. This is because things don't look so bright for him in the long run in the event they'd ever form a stable couple.

The immediate danger is her Chiron placement in the seventh house and you can find more about this in the Chiron book, alongside a ritual template that would allow you to work with Chiron. Couple that with the stuff I present in The Magick of Astrorelationships and this setback should be dealt with quite easily and somewhat rapidly in terms of manifesting the changes into reality. 

In short, this placement can make one desire a relationship badly while at the same time they can feel an excruciating pain when it comes to actually starting a relationship and being in one. Moreover, the native is likely to want to only be with certain types and overlook others even if the latter come begging. This is regardless of how those others look like and how they are as people.

Another issue would be her Black Moon Lilith on the Ascendant. While this placement usually gives the native huge amounts of personal magnetism that blow away all those who become entrapped by its tremendous intensity, it can manifest highly problematic for the native themselves. Keep in mind I'm referring to both macro and microcosmic sides of a placement and in this case I'm talking about the microcosmic ones.

In short, a native with this placement can project the way they come across into one-on-one interactions. This would make them come across as shallow to those who interact with them more closely, but at the same time the native can perceive themselves as coming across as they are when they're interacting more closely. Regardless of whether you got this the first time or not, I suggest you look up the Lilith article in Asteria Unveiled to understand more about such phenomenon.

Speaking of which, and this is mostly off topic, some second rate simpleton recently told me I'm projecting my arrogance. Or something like that. I haven't read his entire le comment and so he ended up on the "idjit list". FYI, you hypocrite, I wasn't projecting my arrogance, I was holding it back because I would've wasted my energy even showing a tiny spek of it to you because you're not worth it. I'm showing a bit of it here and it should be enough.

And funny you should speak about projecting when it's likely you know very little about that stuff either, if anything.  Saying this because I'm all too well familiar with it due to my Sun-BML conjunction. Now this is far beyond you so take it or leave it, but if someone who's got such a placement manages to "get it" then they'd be able so sense shit in others those people might not even be aware. And most of the time it happens to be true and the degree of accuracy can be annoyingly precise. But besides giving you a slight hint of what I'm sensing of you by saying you're (unconsciously) seeking approval from others upon making statements, I will refrain from going further into it. You're a bigshot, figure it out yourself. If "your system" allows you to, that is. Which would make me try to figure out what system that is to begin with because so far I've merely seen a display of bastardization of an old systema on your behalf based on your personal beliefs. But never mind that, back to my arrogance.

Funny how someone like me with absolutely nothing in Leo can have an ego like I do and an arrogance to match, especially since my natal Sun is peregrine and highly afflicted. Don't bother reading my book on relationships or getting my stuff on fixing natal retrogrades or my Magic Words (they all worked together for this) to catch a glimpse of how I did it, but at least read my article on the twelfth house from Asteria 2 because it might be of help to you. But anyway, someone we know boasts of being a "triple Leo" and if there even were such a thing, then I'd be a "triple Leo" to the "triple Leo" power in regards to arrogance. And pride on top of that. And I don't even have to live in the jungle, or the savanna for that matter (wink). But I'm not wasting that energy by using it on you because to me you're a nobody, stuck in your little bubble trying to look important as a result of allegedly knowing stuff while I'm way out there uncovering new stuff that systems like "your own" have to adapt to. 

So do yourself a favor and keep stirring the pot clockwise in the day and hour of Mercury with Mercury peregrine and combust and, to give you a taste of your own medicine, don't try to come off as knowledgeable in areas you know nothing about because you're gonna get a whoopin. And I'm pretty sure you're gonna creep around here reading this sooner or later just like I'm pretty sure I'd find out sooner or later if you'd stop being a wannabe posing as a whatever and labeling people's experimental and innovative work based on your narrow-minded views.

Moving on. Since I've spoken of the twelfth house in regards to the second rate simpleton, this is where things get tricky in the long run for the guy I was initially referring to. The girl in question has her North Node there meaning life will keep directing her towards those themes. I've detailed on the twelfth house themes in the book so go check that up if you're interested. In another, apparently unrelated article I've also mentioned how life keeps directing people based on their lunar nodes placements and the more NN themes they embrace the less SN themes are being presented to them. In this case, loss of health issues and physical suffering in general would be welcomed, but loss of job (for good, because reasons) would not - unless you marry a rich billionaire who's keeping you (locked inside the) home (and coupled with the twelfth house theme you'd start feeling like a prisoner there). 

With this in mind our guy has plenty to think about. Now, he could say "fuck it" and give it a shot for a long term relationship, but he'd have a hell of a lot of work to do even if he's got most of my stuff and would benefit from my help and assistance in the process. This is because, for the effects of my natal retro fixing thing (which can also be used for non retro natal stuff too) to generate close to optimal results, one would have to make use of the stuff from my relationships book and apply them on a single person, in this case the girl in question. Needless to say, much work would lie ahead and it would span over a considerable time. 

So although I may not be some high&mighty wannabe arrogant dork out there posing as a know-it-all, I outclass them by far in terms of practical experience and innovation. And I'm not saying this to boast because I know more than a few people who've been chastised by this kind of occult false prophet who know way more magix than they do. And in the words of Forrest Gump, that's all I have to say about that.

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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