Saturday, February 12, 2022


This is going to be the last post of its kind because it's getting pretty silly for me to celebrate getting an all-time record number of viewers that others get in one month. Or even less than what others get in one month. But again, I didn't expect this blog would go this far back when I started it.

All I can do is to thank you all who've looked it up and to keep posting stuff you'll find interesting and most importantly, stuff that'll help you improve your techniques and get better results. The planetary talisman experiment series (the Moon article is linked and you'll find the links to all others in there) is still workable for the most part in terms of the elections I've proposed, but you can make those talismans later on at times when the planets are strong. You can also use the elections for other kinds of planetary rituals.There will probably be some more articles in which I'll be making fun of certain occultists if the situation calls for it, but only if it calls for it. And anyway, those kinds of articles are more of a constructive criticism type of fun because they provide useful details and all that for the people in question. Or at least they offer hints towards useful details and those occultist would have to do their own work and research.

Since the new book is around 75% done and we've started going at it again as of recently after a few months hiatus, I will likely post another teaser article about it within a few days or so. I was thinking of adding a screenshot to the table of contents, but then I realized the order the articles are currently in will probably suffer some modifications along the way. And yes, as I've said before, this book consists of standalone articles that target specific topics, some of them being more or less related to others. The underlying theme is the intertwining between astrology and magick, but there will also be some theoretical bits that seek to raise questions and to generate a greater focus on the topics they address for the purpose of achieving eventual improvement.

So far we're nearing the end if the text editing part and I'm OCD-ing a bit to make sure the consistency is good all-around and all that. Then the final page formatting will be done and in some places that's a bit tricky because yours truly here has gone a bit insane on making tables and some of those tables prove to be a bitch when it comes to making them fit the damn page. They have their purpose though and I'm sure those interested in the topic covered by the article those many tables are part of will find them handy. 

This article is turning out longer than what I initially wanted to write so I will close it right after this reminder that you can hit me up if you want to advertise your merchandise or services on this blog and you'll find more details in here. Someone suggested I add a "buy me a coffee" button too and I'm giving it a thought although I can't find the damn option for it or any technical details on how to do it. So far I could only find it only applies to WordPress blogs, but I could slap a link to my paypal somewhere and say "buy me a soda" because I don't drink coffee. But I have no idea whether I will actually do it or when so it doesn't really matter.

Anyway, thank you again for looking up this blog! Whether you've ended up here by accident and left right away or you stuck around and read through the good, bad and ugly stuff going on in here, I thank you nonetheless! I also want to thank Scott for having linked it to his blog last year because that kicked up the number of viewers! I also thank Señor Shaman and Mr. Farrell for having shared it to their blog and social media, respectively! And Pumpkin for having shared it on her wall!

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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