Saturday, January 16, 2021

Attention occult customers!!!

The occult world does not lack demand of occult services for a wide variety of purposes. Whether someone wants to get rich and famous, date their one and only or simply bust a nut, unleash hell for their enemies, heal, you name it, many people out there are constantly seeking the services of various occult practitioners worldwide. This would be a good thing for the occult community, as a means to come out of the biased views many have towards this area, if it weren't for the fact many take advantage of their customers by demanding great amounts of money and offering pisspoor services.

More than once have I come across someone who told me they paid such and such occultist significant amounts of money without something as simple as an extra dollar in their pocket on payday manifesting. The occultist then demanded more money for various reasons, until such time the person lost their will to live and dropped their services.

Therefore, for some time now I have taken it upon myself to try to veer customers towards starting magical practice themselves and casting spells as they see fit, for whatever personal need arises. Many times I have received negative answers, with people demanding *I* cast for them, and even though in more than one case I explained to them it would be better off for them to do it, they simply refused to follow my recommendation. Not that I'm some distinguished authority figure in this field, but I've done more than a fair share of magical operations since I started doing it, sometimes even 4-5 times in the same day because the situation called for it. At most I've done almost 40 rituals in some 16 days or something like that - I'm still alive, ha!

My point is all of those magical operations have taught me a thing or two about how magick works, which is something you cannot learn from a grimoire, from online videos and groups, and so on. You can do in in *Scott's blog*, as the man is a genius and ever so willing to help out. But I'm sure even he is unable to cover every and all specific little detail that might arise depending on every situation a spell is cast for. Not that he doesn't know his magix, he's been working on some spectacular and groundbreaking *magical model* for some time now, but one has to apply their situation to the model itself.

As such, I think I am in a position to say most of the time it is best for someone to cast for themselves, based on their personal requirements and in accordance with their knowledge over the situation at hand. Many practitioner-client relations suffer from lack of understanding from one or both parts, not because the two individuals are stupid, but because either the occultist has trouble relating to the exact requirements of the client, or the latter is issue understanding what the former is telling them, as usually people know next to nothing about magick and have trouble wrapping their heads around certain words and concepts.

So, besides wasting their time and money paying some unknown person to save their day, regardless of whatever fame that person may have, it would be best for someone to simply start casting their own spells, get better in time and bring in their much desired results. This would be problematic because, for the most part, people out there instruct newbies to start doing such and such for such and such (many months) time and only then they can do magix. That may have been so in their cases, but they can do it much faster using my *Spirit conjuring class* - 37 days. By following the class they can conjure all sorts of spirits of many classes and direct them to make things happen! Also, by following *The Power of Asteria: Applied astrology for magic* any person can learn how to cast spells during auspicious times and avoid situations such as *this one* from happening for them. And then they can also read *this article* of mine so they'd have a better understanding on the fact even magix can fail, so they'd cease to believe it all works like in the movies.

A simple calculation would have any potential seeker of occult services pay $99 USD for the class and $25 USD (plus tax) for the book, instead of paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars right and left. The rest is, quoting from a meanie who's also a dear: "Redundant!"

Hate on, dum-dums!

The Great Gazoo

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