"The fool is not fool enough until he's also priggish" is an old Romanian saying.
Idk why dafuq I'm even bothering writing articles now that one of the pillars holding up the WMT has transcended beyond. But since my struggle in this lifetime is to make sense of mundane experiences from a certain point of view and master them, I'll move on (even reluctantly, and do my best to be my usual self).
Now that the whole US election thing is behind us, it seems like a good idea to bring to the forefront the most stupidest magical feat I've ever come across during my ten years of occult practice. I've seen a lot of dumb shit over time, but this must be the stupidest since it was the the sensational feat of one who expects to be considered an expert in more than one occult field. The individual in question has been involved in the occult for many more years than myself, which makes this even more laughable.
The day following the election a screenshot of a certain fb post was brought to my attention. Said post contained an individual's hopes for the upcoming election results. Since Nov 5 was on a Tuesday, and probably keeping in line with his own age old tradition of making offerings under Christmas lights to the appropriate planetary force of the day, the man also implied he'd rub a candle out to Mars for victory for his favorite candidate. I also think this falls in line with his usual virtue signaling and attention begging.
This is the same person who started a covert smearing campaign against Asteria 1 alongside his then BFF, saying he no believe energies from heavens affect life on Earth. And it showed!
(That campaign ended very quickly as far as I know due to his and his BFF's lack of knowledge on the subject.)
Not only does he no know another Romanian saying, "you can't fatten the pig on Christmas eve", by doing a (very lame) prayer to Mars when the probabilities of his imploring were next to impossible to manifest, he also no know how magix worx. This should disqualify him from ever lecturing others in a condescending, self-righteous way, as well as stop him from feeling entitled to be considered an expert. I'm sure it won't, which will enrich my amusement even more further on.
Moreover, it shows his complete and utter lack of astrological knowledge. If I were a self-proclaimed expert like him, in my case in the field of astrology, I'd ban him for life for blabbering about anything even tangentially associated with astrology, but I won't do that. I don't consider myself an expert and I keep telling people I'm no astrologer. However, despite knowing far more than him in regards to astro stuff, I'll allow him the freedom to even identify as an expert in this field if he so pleases. Even if he rubbed that candle so much, it broke!
Mars is weak at the moment! It was weak during election day as well, being slower than usual before the upcoming retro and, despite having been in a first degree at the time, it was peregrine. Jerking off candles in the day and hour wouldn't make much of a difference... If he had read Asteria past the introduction I'm sure he would've learned a thing or two, including certain other forces he could've used for manifesting his desires in this case (provided he worked at appropriate times beforehand).
Even so, casting a single spell with only a few hours before the pols closed and expecting to win considering the immense and obvious difficulties of influencing such a thing even with a proper barrage of powerful rituals done at favorable times and with appropriate forces is even dumber than fapping to a sigil hoping to get rich. Funny, the individual in question often makes fun of chaos people jerking off to sigils. Even funnier, so far I've not heard of any such chaos person breaking the sigil during the process...
But what would you expect from someone who says lions live in the jungle? *shrug*
I don't care about politics, either local nor foreign (I didn’t vote in my country's elections), but I think this individual deserves his candidate losing for his sheer magical ineptitude alone. Even more so, I think he'd best step aside assuming some kind of imagined role of a genuine Renaissance mage and stick to his cross-cultural whatnot. Btw, stupid, the cosmology is very different between the two systems you're trying to "marry" in an ever so tyrannical manner, no matter how much backing you may get from your order's retired Chief (if he'd even know of your actual work). I've heard you've managed to pass your ZAM grade, but that don't mean shit since so far you've done nothing for your junior peers, some of whom happened to have encountered me and ended up being lead towards someone who actually knows a lot of the actual traditional practices of the order you're posing as serving, in as so much of a public manner (you dumb fuck!).
I think it'd be best for him to stick to research and intellectual work in this field and leave the actual magical work for those who actually know what to do. Or, keep doing his whatchamacallit without labeling it a classic system and stop lecturing people about that classic system. Otherwise, he'll keep ending up in the position of a wannabe chef being roasted by Ramsay.
Off topic: there's a Romanian card game out there called popa prostu'.
Is this a specific American with long blonde hair who had a falling out with his best friend a few years ago?
ReplyDeleteYou mention here that there were other powers more potent than Mars on the day of the ritual, I assume they would be zodiacal as the signs are the most powerful and hence take the longest. What were the powers?
And yes, I agree that a single candle to Mars, even weaker Mars, is not gonna do jack shit against nationwide elections. My teacher Scott had to do an Enochian zodiacal political angel operation in 2020 for this and it worked perfectly.