Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Hunger games

I've uploaded quite a few articles over time in which I alluded to all sorts of creepy crawlies within the occult community. These varmins can be categorized into two sides.

One side consists of self-righteous, self-important, self-proclaimed expects whose condescending attitude towards those who want to learn and virtue signaling towards anyone they consider a threat are off the charts. The other is represented by two bit wannabes who flock together so their insignificant shouts become more audible. Lastly, there are those in between, who often show traits of and lean towards both sides in order to appease everyone, but who usually engage in both friendly and unfriendly interactions with them to suit their and their higher ups' needs. This third category is often the pool that feeds the lackeys surrounding both sides.

Regardless of side, their common denominator is an overwhelmingly palpable voracity for notoriety. Ultimately, this translates into income generated from occult activities.

Both sides usually consist of tight groups of people who elbow their way through occult crowds to stand out as being "someone important" and reach some imaginary top of the food chain status. Such a status would, in their mind, not only secure them an absolute authoritarian role, but also grant them the right to fiercely defend their position through whatever means and irrespective of any evidence provided against them, solid as it may be. 

The fact they're grouped together and also benefit from a crowd of poor souls who worship them unquestionably, probably as a means to gain a bit of notoriety as well. Said poor souls often bend over backwards to please those whom they humbly serve, going out of their way to publicly praise them with an apparent passion, but also acting as tools for them and attack other similar slimeballs (as well as regular folk, unfortunately).
All of this makes the aforementioned bloated figures a nuisance within an already filthy community. Note, I'm not referring to it as being filthy in a sexual way (although I could go off on a tangent and talk about alleged experts sexting with hot girls behind their wifes' backs).

Besides the usual methods of jackassery when dealing with regular folk on a one-on-one basis, these people often launch threats and smearing campaigns against both individuals and other groups of the kind. Whether it's to promote some lousy ten page toilet paper material "book" they loudly brag to have written or allegedly translated, push their so called original use of material that's been overly regurgitated throughout the past few decades, or shove shiny trinkets charged at godawful times down people's throats, they will go a long way to secure their role of supreme poodoo.

The funny thing is they're not safe from infighting. The top photo is a screenshot of a post I recently received. I don't know whether the person who made that post is or has been associated with one of these parasitic cells. By association I mean they have been on the same bandwagon before personal greed and ego triggered a falling out that ended in monkeys throwing feces at each other. What I do know is that such an outcome is inevitable irrespective of how much an impression of rainbows and unicorns these cliques make. Sooner or later someone will threaten and blackmail their "lifelong friend" to protect another "friend" or start mustering people against someone who dared to make the thousand and first (slightly different) translation of same text they themselves made the thousandth translation of.

Over time such groups will fragment because they can't contain their members' egos amymore. Or girth. Or both. They will reemerge with a more or less different composition of individuals, only to fragment again and so on. Observing this kind of fallout with everything it entails, from putrid stenches being unleashed against the other side to panicking poor souls desperately trying to figure out who's going to come out on top so they'd know who to back, can be mildly entertaining.

At any rate, do stay away from these cesspools.

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