Monday, September 9, 2024

Mercury in domicile and exalted

This election is best to be used for Mercury workings having a less than beneficial intent and I'll explain why shortly. There will be a few Mercury elections good for beneficial purposes during this transit, but I think I have yet posted a specific article covering an election that can be used for nastiness.

I'm sure quite a few people know Mercury is both in domicile and exalted in Virgo and this is what's happening these days. I assume not many know Mercury elections can be tricky, due to its constant close proximity to the Sun. Given Mercury will be under sunbeams, this election is not perfect, but Mercury overpowers the Sun a great deal nonetheless.

We see Mercury free of its retrograde shadow, thus at cruising speed. However, it is applying to an opposition to Saturn retrograde. While Mercury overpowers Saturn to a greater extent it does the Sun, the opposition itself still produces hindrance. Therefore, workings that produce entanglement, blockages, stagnation and so on in areas of life ruled by Mercury would be in order.

The waxing Moon in Aquarius is applying to a trine with Jupiter and later with Venus. Depending on your location, you may even get the Moon aided for your ritual. Check out Asteria to find out more on aid.

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